Federal Procurement Data System
Next Generation
May27, 2005
Version 1.2
Prepared by:
FPDS Reengineering Program Office
Office of Acquisition Policy
Office of Government-wide Policy
General Services Administration
Proprietary to GCEVersion 6.1
The FPDS-NG Mission
“We provide timely, accurate information about Federal Contracts to acquisition managers, Congress, and the public.
“We support government electronic procurement systems by providing web-based support services to maximize accuracy and minimize the total resource consumption in collecting the data.”
Proprietary to GCEVersion 6.1
GS00M03PDC0004Data Validations
Revision History
Version / Date Modified / Author / Description of Changes1.0 / 8/25/2003 / GCE/GSA / J5.2 – Added second paragraph: Data validation only applies to reportable data elements. Cross Validations apply only if both data elements are reportable.
1.0 / 8/25/2003 / GCE/GSA / Validations were updated for the following:
1A1 PIID Format
1A4 PIID and Source UserID
1B Modification Number
1C Referenced PIID
1D Transaction Number
1E1 Solicitation Identifier Format
1E2 Solicitation Identifier Pre-Award Solicitation Requirement
3A1 Ultimate Contract Value Format
3C4 Current Contract Value
4A1 Contracting Agency Code Lookup Table
4C1 Program/Funding Agency Code FIPS 95 Lookup Table
8A1 Product or Service Code Lookup Table
8A13 Product or Service Code Business Types, DUNS Number
8G2 NAICS Lookup Table
9E1 Country of Origin FPDS-NG Lookup Table
10B Competitive Procedures (moved to 10M and updated)
10H1 Commercial Item Acquisition Procedures Format
1.0 / 8/25/2003 / GCE/GSA / The following validation rules were added:
1C3 Referenced PIID Type of Award
3A2 Ultimate Contract Value Award Type
5A2 Web Site URL Who Can Use
5C2 Maximum Order Limit Who Can Use
5D2 Fee for Use of Service Who Can Use
5E2 Fixed Fee Value Fee for Use of Service
5F2 FeeRange Lower Value Fee for Use of Service
5G2 FeeRange Upper Value Fee for Use of Service
5H2 Ordering Procedure Who Can Use
7A2 Legislative Mandates Funding Agency
8N1 Contract Bundling Format
8N2 Contract Bundling Ultimate Contract Value
1.0 / 8/25/2003 / GCE/GSA / The following validation rules were deleted:
3A4 Ultimate Contract Value Commercial Test Item Program
6F2 Performance-Based Service Contract IDV Type
8D1 Bundled Requirement Format
8E1 Bundled Contract Exception Format (see 8N)
8E2 Bundled Contract Exception Bundled Requirement (see 8N)
8G4 NAICS Product or Service Code
9A2 Contractor Data Check Digit Algorithm
10B2 Competitive Procedures Reason Not Competed
10B7 Competitive Procedures Contracting Officer’s Determination of Business Size
10C1 Reason Not Competed Format
10C2 Reason Not Competed Competitive Procedures
10CD3 Reason Not Competed Award Type Competitive Procedures (see 10M3)
10D2 Number of Offers Received Reason Not Competed
10D3 Number of Offers Received Award Type, Competitive Procedures
10H2 Commercial Item Acquisition Procedures Commercial Item Test Program
11B6 Subcontracting Plan Business Types
13FF Very Small Business Format
All validation rules for 15 Subcontracting Data
All validation rules for 16 Customer Orders Database
1.0 / 8/25/2003 / GCE/GSA / The following validation rules were moved:
3A3, Synopsis Waiver Exception was moved to 10F5
10C3 Reason Not Competed DUNS Number moved to 10B14
9/29/2003 / GCE / Reviewed for spelling, format, and grammar.
1.1 / 02/08/2004 / GCE / The following validation rules were added for the STTR Phase I, II and III Competitive procedures:
- 8A14
- 10B14
1.1 / 02/08/2004 / GCE / The following validation rules have been modified:
10B3 – Added STTR to the validation rule
10B6 -- Changed ‘SDB, 8(a) with HUBZone Priority’ to ‘8(a) Set Aside’
10B8 -- Changed ‘SDB, 8(a) with HUBZone Priority’ to ‘8(a) Set Aside’
1.2 / 09/07/2004 / GCE / Added a column to all tables for the version number.
Added a header column to all tables.
Added New Rules for Solicitation Procedures
Added New Rules for Evaluated Preference
Added New Rules for Research
Added New Rules for Type of set aside
Added New Rules for Statutory Exceptions to Fair Opportunity
1.2 / 09/14/2004 / GCE / Rule 6F03 Changed to say Performance Based Service Contract must not be applicable for the given condition(s)
Rule 7C01 changed PSC code must begin with alphabet instead of alphanumeric.
Rule 8B01 special codes not listed in DOD website are added.
Rule 8F03 deprecated.
Rule 8L03 changed to If EPA-Designated Product(s) = Not Required, then Recovered Material Clauses must be “No Clauses Included”.
Rules 10A01, 10A02 and 10A03 changed to apply for SAC and PO instead of “NOT DO”
Rule 10C08 changed, Added “Unique Source”, “Only One Source – Other” as valid options to Reason Not Competed
Rule 10N17, 8(a) sole source removed from the Set-Aside conditions
Rule DOD1B02 Updated to include three character Modificaton Number that starts with ‘U’
Rule DOD1B03 Updated to include Uxxddd format for Modification Number
Rule DOD1B04 updated to include free form Modification Number for DISA contracts
Rule DOD1B05 updated to include Uxxddd as a valid Modification
1.2 / 10/22/2004 / GCE / Rule 10B08 Remove 8(a) set aside from competitive procedures conditions
Rule 10C06 Added “and no Type of Set Aside selected” to condition
Rule 10F03 Changed applicable versions from 1.0+ to 1.0,1.1
Rule DOD1B02 Added one character number modification number as allowable format for Delivery / Task Orders
1.2 / 11/2/2004 / GSA
GCE / Replaced expanded text instead of abbreviations for Set-Aside rules
1.2 / 11/22/2003 / GCE
DOD / Rule 10A03 deprecated
Rule 10A08 deprecated
Rule 10A09 deprecated
Rule 10A14 deprecated
Rule 10M03 deprecated
Rule 10M04 deprecated
Rule 10N02 option Reserved for Small Business $2501 to 100K removed from list of conditions
Rule 10N06 option Small Business Set Aside removed from list of conditions
Rule 10N10 Rule scope restricted to Delivery Orders against a Multiple Award IDC.
Rule 10N15 Additional clause Reason Not Competed must = “Utilities” or be blank removed.
Rule 10N16 Removed SDB Participating Program from Type of Set Aside values
Rule 10N16 option 8(a) Competitive Set Aside changed to 8(a) Set Aside
Rule 10N16 option 8(a) Participant Firm changed to 8(a) Firm.
Rule 10Q04 Added newly.
1.2 / 12/6/2004 / GCE
DOD / Edited few Description for 1A and 1B
Rules 1F, 1G, 1H Exists, explicitly mentioned in validation rules document
Rule 8A22 Added Newly
Rule 10A02 added clause ‘Except “No Solicitation procedures used”’
Rule 10A03 Changed
Rule 10A03A added
Rule 10A03B added
Rule 10A04 Added conditions “Full & Open competition after exclusion of sources”, “Competed under SAT”
Rule 10A15 Added Newly
Rule 10N02A Added Newly
Rule 10N04 made applicable for SAC, PO or all IDV types.
Rule 10N18 changed to be applicable for FY03 or prior documents
Rule 10Q05 Added Newly
1.2 / 01/26/2005 / GCE / Rule 9K01 Added Newly
Rule 8A09 Description changed.
1.2 / 04/01/2005 / GCE / The descriptions for Rules 6F01, 6F03, 6F04, 8G02, DOD1C02 (pertaining to Performance Based Service Acquisition) have been changed from “Performance Based Service Contract” to “Performance Based Service Acquisition”.
1.2 / 04/29/2005 / GCE / Rule 10N5 changed text from “Evaluated Preference cannot be selected” to “Evaluated Preference must be ‘No Preference Used’”.
Rule 11C2 split into 11C2A and 11C2B
1.2 / 05/27/2005 / GCE / Rule 8A23 added newly
Rule 8G05 added newly
Rule 10A3C added newly
Rule 10A16 added newly
Rule 10A17 added newly
Rule 10A15A added newly
Rule 10A15B added newly
Rule 10P2A description changed
Rule 10N02 description changed from “Competed after Exclusion” to “Full and Open Competition after Exclusion of Sources”
Rule 10A03 description changed
Rule 10A3A description changed – Added condition “Not Competed Under SAT’
Rule 10A15 description changed
Rule 10C09 description changed
Rule 9E02 deprecated
Rule 10R02 deprecated
Rule 10C06 deprecated
Table of Contents
Section Page
J5.1Overview of Validations
J5.2Guide to Validation Specification
J5.3Agency-Specific Validations
J 5.4Validations for Data Elements
1Contract Identification Information
1AProcurement Instrument Identifier (PIID)
1BModification Number
1CReferenced PIID
1DTransaction Number
1E Solicitation Identifier
1FAgency Identifier
1GReferenced IDV Modification Number
1HReferenced IDV Agency Identifier
2A Date Signed
2B Effective Date
2C Current Completion Date
2D Ultimate Completion Date
2E Indefinite Delivery Vehicle Last Date to Order
3Dollar Values
3A Ultimate Contract Value
3B Current Contract Value
3CDollars Obligated
4 Purchaser Information
4AContracting Agency Code
4BContracting Office Code
4CProgram/Funding Agency – Code
4DProgram/Funding Office - Code
4EReason for Purchase
4FContract Full/ Partially Funded by Foreign Government or International Organization
4GSource UserID
5Contract Marketing Data
5AWeb Site URL
5BWho Can Use
5C Maximum Order Limit
5DFee for Use of Service
5EFixed Fee Value
5FFee Range Lower Value
5GFee Range Upper Value
5HOrdering Procedure
6Contract Information
6AType of Contract
6BLetter Contract
6CMultiyear Contract
6DType of IDC
6EMultiple or Single Award IDC
6FPerformance-Based Service Contract
6GMajor Program
6MDescription of Requirement
6NPurchase Card as Payment Method
6OProgram Acronym
7Legislative Mandates
7AClinger-Cohen Act Planning Compliance
7BWalsh-Healey Act
7CService Contract Act
7DDavis-Bacon Act
7EEconomy Act
7FOther Statutory Authority
8Product or Service Information
8AProduct or Service Code
8H Information Technology Commercial Item Category
8KEPA-Designated Product(s)
8LRecovered Material Clauses
8NContract Bundling
9Contractor Data
9ADUNS Number
9BContractor Name from Contract
9CPrincipal Place of Performance
9ECountry of Origin
9HPlace of Manufacture
9KZip Code - Place of Performance
10Competition Information
10A Extent Competed
10BCompetitive Procedures
10CReason Not Competed
10DNumber of Offers Received
10EPre-Award Synopsis Requirement
10FSynopsis Waiver Exception
10GAlternative Advertising
10HCommercial Item Acquisition Procedures
10LA-76 (FAIR Act) Action
10MSolicitation Procedure
10NType Set Aside
10P Evaluated Preference
10RStatutory Exceptions to Fair Opportunity
11Preference Programs
11AContracting Officer’s Determination of Business Size
11BSubcontracting Plan
11CPrice Evaluation Adjustment/Preference Percent Difference
11DReason Not Awarded to Small Disadvantaged Business
11EReason Not Awarded to a Small Business
12Transaction Information
12AIDV Type
12BAward Type
12CReason for Modification
12DRecord Type
13Contractor Data
13AContractor’s TIN
13BNumber of Employees
13CAnnual Revenue
13DRegistration Date
13ERenewal Date
13FOrganizational Type
13GCountry of Incorporation
13HParent’s DUNS Number
13ILocal Government
13JState Government
13KFederal Government
13LTribal Government
13MEmerging Small Business
13N8(a) Program Participant
13OHistorically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Firm
13PSmall Disadvantaged Business
13QSheltered Workshop (JWOD Provider)
13RHistorically Black College or University
13SMinority Institution
13TEducational Institution
13UWoman Owned Business
13VVeteran Owned Business
13W Service-Related Disabled Veteran Owned Business
13XMinority Owned Business
13YAmerican Indian Owned Business
13ZAsian-Pacific American Owned Business
13AABlack American Owned Business
13BBHispanic American Owned Business
13CCNative American Owned Business
13DDSubcontinent Asian (Asian-Indian) American Owned Business
13EENonprofit Organization
14Contracting Office and Funding Office Data
14AContracting/Funding Agency Code
14BContracting/Funding Office Code
14CContracting/Funding Office Name
14D Region Code
14EContracting/Funding Office Start Date
14FContracting/Funding Office End Date
14GIs Contracting Office
17 Offset Officer Code Report
17AAgency’s TIN
18Contact Data Elements
18AContact Title
18BContact First or Given Name
18CContact Middle Initial or Name
18DContact Last or Family Name
18EOrganization Legal Name
18FDoing Business As Name
18GDivision Name
18HDivision Number / Office Code
18IStreet Address
18JAddress Line 2
18KAddress Line 3
18MState or Province
18NPostal or Zip Code
18OCountry Code
18PVoice Phone Number
18QFax Phone Number
18REmail Address
19Change Transactions Data Elements
19AElement Number
19BNew Value
J5.5Agency Specific Validations
J.5.5.1 DoD Specific Validations
1AProcurement Instrument Identifier (PIID)
1BModification Number
1CReferenced PIID
2ADate Signed
2CCurrent Completion Date
2EIndefinite Delivery Vehicle Last Date to Order
3CDollars Obligated
6CMultiyear Contract
6HContingency, Humanitarian, or Peacekeeping Operation
6JCost or Pricing Data
6K Contract Financing
6LCost Accounting Standards Clause
7AClinger-Cohen Act Planning Compliance
7BWalsh-Healey Act
7CService Contract Act
7DDavis-Bacon Act
8AProduct or Service Code
8B Program, System, or Equipment Code
8FDoD Claimant Program Code
8MSea Transportation
9ECountry of Origin
9L Principle Place of Performance
9SPlace of Manufacture
10AExtent Competed
10BCompetitive Procedures
10CReason Not Competed
10DNumber of Offers Received
10HCommercial Item Acquisition Procedures
Proprietary to GCEPage 1
GS00M03PDC0004Data Validations
J5.1Overview of Validations
FPDS-NG will validate data submitted to it. Types of validations include:
- Formatting such as verifying that dates are valid.
- Adherence to defined conventions such as the convention for a Contract Number entered into a Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID) field.
- Code validation such as verifying that a Contracting Agency Code is a valid code in the FIPS 95 table.
- Consistency with other data in order to enforce business rules such as “If Competitive Procedures = ‘Simplified Acquisition Procedures,’ then Dollars Obligated must be less than or equal to $5,000,000.”
- Use Case specific such as when the user is entering a Modification to an award, then the entered PIID must match a PIID for an award that already exists in FPDS-NG.
Validations specified here are for data reported in FPDS-NG including modification of contracts/orders awarded prior to October 1, 2003.
J5.2Guide to Validation Specification
The data elements are listed followed by the validations that are unique to these data elements. The format of each validation entry includes Validation Reference Number, Data Elements (or Other Information Required for the Validation), and Validation Requirement.
Validation rules are organized by the data dictionary grouping and then by the data dictionary item:
a)If the data dictionary group is not reportable than none of the validation rules apply to that group.
b)If an item within that group is not reportable than validation rules for that particular item do not apply.
c)If an item within that group is reportable than validation rules for that particular item do apply.
If the data element is not reportable as shown in the Use Case Summary, the validation rule does not apply for that data element. If a cross validation (validation dependent on two or more data elements) includes an element that is not reportable, the validation is not performed.
Most validations are specific such as:
If Data Element A = N, then Data Element B must = M.
Some Validations are less specific such as:
If Contracting Agency Code indicates DoD, then Data Element A must = N.
In this example, there are many Contracting Agency Codes that are DoD codes, so the validation specification is simplified although the implementation may be complex. The contractor is responsible for determining the best implementation.
There is no data element called Use Case or Today’s Date. Validations that reference these assume that FPDS-NG knows the date and that the user interface is tracking what the user is asking FPDS-NG to do such as Add an Award or Add a Modification. Implementation of these pseudo-fields is the responsibility of the contractor.
The Use Case Summary (in the Data Dictionary) defines which data elements may be entered for each use case. Therefore, no validations are provided here to ensure that only allowable data elements are entered. The contractor is responsible for determining the best implementation.
Rule Versioning
The FPDS-NG version number is listed for each rule, indicating that the rule applies to that version.The following table shows the sample effective version values and explanation.
Version Number / Description1.0 + / Effective for versions 1.0 and above (+)
1.0 , 1.1 / Effective only for versions 1.0 and 1.1
1.2 + / Effective for versions 1.2 and above (+)
J5.3Agency-Specific Validations
Agency Interface Agreements will result in agency-specific validations. The Government will work with agencies to specify agency-specific validations as part of developing the Agency Interface Agreements.
FPDS-NG will implement agency-specific validations once an Agency Interface Agreement is ratified.
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GS00M03PDC0004Data Validations
J 5.4Validations for Data Elements
1Contract Identification Information
In FPDS-NG, the PIID (plus for a Delivery Order or BPA Call, Referenced PIID), Modification Number, and Transaction ID are required to uniquely identify each transaction.
1AProcurement Instrument Identifier (PIID)
Serial Number / Element/ Characteristics / Rule / Service Version1 / Format / PIID must be upper case alpha and numeric only with no embedded spaces or special characters. FPDS-NG will convert lowercase letters to uppercase, remove leading or trailing blank spaces, and remove hyphens before validation. All other non-alphanumeric characters return an error message to the user. / 1.0+
2 / Contracting Agency Code / The first characters (length to be determined by coordination with FPDC) must be a valid Agency contract number prefix from the Agency Prefix table. / 1.0+
3 / PIID and Use Case / If the PIID exists, then the Use Case must be Modify, Change, Delete, or Void.
If the PIID does not exist, then the Use Case must be Add IDV, Add Award, or Void. / 1.0+
4 / PIID and Source UserID / For IDV, if the PIID exists, then the Source UserID must be authorized to operate on the PIID. / 1.0+
Discussion: For a new Contract (including Purchase Orders, Standalone Contracts, and IDVs), the combination of PIID, Modification Number and Transaction Number must be unique, government-wide. For a new Delivery Order or BPA Call, the combination of PIID, Modification Number, Transaction Number and Referenced PIID must be unique government-wide. Throughout this document, the symbol “PIID*” is used to mean either PIID+Modification Number+Transaction Number or PIID+Modification Number+Transaction Number+Referenced PIID, depending on the type of transaction.
1BModification Number
Serial Number / Element/ Characteristics / Rule / Service Version1 / Format / Modification Number must be upper case alpha and numeric only with no embedded spaces or special characters. FPDS-NG will convert lowercase letters to uppercase, remove leading or trailing blank spaces, remove leading zeros, and remove hyphens before validation. All other non-alphanumeric characters return an error to the user. / 1.0+
2 / Format / Modification Number must not equal “Award” or “Basic”. or all zeros, or any other “odd” /disallowed value. / 1.0+
3 / Use Case / For a given PIID, if the Modification Number already exists, then Use Case must be Correct Change, Delete, or Void. / 1.0+
4 / Use Case / For a given PIID, if Modification Number does not already exist, then Use Case must be Add or Modify which results in an addition of a Modification. / 1.0+
5 / PIID, Transaction Number / For the PIID, Modification Number and Transaction Number submitted, uniqueness is required. When the PIID, Modification Number and Transaction Number exist, an error is returned to the user. / 1.0+
Discussion: For Standalone contracts, Purchase Orders and Indefinite Delivery Vehicles, modifications are linked to the basic award using the PIID. For Delivery Orders and BPA calls, modifications are linked to the basic award using the combination of PIID and the Referenced PIID. For one basic award, all modifications must be uniquely identified.
1CReferenced PIID
Serial Number / Element/ Characteristics / Rule / Service Version1 / PIID / Referenced PIID must be an existing PIID or blank / 1.0+
2 / Type of Award / If Type of Award is Delivery Order or BPA Call, then Referenced PIID must have a value. / 1.0+
3 / Type of Award / If Type of Award is Delivery Order, Referenced PIID may not refer to a BPA. If Type of Award is BPA Call, Referenced PIID must refer to a BPA. / 1.0+
1DTransaction Number
Serial Number / Element/ Characteristics / Rule / Service Version1 / Format / Transaction Number must be an integer between 001 and 999 or must be blank. Requires specific agreement with FPDC. Only specific agencies submit transaction numbers. / 1.0+
2 / PIID,
Modification Number / Transaction Number must be unique within a PIID and Modification Number. / 1.0+
Discussion: The purpose of the Transaction Number is to accommodate DoD requirements to report separately the different parts of an award under certain circumstances including split funding and different Types of Contracts.