JUNE 19, 2013 ~ 6:00 P.M.

Members Present: Chair, Kevin Barry, Don Gorman, Deb Kelley, Peter Menard, Maryann Clark,

Co- Supt. Patty Sherman, Kandy Davitt

1. Call to Order – Mr. Barry, Chair

Chair, Kevin Barry called the June 19th 2013 meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Barry

Chair, Kevin Barry led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting – June 5, 2013; June 12, 2013

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to table the June 5, 2013 and the June 12, 2013 minutes, seconded by Don Gorman.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

4. Immediate Business

A. Agenda Review

No Changes were made.

B. Citizens’ Comments

Those citizens’ who were present stated they were attending to hear the discussion regarding high school information

C. High school Discussion

Chair, Kevin Barry instructed the members of the board to remember that many of the items that are being discussed between the district and the three schools (Concord, Oyster River, Pembroke Academy) are still very fluid and the board does not want to close any doors or hinder further discussions. The Concord School District as of two hours ago was reviewing tuition costs that Deerfield is currently paying and working on new tuition figures.

Mr. Gorman noted that the Concord District has proposed a “Rolling Contract.” The proposal would allow the Deerfield School District and the Concord School District the ability to end their agreement at the end of the year and then allow for a 3-year phase out to begin, instead of locking both districts into a long-term contract. The board members discussed the pros and cons of such an arrangement and if they would use this type of agreement to continue their review of high school options.

Chair, Mr. Barry informed those present that the town will vote on a warrant article at the town elections regarding the high school contract once the board decides which direction to go.

The board noted that all three schools (Concord, Oyster River, and Pembroke Academy) are very interested in having an agreement with the Deerfield School District.

The board agreed that they could not make an announcement tonight as to the direction the the district would be considering for high school.

Maryann Clark stated that there are many factors that the board is considering as they review options. Currently tuition numbers are being discussed and so tonight’s discussion is limited.

Mr. Gorman felt that a decision needs to be made no later than the 26th to put anxiety to rest and begin to negotiate a solid contract with a school.

The other members of the board noted that there were still too many moving parts and the board should reserve the flexibility to review all options and not close any doors.

A motion was made by Don Gorman to announce no later than the 26th of June what direction the board would be taking, seconded by Maryann Clark.

In Favor-1


Motion Failed

Maryann Clark informed those present that one portion of the contract with any district would expand the High school lottery. Mr. Gorman, noted that the new option would increase the number of students to attend an alternative high school from 3 to 6. Also, the contract with any district includes that the schools maintain their accreditation standards, and student population could not exceed state guidelines. Also, included in the contracts, Deerfield students would have equal access to Tech programing.

Chair, Mr. Barry thanked Mr. Gorman and Mrs. Clark for their diligent work.

5. Old Business

A. Tabled Items (0 items) – Mr. Barry

No items to review

6. New Business

A. Appointments and Resignations (0 items) – Ms. Sherman

No Appointments and/or resignations.

7. Continuing Business

A. Long Range Planning – Mr. Gorman

No information presented.

8. Informational Items

None brought forward.

9. Citizens’/Staff Comments

Mr. Deely thanked the board for their efforts but wanted to know why Concord was being given more time.

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to suspend the rules which would allow the members of the board to answer questions and concerns made by the citizens that were present.

Motion fails for a lack of a 2nd

Mr. Lawrence, informed those present that his children have received an excellent education at Concord and that it has a great reputation.

A member of the audience noted that Coe Brown no longer brings animals to the Deerfield Fair and that Oyster River has a solid agricultural program.

10. Non-Public Session (NH RSA 91-A:3, II., a, b, c, d)- if needed

The board did not go into non-public.

11. Adjournment

A motion was made to adjourn at 7:10pm by Don Gorman, seconded by Debbie Kelley.

All in Favor

Motion Carried