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Section 50-1.01A. Use for a CIP PS box girder structure.
Add to section 50-1.01A:
1. Use if bonded full length draped tendons are shown. Delete par 2. For item 3, design to specify revised percentage for combination of partial and full length tendons.
The details shown for CIP PS box girder bridges are based on a bonded full length draped tendon prestressing system. For these bridges, you may submit a VECP for an alternative prestressing system using bonded partial length tendons if the proposed system and associated details comply with the following requirements:
1.The proposed system and details must provide moment and shear resistances at least equal to those used for the design of the structure shown.
2.The concrete strength must be at least that shown.
3.Not less than 35 percent of the total prestressing force at any section must be provided by full length draped tendons.
4.Anchorage blocks for partial length tendons must be located such that the blocks will not interfere with the placement of the utility facilities shown or of any future utilities to be placed through openings shown.
5.Temporary prestressing tendons, if used, must be detensioned, and the temporary ducts must be filled with grout before completion of the work. Temporary tendons must be either removed or fully encased in grout before completion of the work.
2. Use if a combination of bonded partial length tendons and bonded full length draped tendons are shown. Delete par 1. For item 3, design to specify revised percentage for combination of partial and full length tendons.
The details shown for CIP PS box girder bridges are based on a combination of bonded partial length tendon and bonded full length draped tendon prestressing systems. For these bridges, you may submit a VECP for an alternative prestressing system that varies the percentage of bonded partial length tendons and bonded full length draped tendons if the proposed system and associated details comply with the following requirements:
1.The proposed system and details must provide moment and shear resistances at least equal to those used for the design of the structure shown.
2.The concrete strength must be at least that shown.
3.Not less than 35 percent of the total prestressing force at any section must be provided by full length draped tendons.
4.Anchorage blocks for partial length tendons must be located such that the blocks will not interfere with the placement of the utility facilities shown or of any future utilities to be placed through openings shown.
5.If used, temporary prestressing tendons must be detensioned, and the temporary ducts must be filled with grout before completion of the work. Temporary tendons must be either removed or fully encased in grout before completion of the work.
Upon your request, the Department furnishes you with the demand moments and shears used in the design shown.
Submit shop drawings of the proposed system, including all details and supporting checked calculations.