Bemidji Youth Hockey Association
NovemberRegular Meeting
November 8, 2017 6p
Bemidji Community Arena (BCA)
Board Members Present: Bruce Hasbargen, Jason Brodina, Leslie Gessner, Shelley Nistler, Angie Loveless, Bruce Bentfield, Ryan Kieson, Jennifer Nelson, Jim Dewar
Board Members Absent:
BCA Board Members/Committee Reps/Age Group Reps/Others Present:Neil Huewe, Gina Grinde, Kayla Winkler, Tara Valley, Heather Sutherland
Meeting called to order byPresident at 6:02p.m.
- Consent Agenda
- Approval of Octobermeeting minutes
- Motion made by Ryan Kieson, seconded by Angie Loveless, to approve. No further discussion, motion passed.
- Approval of Octoberfinancial reports and expenses
- Motion made by Leslie Gessner, seconded by Ryan Kieson,to approve. No further discussion, motion passed.
- Old business
- New Business
- Travel coaches-Request to approve the following coaches by the HDC. Assistant Bantam B- Ryan Wolkerstorfer, Pee Wee B Blue Assistant- Dave Sunderland, PW B White- Bruce Hasbargen and Ryan O’Leary, Squirt C- Jeff Naasz and Joseph Garrison, Squirt B White- Assistants- Jim Dewar and Andy St Peter, Squirt B Blue Head Coach- Brent Rud, 10u- Assistants- Billye Nelson and Joe Prokop, 12U Head coach- Jake Walters and assistants Alex Sternberg and Maggie Ruzich. -Motion to approve the coaches made by Angie Loveless, seconded by Jim Dewar. No further discussion, motion passed.
- Boy/Girl Team Policy- Rescind changes made to Policy 3.19 #4 Player movement of girls on boys team. Motion made by Jennifer Nelson, and seconded by Shelley Nistler. No further discussion, motion passed.
- Dibs credit for goalie coordinator- Parent- Chad Rebischke- HDC need to come up with a plan to monitor the goalie coordinator program. Motion made by Jason Brodina to approve full credit with supervision and guidance by the HDC, seconded by Angie Loveless. No further discussion, motion passed.
- HDM Fiscal Agent- Motion made by Jennifer Nelson to provide non profit status to Hockey Day in Minnesota group, seconded by Jim Dewar. No further discussion, motion passed. Shelley Nistler reviewed situation with accountant at Miller Macdonald and no forseen issues.
- Completion of shooting area and use policy- may open to coaches for use. Jim Dewar is working on policy for use of the room by BCAC.
- Picture Dates and times- Times for travel teams given by Kim Manaussau on the 20th of November and times for Termite/Mites will come when we get the number of groups on the 21st.
Committee Reports
Concessions- stock getting in this week.
Scheduling- Short ice time due to HS games and tryouts next week. Working on Sanford ice.
HDC- Request move player from PW Blue to PW White, New kid in town has friends on PW White team and family request move to help with adjustment due to family issues. Coaches in agreement with move. Motion made by Jason Brodina and seconded by Bruce Bentfield. No further discussion, motion passed.
Age Group Reps- want to know when goalies get refunds. Jim contacted. Better plan for 8u? Prepare girls for playing with boys or how to separate them? Maybe 6u team?
Raffle- Going to printer today. Tickets will be handed out at picture night.
DIBs-Gave credit out per credit allocation.
Marketing- Kayla Winkler and Beau Seeger working on restyling Logo. Samples given. Motion made to approve new styles of Logo by Jason Brodina, seconded by Bruce Bentfield. Will copyright by BYHA as owners of this new logo. No further discussion, motion passed.
BCAC- Meeting rescheduled to next week.
Hockey Culture- Stickers- trying to get some ordered for teams. Need prices- top shelf will work on.
Apparel Coordinator- Brent Rud offered to lead.
EMT’s- Agreement signed per Bruce Hasbargen with Sanford to provide services.
Open Discussion-Sanford project- Architect hired for plans. City council doesn’t have enough information to agree with project. Delay for 1 month on final decision that was approved by Sanford. Meetings upcoming open to the public to dispense information and answer questions about the project.
Tournament Apparel- George Palawa Memorial Tournament- family concerned that apparel did not say that it was a memorial tournament last year and this is being addressed this year.
Adjournmentmotion made by Jennifer Nelsonand seconded by Angie Loveless to adjourn. No further discussion and motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 810pm.
Next Board MeetingSecond Wednesday of the month, December13h ,6pm, BCA