2010 AP Biology Summer Assignment Vocabulary
With all of the following words you are expected to give a written definition and provide a drawing or diagram that displays its meaning (make sure it is fully labeled)
(When looking these up make certain it is a biological definition)
Abscisic acid / Angiosperm / Carbon fixation (plants)Acetyl CoA / Anterior pituitary / Carbonyl group
Acetylcholine / Antibody / Carboxyl group
Acoelomate (animal forms) / Antigen / Carpel (flowering plants)
Acquired immunity / Apical meristem (plants) / Casparian strip (plants)
Actin (muscles) / Apoptosis / Cell cycle
Action potential / Archea / Cell differentiation
Activation energy (enzymes) / Artificial selection / Cephalization
Active immunity / ATP (adenosine triphosphate) / Chemical bond
Active site (enzymes) / Autosome (genetics) / Chemical energy
Active transport (cell membrane) / B lymphocyte (B cell) / Chemoautotroph
Adaptive radiation (evolution) / Binary fission / Chemoreceptor
Adrenal gland (hormones) / Binomial nomenclature / Chitin
Agonistic behavior / Blastocyst / Chlorophyll
Allantois / Blastopore / Chordate (classification of animals)
Alleles / Body plan (animals) / Citric acid cycle
Allopatric speciation / Bottleneck effect (population) / Coelomate
Amino acid / Bryophyte / Coevolution
Amniote / C – 3 plant / Collagen
Anaerobic / C – 4 plant / Competitive exclusion principle
Androgen (hormone) / Calvin cycle / Cone cell
Cotyledon (plants) / Locus (gene locus) / Pressure potential (osmotic)
Dendrite (anatomy) / Lymphocyte (anatomy) / Protist
Directional selection (evolution) / Mammal / Pyloric sphincter
Endothermic / Marsupial / Radula
Essential amino acid / Medulla oblongata / Ray-finned fish
Eutrophication / Mesophyll (plants) / Rh factor
Fermentation / Mold / RNA Polymerase
Forebrain (anatomy) / Molting / Salivary amylase
Gametophyte (plants) / Monophyletic (evolution) / Sarcomere
Gel electrophoresis / Mutation / Schwann cell
Gene flow / Mycorrhizae / Secondary plant growth
Glycolysis / NAD+ / Seedless vascular plants
Gram stain / NADP+ / Sensory adaptation
Hardy-Weinberg Theorem / Natural selection / Serotonin
Homeotic gene / Operon (genetics) / Somatic nervous system
Imprinting (animal behavior) / Organ of Corti (anatomy) / Speciation
Insulin / Ovarian cycle (anatomy) / Species diversity
Interneuron / Oxytocin (anatomy) / Stem cell
Juxtaglomerular apparatus / Pancreas (anatomy) / Turgor pressure
Lateral line system / Passive transport / Vasoconstriction
Leaf primordia / Phylogenetic tree
Lichen / Polypeptide
Limbic system (anatomy) / Population dynamics