Application for the Certificate of Eligibility
※Please fill out 5 sheets in total including ‘For Applicants Part.1-3’and ‘For Organization Part.1-2’.
※Please DO NOT modify the items which have been filled out in advance.
※It is requested to send the completed forms by e-mail.
【Title: Exchange Program Application for the Certificate of Eligibility-○○University】
※Please be sure to fill out all items even if they are not listed below.
■For Applicants, Part.1-3
3.Name in Chinese Character/English
①[Chinese Character/English]
Fill out your name as Family name→Given Name.
Fill out your name all in capital letters, same as the passport registration. If your name on passport is registered in other languages (including Ö,éetc), please fill out the one registered on the automatic reading part of the passport.
③ If you have the citizenship of Korea and do not have the name registered in Chinese character, fill out that part in Katakana.
5.Place of Birth
Fill out ‘Country, (Province) and City’.
8.Home Town/City
Fill out the full address upon the application.
14.Intended Length of Stay
Fill out the proposed study period at Meiji, ‘6months’or ‘One year’.
16.Place to Apply for Visa
Fill out the ‘Country and City’where you are to apply for your visa.
※Basically, you can apply for your visa at the nearest Embassy/Consulate of Japan in your home country.
17.Past Entry into/departure from Japan
If you select ‘Yes’, fill out the past record accurately.
20.Family in Japan/co-residents
If you have any family members or co-residents who live in Japan upon the application, fill out the details accurately. If not, fill ‘No’in‘Name’.
22.Total Period of Education(from elementary school to last institution of education)
Fill out the total years of education between elementary school to the present.
23.Education(last school or institution) or present school
Check ‘In School’and select your current status at your home institution from ‘Doctor’,‘Master or Bachelor’.
24.Japanese Language Ability
If you obtained JLPT, EJU or BJT, fill out the level or score. Fill out the same record in ‘Organization and period to have received Japanese languageeducation’ (24 & 25).
※Regarding Japanese language proficiency, fill out the information based on ‘Certificate of Japanese Language Proficiency’. Any additional documents (Transcript, Certificate of Completion etc) may be required to submit.
26.Methods of support to meet the expenses while in Japan
(1) Fill out the amount of support per month(average).
(2) If you select ‘Remittance from abroad’, ‘’Carrying from abroad’or ‘supporter in Japan’in (1), fill out (2)the required information about your supporter.
③ Fill out the Occupation(place of employment)and phone numbers.
【ex. Employer (XXXX Ltd.), self-employed (XXXX Store), Lecturer (XXXX high school), housewife, retiree etc】
④ Fill out the Annual Income, the exchange rate and the exchange date.
※ Regarding financial support, fill out the information based on ‘Statement of Financial Support’. Any additional documents (Official Bank Statement etc) may be required to submit.
28.Applicants, legal representative or the proxy in accordance with the provision of Article 7-2/Signature of applicant(legal representative or the proxy)
This part will be filled out by MeijiUniversity. Please DO NOT fill out in this part.
■For Organization, Part.1-2
1.Name of the foreigner to enter the school
Fill out the name same as ‘For Applicants, Part.1’.
2.Classification of School
Check ‘GraduateSchool’or ‘University’which you wish to be enrolled at Meiji.
4.Lesson hours or credits per week
The average of the lesson hours is approx.15hours for undergraduate students, 12hours for graduate students.
Check ‘Doctor’, ‘Master’or ‘Undergraduate student’which you wish to be enrolled at Meiji.
Check any one of the faculty/course which you wish to be study at Meiji.
※Please note that Meiji University does not have ‘Linguistic’faculty.
※If you are to be enrolled in School of Global Japanese Studies, check ‘Others(cultural science/social science’and fill ‘国際日本学/Global Japanese studies’in the blank.
7.Name of specialized course
DO NOT fill out in this part.