68501 Bannock Rd
St. Clairsville OH 43950
Phone: 740-695-1202
Fax: 740-695-8890
The following state and local agencies must be contacted prior to any construction of a building intended to be a food service and/or any building that has never been licensed as a food service:
Office / Service / Phone NumberState of Ohio Industrial Compliance / Certificate of Occupancy / 1-800-822-3208
*Refer to list below for proper contact numbers for Industrial Compliance / 1-740-374-4185
State Plumbing / 1-800-523-3581 or 1-614-644-3152
Ohio EPA / 1-614-385-8501**
**If on private sewage and/or water
State/Local Fire Marshall / 1-614-752-8200
Belmont County Health Department / Pre licensing / 1-740-695-1202
Muskingum County Building Department / (740)477-7905
Unincorporated areas Mid-East Ohio Building Dept 1-740-455-7905
Villages of Shadyside and Barnesville Southeast Ohio Building Dept 1-740-374-4185
Other Cities and Villages Ohio Board of Building Standards 1-614-644-2613
After contacting these state and local agencies, the Belmont County Health Department will also need to have the following information submitted:
Detailed floor plan showing the layout of the facility (Drawn to Scale)
Submit Plans (at least 30 days prior to construction)
List of equipment/utensils to be used (NSF or other testing agency approved)
Detailed menu of items to be served
Note: At the time of the pre-licensing inspection, all State approval signatures from the above-mentioned agencies shall be provided. (Signatures on Certificate of Plan Approval)
A plan review fee is charged, which is 50% of the license fee.
All facilities are required to have hand washing sinks, which are located in each service station, food,
prep, bar, and dishwashing area, and equipped with soap and disposable towels or hand dryers. These
sinks are required to have signs reminding employees to wash hands. A hand washing sink located in a
restroom will not fulfill hand sink requirements. The plan review coordinator will look at each work
area/station when determining the number of hand sinks required in a facility.
All facilities are required to have a sink designated only for cleaning of mops and cleaning tools, and for
disposal of mop water. The mop sink must include a faucet and drain and used for no other purposes.
This sink should have hooks or other means to allow mops to air dry. Mop sinks must be located on the
same floor as the food preparation area, not in a basement unless there is an elevator available.
A 3-compartment sink designated for dishwashing is required in any operation using dishes or utensils.
All child care facilities with a risk level 2 or higher license will be required to install a 3-compartment
sink. The 3-compartment sink must be located within the same work area where food is prepared. The
sink shall have curved interior edges and at least three (3) compartments for washing, rinsing and
sanitizing. The sink shall also have two (2) drain boards, one for collection of dirty dishes and the other
for air drying. One drain board is allowed if it is on the dirty dish side of the sink and shelving is above or
next to sink that may be used for air drying dishes. Each compartment of the sink must be large enough
to submerge the largest piece of equipment at least half way.
A food preparation sink is required for the processing of produce and other foods. Processing can
include washing, soaking, thawing, and using ice baths for cooling. A food preparation sink must have
an indirect drain, specifically an air break, to prevent backflow from a sewage system into equipment in
which food is placed. Belmont County Health does not allow food processing in a hand sink or
dishwashing sink. If a food preparation sink is not available, a facility will be limited to using only
prewashed produce.
As per OAC §3717-1-04.1(KK) all equipment used must be listed as commercial and must be certified by
a recognized testing agency (e.g. NSF, UL sanitation). No household equipment is permitted.
All floors, walls and ceilings in food areas (service, storage or preparation) must be smooth and easily
cleanable as defined in OAC §3717-1-06(A). Carpet is acceptable only in areas for packaged food
storage. Acceptable surfaces which are commonly used include:
1. Floors: quarry tile, ceramic tile, sealed concrete, poured epoxy,
2. Walls: stainless steel, fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP), glossy painted drywall, painted concrete
3. Ceilings: vinyl coated acoustic ceiling tile (drop ceiling), glossy painted drywall,
4. Base Coving: tile, rubber,
5. Only surfaces allowed behind the grill line or cooking equipment under a hood are stainless,
steel or ceramic tile with sealed grout. This does not apply if the equipment underneath a hood.
1003.3.1 of the Ohio Plumbing Code (OPC) Grease interceptors and automatic grease removal devices required. A grease interceptor or automatic grease removal device shall be required to receive the drainage from fixtures and equipment with grease-laden waste located in food preparation areas, such as in restaurants, hotel kitchens, hospitals, school kitchens, bars, factory cafeterias and clubs. Fixtures and equipment shall include dishwashing sinks, pre-rinse sinks; soup kettles or similar devices; wok stations; floor drains or sinks into which kettles are drained; automatic hood wash units and dishwashers without pre-rinse sinks. Grease interceptors and automatic grease removal devices shall receive waste only from fixtures and equipment that allow fats, oils or grease to be discharged.
RE: Requirements for new FSO & FE
1. How often will the frozen food be delivered? ______
2. How often will refrigeration foods be delivered? ______
How often will dry goods be delivered? ______
Provide information on the amount of space allocated for:
Dry Storage ______,
Refrigeration Storage ______, and
Frozen Storage ______.
Identify the location and containers that will be used to store bulk food products (rice, flour, sugar, etc.)? ______
Thawing Method(s) (check all that apply and indicate where thawing will take place):
_____Under Refrigeration: ______
_____Under running water less than 70˚F (21˚C): ______
_____Microwave (as part of the cooking process): ______
_____Cooked from frozen state: ______
_____Other (describe): ______
List all foods that will be cooked and served: ______
List all foods that will be hot held prior to service:______
List all foods that will be cooked and cooled:______
List all foods that will be cooked, cooled and reheated:______
How will hot food be maintained at 135˚F (57˚C) or above during holding for service? Indicate type, number and location of hot holding units.
2. How will cold food be maintained at 41˚F (5˚C) or below during holding for service? Indicate type, number and location of cold holding units.
How and where will foods that are cooked, cooled, and reheated for hot holding be reheated so that all parts of the food reach a temperature of at least 165˚F for 15 seconds within 2 hours. Indicate type and number of units used for reheating foods.
Is the water public ( ) or non-public/private ( )?
2. If private, has source been approved? YES ( ) NO ( )
Attach copy of written approval and/or permit
3. Is ice made on premises ( ) or purchased commercially ( )?
Will there be an ice bagging operation? YES ( ) NO ( )
4. What is the capacity and location of the water heater? Provide specifications for the water heater.______
Indicate which materials (quarry tile, stainless steel, Fiberglass Reinforced Panels (FRP), ceramic tile, 4” plastic covered molding, etc.) will be used in the following areas.
Food Storage
Other Storage
Toilet Rooms
Dressing Rooms
Garbage & Refuse Storage
Mop Service Sink
Warewashing Area
Walk-in Refrigerators and Freezers
Is the sewage system public ( ) or non-public/private ( )?
If private, has sewage system been approved by Ohio EPA? YES ( ) NO ( )
Attach copy of written approval and/or permit.
Will refuse/garbage be stored inside? If so, where?
Will a dumpster or a compactor be used? ______
Number ______Size______Frequency of pickup ______
Manual Dishwashing
Will the largest pot and pan fit into each compartment of the 3-compartment sink?
YES ( ) NO ( )
What type of sanitizer will be used? ______
Mechanical Dishwashing
Identify the make and model of the mechanical dishwasher: ______
A warewashing machine installed after March 1, 2005 shall be equipped to :
a) Automatically dispense detergents and sanitizers and
b) Incorporate a visual means to verify that detergents and sanitizers are delivered or
a visual or audible alarm to signal if the detergents and sanitizers are not
delivered to the respective washing and sanitizing cycles.
What type of sanitizer will be used? ______
Break/Locker Rooms:
Describe the location and storage facilities used for employees’ personal belongings (i.e., purse, coats, boots, umbrellas, etc.) ______
Identify the location for the storage of poisonous or toxic materials.
Identify the location of the facilities for cleaning of mops and other equipment.
Statement: I hereby certify that the above information is correct, and I fully understand that any deviation from the above without prior permission from this Health Regulatory Authority may nullify final approval.
Signature ______
(Owner or responsible representative)
Printed Name: ______
Date: ______
Approval of these plans and specifications by this Regulatory Authority does not
Indicate compliance with any other code, law or regulation that may be required –
Federal, state, or local. It further does not constitute endorsement or acceptance of the completed establishment (structure or equipment). A preopening inspection of the establishment with equipment in place and operational will be necessary to determine if it complies with the local and state laws governing food service establishments.
Hours of Operation:Sun ______Thurs ______
Mon ______Fri ______
Tues ______Sat ______
Wed ______
Number of Indoor Dining Seats:______
Number of Staff: ______
(Maximum per shift)
Total Square Feet of Facility: ______
Maximum Meals to be Served:Breakfast ______
(Approximate number)Lunch ______
Dinner ______
Type of Service:Sit Down Meals ______
(Check all that apply)Take Out ______
Caterer ______
Single Use Utensils ______
Multi-Use Utensils ______
Other ______
Projected Date for Start of Project: ______
Projected Date for Completion of Project: ______
Enclose the following documents: (check all that apply)
_____ Proposed Menu or complete list of food and beverages to be offered (including seasonal, off-site and banquet menus)
_____ Plan of food establishment drawn to scale showing location of equipment, plumbing, electrical and mechanical services and entrances and exits
_____ Equipment schedule including location, plumbing, drain and electrical connections
_____ Manufacturer specification sheets for each piece of equipment to be used in the establishment
_____ Site plan showing location of food establishment location of building on site including alleys, streets; and location of any outside equipment or facilities (dumpsters, well, septic system-if applicable)
Please contact our office with any questions or comments (740) 695-1202.