10 Helpful Tools and Techniques for Overcoming Addiction

Overcoming an addiction is one of the most challenging journeys you can face. Recovery is a very long process. It won’t happen overnight; in fact, it requires a long-term commitment to health and well-being along with a willingness to make some big changes that may be hard at first, but ultimately will lead to a healthier, happier life.

Fortunately, there are many tools and techniques that can be used as part of an overall recovery program that can make the journey a bit smoother. Because recovery is not a one-size-fits-all process, having a variety of tools at your disposal will enable you to piece together a recovery “kit” that’s well-suited to your needs and your lifestyle.

Helpful Tools and Techniques to Aid Addiction Recovery

  1. Make a list of your triggers and high-risk situations. You won’t always realize a high-risk situationuntil you are in one, or, in some unfortunate cases, until after it’s over. When it does happen, though, consider it a learning experience and document these situations to remind you of what your high-risk situations are. Writing it down will help you to remember possible risky scenarios and think about ways to cope with them.
  2. Explore yourtreatment options. There are all kinds of options, including both inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as a combination of the two such as an initial inpatient program followed by regular outpatient treatment. Long-term treatment is necessary for success. Time doesn’t matter, as long as you’re getting the help you need. Consider adding alternative treatment options, such as hypnosis, which can be quite effective at easing cravings and coping with stressors when combined with a comprehensive treatment program.
  3. Remember that recovery requires total honesty – with yourself and anyone involved in your treatment. You need to be completely honest with your family, doctor, therapist, and anyone else involved in your treatment. Remember that honesty is about you and only you; lying about your situation ultimately hurts you. Even though complete openness and honesty may be difficult at first, it is absolutely crucial.
  4. Make your recovery a priority. It is important to put yourself first. Your recovery is what matters the most in your life right now. Keep in touch with your doctors and therapist to be sure you are always on the right track.
  5. Make any necessary changes to your environment. Replace bad habits with healthy ones. Try to keep positive people close to you. Find activities that will stimulate both your body and mind in ways that that will challenge you with new, but positive, experiences.
  6. Join a support group. There are many support groups to choose from such as local church groups, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous. Your treatment facility or therapist should be able to tell you about other groups available in your area. Gaining help and guidance from those that have been in similar situations will be invaluable as you continue on your path to recovery.
  7. Sweat out your frustrations. Exercise is a very healthy habit that can be great for you physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. Yoga and Pilates, for instance, are two forms of physical exercise that combine the best of spiritual and physical benefits.
  8. Unload your worries and unleash your inner thoughts by journaling. Journaling can really help you become your future best self. Keep track of how you’re doing, how you feel, and any temptations you may feel throughout the recovery process. You can look back at your entries and maybe identify patterns that indicate certain triggers that cause cravings or slip-ups.
  9. Be accountable to yourself and build a support system. Having a strong support system and being accountable to that support network is critical. You need the people who love you on your side, and your support system will embrace you and help you stay on track throughout the journey to recovery.
  10. Find a meaningful purpose. Do meaningful things daily. Go to work, take care of family, do volunteer work, paint, draw, or run. Whatever you decide to do, do things that are healthy, make you feel good, and give you a sense of purpose.

You Can Overcome Your Addiction

Long-term recovery requires a commitment to positive change for your body, mind, and environment, and approaching it in a holistic way will yield positive results. Adding healthy habits like exercise and alternative treatments can become key components of a comprehensive approach to long-term recovery.

Image via Pixabayby Brett_Hondow