
Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer-Cartoon Response (written-volunteer share)

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus-Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  WYKAT(what you know about topic)-Popcorn Style (use 2 students to record comments on board)

·  Interactive Presentation-necessary vocab pre-load, visuals pics or vid clips United Streaming/Brain Pop/TNELC Podcasts, sound (speak or listen), movement student action up, down CAT

·  Group Practice-Foldable, graphic organizer-mind map, drawing, organizing CAT

·  Independent Practice-choice of individual practice even/odd, Arnold’s 8, drawing or writing

·  Group/Partner share-show n tell, concepts depicted CAT

·  Summarize-Student or teacher led

·  Closure Activity-3 min Focused Free Write or Step Through today’s concepts


Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer-Agree/Disagree Matrix

a.  My math class is fun A D

b.  My math class is interesting A D

c.  Things we do in my math class make me feel A D


d.  I look forward to coming to my math class. A D

e.  I learn a lot in my math class. A D

f.  I look forward to taking more math classes

after this year. A D

g.  To get a good grade in math, you have to know

how to explain ideas in more than one way--using

equations, pictures, words or graphs. A D

h.  To get a good grade in math, you have to know a

lot of facts and formulas. A D

i.  To get a good grade in math, you have to be able

to explain how you solve a problem, not just give

the answer. A D

j.  Only the smartest people should think about

becoming mathematicians. A D

k.  Knowing math will help me in the future. A D

l.  It is important to know math to get a good job. A D

m.  You need to know math, even if you are not

planning to go to college. A D

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus- Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  Prove It Paragraph Search-Q’s from A/D revised after reading Math Article The Importance of Math
By: Gary Hammock CAT

·  Numbered Heads-1,2,3 or partners research/read topic, report to group or partner, compare/consensus for A/D

·  Teacher Guided vocab practice & concept clarification

·  Independent Practice-Baggie with cards to organize then make a summary gist statement in 25 wds or less CAT

·  Choose an Extension-Packets or Centers with more info

·  Closing Activity-Exit Slip to Answer today’s Focus Q’s


Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer-Mystery Words/Concepts with Cryptogram Ex: Speed

Solution: How do you make your racehorse fast? Don’t feed him for a whole week?

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus- Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  Standup/Sitdown Questions Prior Knowledge

·  Info and directions-sm group (1,2,3,4) Fact Finding Walkabout (all 1’s read same assignmt, 2’s another, etc & write 5 facts individually; then meet with same # group (1’s, 2’s) to write 5 combined facts on chart paper, then go back to original group to walkabout. When at their group’s chart, must explain while others take notes, so everyone is responsible/active at walkabout stop. CAT

·  Independent Practice-Student choice of how to depict what learned on quarter page CAT

·  Partner share-show n tell, explain context vocab & concepts depicted

·  Summarize-Student or teacher led-What you learned

·  Closing Activity-Muddiest Point (write about concept understand least)


Lesson Cue Card

§  Bellringer-What does this statement mean to you? Journal Entry

“Hard work may have a future payoff, but laziness pays off now.”

§  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus-Standards or Competencies

§  Cause and Effect Interactive Presentation-Graphic Organizer necessary vocab, visuals pics or vid clips, sound speak or listen, movement student action up, down CAT

§  Independent Practice- Mini Project Choice foldable, flyer, news paper article, Letter to.

§  Group/Partner share-Show n tell, concepts depicted CAT

§  Summarize-Student or teacher led

§  Closing Activity-Written or Verbal Reflection of Mini Projects


Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer-Analogy

Analogies: Simple analogies challenge students to test their thinking. Posing some analogies and then asking them to discuss their answers with a partner will give students opportunities to talk about the connections between words and the subtleties of word meanings.

·  Addition is to sum as subtraction is to ______.

·  Five is to pentagon as ______is to octagon.

·  Inch is to mile as ______is to kilometer.

·  Degree is to temperature as pound is to ______.

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus- Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  Graphic Organizer with Pretest Q’s & Note Cues

·  Interactive Presentation-Fish Bowl student questions/problems to place in GO CAT

·  Group Practice-Students transfer Fish Bowl Q to Statements placing in GO CAT

·  Independent Practice-choice of individual practice even/odd, drawing or writing

·  Group/Partner share-show n tell, concepts depicted CAT

·  Summarize-Student or teacher led

·  Closing Activity-CROWN-

Communicate 1 new thing you learned,

React to lesson,

Offer a summarizing sentence,

Ways to use what you learned today,

Note how well you did today on scale of 1-5


Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer-Choose concept from list or math in general & make slogan

Math Strands from Middle School Standards:

Math Processes,

Number and Operations,


Geometry and Measurement,

Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability


MATH—The only universal language

Mathematics is not about knowing, its about not-knowing

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus- Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  Interactive Presentation-PPt. necessary vocab, visuals pics or vid clips, sound speak or listen, movement student action up, down CAT

·  Group Practice-Envelop with individual color coded student Q’s/concepts/vocab link to state vocab list with definition and graphics

·  Independent Practice-Individual Whiteboards to draw pic to represent concept/info

·  Partner/Group Quiz-show n tell, concepts depicted CAT

·  Summarize-Student or teacher led

·  Closure Activity-Triangle for 3 points to remember


Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer-Pick 2 words from Math Academic Vocab list that are related & tell why

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus- Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  Brainstorm vocab/facts/learning from previous lesson

·  Interactive Presentation-Find support for teacher statements by reading for facts & writing/speaking in own words CAT

·  Group Practice-Baggie with 3 column matrix of fact, example, & application to be categorized sample from Tammy Jones CAT

·  Independent Practice-3 HOT questions to ask partner CAT

·  Summarize-Student or teacher led

·  Closure Activity-Newscast—35 words or less to sum up today’s lesson


Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer-Jumbled summary projected (or cut up in envelop) for students to put in logical order to show understanding

Steps for multiplying mixed fractions

Check to be sure the answer makes sense. Change each number to an improper fraction. Put answer in lowest terms. Multiply the numerators and then the denominators. Simplify if possible.

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus- Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  Video clip for review

·  Interactive Presentation- Cues and Questions from Marzano CAT

·  Group Practice- I Have, Who Has Concepts and Problems CAT

·  Independent Practice-Graphic Organizer or Mind Map

·  Summarize-Student or teacher led

·  Closure Activity-Pick 3 in a row from Tic-Tac-Toe Board and make a meaningful sentence

Percent Decimal Rates

Ratio Fraction Integers

Product Order of Op Improper Fraction


Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer- Sorting Activity words/concepts/ etc. in baggie

Cut up words that can be sorted into two categories Ex: Algebra and Geometry

Geometry: Point, Line, Line Segment, Perpendicular Line, Parallel Line, Right Angle, Acute Angle, Obtuse Angle, Vertex, Scalene Triangle, Isosceles Triangle, Equilateral Triangle, Radius, Diameter, Circumference, Chord, & Arc

Algebra: Rational Number, Irrational Number, Real Number, Integer, Variable, Constant, Coefficient, Expression, Properties, &Terms

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus- Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  Questions to Hook and Article to read

·  Vocabulary activity Circle up-each student (5-7) in circle has word to show n tell (ex. Lagniappe-hand to forehead like looking for land when saying 1st part & then clap on the last) CAT

·  Group Practice—make poster depicting info learned or important to understanding lesson CAT

·  Independent Practice-Write explanation to friend or create scrapebook & share with partner

·  Summarize-Student or teacher led

·  Closure Activity-Make Checklist for concepts/points learned as a Memory Tool


Lesson Cue Card

·  Bellringer-Logic puzzles

The Great Golf Ball Caper

Ok, imagine a large empty bin with. Say that each minute people would come and put in one golf ball a piece. The first minute(Starting at 12 noon), 1 person came and put in a ball. The second minute, 2 people put in one ball a piece. A minute later, 4 people put in 1 ball a piece. This pattern continued until the bin was exactly full at 6 pm. At what time was the bin half empty?

Answer: 5:59 - Because each minute, the number of balls double!

·  Verbal & Visual Lesson Focus- Always post your Standards or Competencies, as well as talking students through rationale

·  Link logic in (your subject area)

·  Interactive Presentation-PPt. for lesson with opps for HOT questions and reflection CAT

·  Group Practice-Carousel Walk for info with partner to solve content related mystery CAT

·  Independent Practice-Create Flow Chart depicting Carousel Walk info CAT

·  Summarize-Student or teacher led

·  Closure Activity-Sticky Note Comments evaluating mystery


*It is appropriate to use a variety of assessment strategies in the classroom; however, grades should indicate content mastery.

Note: Frequent short tests are better than infrequent longer tests.

The following are examples of various assessment techniques:

  Classroom assessment techniques CATS—Thumbs up/down, Stand up/Sit down, Rate yourself with fingers 1-5, Show color card (red, green), Choral answer, Individual marker boards, corners

  Pre-assessments (agree/disagree matrix, matching, sorting, etc)

  Formative assessments

  Summative assessments

  Rubrics for work and/or project

  Portfolios with student marking best samples and why

  Homework choices

  Exams (diagnostic/assessment)

  Quizzes using Cats, Tests choices with explanation

  Compositions about study

  Reports group and independent


  Journals mark best examples



  Peer evaluations checklist/rubric

  Self-evaluations checklist/rubric

  KWL charts

·  Write HOT Question using Bloom’s words

·  Devise an encyclopedia entry

·  Produce an A - Z of ...

·  Presentation to camera

·  Performance with checklist

·  Produce a poster, flyer, brochure

·  Problem scenario

·  Cheer, Song or Rap

·  Create Game/Puzzle/Time Line

·  Collage

·  Newspaper Articles/News Reports

At each grade level, incoming students from middle school through high school demonstrate vastly different levels of ability and understanding. At the beginning of the school term, as well as at the beginning of each unit of instruction, the teacher may not know what students have been taught and what they have retained.

Pre-assessment is a useful tool that can help determine what needs to be reviewed, emphasized, or introduced for the first time, as well as provide opportunity for compacting and enrichment .


“A Little Something Extra”

·  Choice Board- Pockets/Packets of age/interest/topic/career related assignments, color coded or ability leveled

·  Art/Creative/Hands-on/Tech lesson related projects area

·  Stations to complete activities related to learning concepts or topics

·  Listening, Reading or Viewing Areas (Content Enrichment)