4th grade-Unit #2

Lesson Plan-Phonics d, t, z, s


Procedure: This lesson will cover two classes.

1. Warm Up:Vocabulary Review (2-5 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Students will learn the phonics of d, t, z, and s.

Students will learn about voiced and unvoiced sounds.

Students will choral read the different words and sounds from their textbooks (page 28).

2. Lesson:D(2-5 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Students will watch a video for the letter D:

Review D sound and words with students.

  1. Lesson: T(5-10 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Students will watch a video for the letter T:

Students will practice chant with teacher.

Students will perform the chant.

Procedure: Students will be broken into groups of 4-5 for the rest of the class.

  1. LessonActivities/Games(15-30 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Telephone Game(D and T Words)(5-10 min)

Teacher will say a word into one of the student’s ear. They whisper it into the next team member and so on. At the end if they get the word right they get a point.

Relay Game(D and T Words)(5-10 min)

Student will run to the back of the room and get a word from the teacher. The teacher will whisper a word into their ear. The student will then write the word on the board. Lastly, they slap the hand of the next student until all four words are on the board and the students are sitting.

Throw Ball to the Word(Two boxes with D and T)(5-10 min)

One student from two groups will come up and teacher will say a word.

Students will throw their ball into the correct box.

  1. Closure: Review Vocabulary(5 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Students will choral read the different words and sounds from their textbooks (page 28).

  1. Extension:Practice(5-10 min)

Read, Write, Listen, and Speak

Board Race(D and T Words)

Will put pictures along the board and the students must race to the end.

They will write the beginning sound.

  1. Warm Up:Vocabulary Review (2-5 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Students will learn the phonics of d, t, z, and s.

Students will choral read the different sounds from their textbooks (page 28).

  1. LessonZ(5-10 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Students will watch a video for the letter Z:

Students will practice the words presented in the video and then watch it again and try to sing the words

  1. LessonS(5-10 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Students will watch a video for the letter S:

Procedure: Students will be broken into groups of 4-5 for the rest of the class.

  1. LessonActivities/Games(10-20 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Telephone Game(D, T, S, and Z Words)(5-10 min)

Procedure: Will start with two sounds using just S and Z, then will add sounds from before (D and T).

Teacher will say a word into one of the student’s ear. They whisper it into the next team member and so on. At the end if they get the word right they get a point!

Throw Ball to the Word(Four boxes D, T, S, Z)(5-10 min)

Procedure: Will start with two boxes using just S and Z, then will add sounds from before (D and T)

One student from two groups will come up and teacher will say a word.

Students will throw their ball into the correct box.

Board Race(D, T, S, and Z Words)(5-10 min)

Procedure: Will start with two sounds using just S and Z, then will add sounds from before (D and T)

Will put pictures along the board and the students must race to the end. They will write the beginning sound.

Candy Land:(D, T, S, and Z Words)(10-20 min)

Students will play a board game, “Candy Land”

Directions: They will pick a card. If they can say the word on the card they can move to the beginning sound on the board. First person to the end wins.

  1. Closure: Review Vocabulary(5 min)

Read, Listen, and Speak

Students will review all four sounds (D, T, S, and Z).

Students will review vocabulary with phonemes taught.

  1. Extension Exercise:Find the Word(2-5 min)

Read, Write, Listen, and Speak

Teacher will say a word and the students must find it from their pile of words and hold it up.