May 18, 2015
A general meeting of Team Captains of the Cleveland Industrial Golf League was held at the Clubhouse at the Grand Bay of Brecksville on Monday, May 18, 2015.
1. President Jim Bilek Called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M.
2. Roll Call: Representatives from all teams were present except Tendon Manufacturing.
3. Minutes: Minutes from the Winter Team Captains’ meeting on April 20, 2015 were presented and reviewed. Motion to accept the Minutes as written by Ray Mach, seconded by George Glavinos. Accepted.
4. Finance: Treasurer Dubroy reported a current balance of $10,943.87 after writing 3 checks, #1033 for $50, #1034 for $100, and #1035 for $36.24. Motion to accept the report by Ray Mach, seconded by Eric Sandvick. Approved.
5. Handicap Chairman: David discussed the following:
a. Play Times – Times have been in the good range this season even though we have eliminated the gimmie putt.
b. League Skins Game – Play has been good in the AA/A class, but not as much play in the B/C class. Also, please indicate on the computer lineup if a player is playing in the Skins Game.
c. Website – Unofficial results are being posted on Saturday night with unofficial updated standings. Please give David any ideas for enhancements.
d. Slow Play – Bob Grosh asks for a few slow play penalty explanations for similar play times/trail times and differing penalties. The use of the comment section can help David and Jim determine penalties. President Bilek suggests we add a clock to the 10th tee to see our front/back nine splits.
6. Rules: Nothing at this time.
7. Schedule Chairman: Chairman Bilek reported:
a. We will not be playing at Shale Creek in 2016. There were some complaints by the players that it is not worth the price. They also charged three different rates and some players were overcharged.
b. Looking at adding a third Turkeyfoot event in the post season with a discounted rate for the playoff event.
c. First time at Brookledge this week is 7:20 AM.
8. Old Business: None at this time.
9. New Business:
a. Brookledge Open Event:
· Starters will be xR and County Engineers
· Six hole blind draw individual game $6
· Can still enter the 72 hole event $5
· League Skins by Class $5
· Blind Bogie (required by all) $4
· Pin Shots - #4, #6, #14
· Long Drive - #16
b. Match Play Tournament - President Bilek would like to allow make ups over a three week period for the initial match. Since players did not know who they were playing until a week prior to the match (due to the qualifying over a 3 week period) they did not receive appropriate time to make up a match as they will in subsequent matches. Players will now have until June 6th to make up their match. They must let David Hill know of their intention and the results of the match. Players can match cards if playing on the same Saturday or play outside the league.
c. No-Show – Cutoff had been Thursday evening, it is now Friday at 3:00 PM to David Hill either by phone or e-mail.
d. Tee Times for Brookledge were set up.
e. League Logo – After reviewing two possible logo’s designed by Martin King, the captains voted to change the League Logo to bring the logo and league to current standards. By-law Article 1, Section 1, Insignia, will be changed to read: “the insignia, or emblem, shall be approved by the majority of Captains and may be changed, from time to time, with Captains approval”. Approved.
10. Announcements: Next Meeting will be Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at the Clubhouse at the Grand Bay of Brecksville at 6:30 PM.
11. Motion to adjourn by Ray Mach, seconded by Bill Hopkins. Meeting adjourned at 7:41P.M.