Bellevue School Site Council
4:00 p.m.
January 14, 2014
Purpose: to evaluate the school’s progress toward meeting goals to raise student achievement for English Learns (ELs) and develop a needs assessment based on this evaluation.
I. Welcome Roll Call of Members / Sign In Sheet
A. The meeting was called to order at 4:10
Bellevue Elementary School / Bellevue Senior Elementary SchoolPrincipal: Jennifer Handy / Principal: Jennifer Handy
Teacher: Cheryl Hallman, 4th Grade / Teacher: Allen Alvernaz, 7/8 Math vote in absentia
Teacher: Alma Macias, 2nd Grade / Teacher: Paula Kruczyk, 8th Math, Hist, ELA
Teacher: Marlene Rocha, 6th SDC / Teacher: Marlene Rocha, 7th/8th SDC
Non-Teacher: Jennie Campbell, Lib. Tech / Non-Teacher: Gina Peters, AP
Parent: Claudia Correa, 3rd, 5th / Parent: Catana Folker, 7th
Parent: Sonia Gutierrez, 6th / Parent: Valerie Hopkins, 8th
Parent: Nurys Munoz, 5th / Parent: Debra Reagan, 7th
Parent: Melyssa Summers, 5th / Parent: Melyssa Summers, 7th
Parent: Sean Villanueva, 1st / Parent: Kimberly Torres, 8th
B. Establish a Quorum: five or more present
a. A quorum was established for Bellevue Elementary School; not Bellevue Senior Elementary.
C. Public Input
a. A recommendation was shared that the school consider some type of homework club for students who are not enrolled in the after school program. This would be especially helpful for students whose parents do not speak English or who are not able to assist with the content learning.
i. Cross age tutoring with certificated oversight was an idea.
ii. There was general consensus that this is something that we would like to look into for the future.
II. Approval of Minutes from Previous SSC Meeting:
A. December 10, 2013
Mrs. Peters made a motion to approve the minutes of December 10, 2013; Mrs. Kruczyk seconded the motion. Motion carried.
III. Evaluate Progress Toward Meeting Goals to Raise Student Achievement for English Learners
A. Review the academic achievement of English Learners
i. Mrs. Handy reviewed the achievement of ELs from 2012-2013, using the handouts as a guide for conversation. API, AYP subgroup and STAR data were shared.
ii. Mrs. Handy reviewed the AMAOs as related to the district progress and site progress. Conversation points are as follows:
1. We may want to consider holding our students who have been here less than 5 years a little longer so that they have greater academic strengths later on.
2. Factors that may have had a negative impact on our AMAO progress (or lack thereof)
a. No more structured academic plan for Level I newcomers (ACE/SEI removed two years ago); the changes made may not have been in the best inters of students because they are lost in the general education classroom.
B. Report on Implementation of School Improvement Plan with a focus on English Learners
i. Mrs. Handy shared the areas where progress is being made.
1. Francisco Romo and Implementing CCSS ELD
2. Read 180 Pilot Program
ii. Report on areas where improvement is needed
1. Structured ELD Curriculum
a. English 3D (Grades 6-8) will be purchased for our Jr. High elective course.
b. Mrs. Correa shared that when she was learning English, workbooks really helped her.
2. Level 1 & 2 Support Systems need to be put in place. We are currently piloting Read 180 and hope to garner more information to continue our evaluation of services.
3. The council considered the possibility of hiring a part-time teacher to meet the needs of Level I students by providing SEI instruction and/or facilitating Read 180.
4. The district and site conversation on our Pyramid Response to Intervention is continuing to progress. We hope to have a more structured implementation plan in the coming school year.
iii. Needs Assessment
1. Mrs. handy provided a copy of a Title I Sample Survey found on the CDE website. The council compared that survey to the Bellevue Parent Survey that has been used the 2 previous years. The council made recommendations on which questions to remove/add, etc.
IV. English Language Advisory Council Report
A. Mrs. Handy shared the minutes of the previous ELAC committee meeting.
V. Principal’s Report
A. Mrs. Handy provided a review of the activities that were taking place in the coming month.
i. Bellevue School will be featured at this evening’s board meeting.
ii. Spanish in the Workplace will be offered at Bellevue for educators wishing to learn Spanish.
iii. The Winter Wonderland Dance is n 1/17; chaperones are always welcome.
iv. Our girls’ basketball team is beginning their season, coached by Ms. Gieling.
v. Dr. Lysko will be presenting to our parents on the Local Control Accountability Plan.
vi. Common Core Professional Development days will be taking place for grade levels; each grade level will have 4 days for exploration and planning.
vii. Spring Pictures are scheduled for February 7.
VI. Adjournment
A. Mrs. Kruczyk moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:10; Mrs. Hallman seconded. Motion carried.
Future SSC Meetings – 2nd Tuesday of Every Month, 4:00 p.m., Library:
January 14, 2014
February 11, 2014
March 11, 2014
April 8, 2014
May 13, 2014