Section 1The name of this corporation shall be Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

Section 2The place where its business is to be transacted is 502 North Merchant, Belle Plaine, Kansas and such other places as shall be convenient or necessary to the transaction of the

business of the corporation.

Section 3Until changed, pursuant to the provisions of law relating thereto, the registered office of this corporation shall be 502 North Merchant, Belle Plaine, Kansas.

Section 4This corporation is organized NOT for profit and the objects and purposes to be transacted and carried on are:

  1. To develop and promote the advancement of the civic, commercial,

industrial, and agricultural interests of the City of Belle Plaine and the

surrounding territory;

  1. The promotion of the general welfare and prosperity of the area, and the

stimulation of public sentiment to these ends;

  1. The providing of such social and cultural features as will promote these


Section 5To carry out the objects and purposes of the corporation, it may acquire, take by gift,

purchase, devise, or bequest real and personal property for purposes appropriate in the

exercise of its powers and may lease, mortgage, and dispose of real and personal

property, including the right to take, hold, and dispose of shares of stock in other



Section 1Membership must be approved by the Board of Directors and shall consist of five types:

Regular, associate, ambassador, ministerial, and honorary.

  1. Regular membership – any reputable person, association, corporation,

partnership, sole proprietorship, estate or trust.

  1. Associate membership – an employee or representative of a member who

shall be entitled to the same privileges of regular membership.

  1. Ambassador membership – any reputable person interested in promoting

the community, its businesses, organizations and clubs, and community


  1. Ministerial/organization membership – a minister or other representative of. any local church/organization.
  2. Honorary membership – the Board of Directors shall have the right to

nominate honorary members. Election to honorary membership shall

require the majority vote of the members present at a regular membership

meeting. Annual membership dues shall not be required of honorary


Section 2Each regular, associate, ambassador, or ministerial/organization member shall pay dues as determined by the Board of Directors for each fiscal year of membership. The Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. fiscal year is January 1 through December 31.

Section 3The membership shall meet at regular intervals and at a location to be determined by the

Board of Directors with the consent of the members.

Section 4Each member – regular associate, ambassador, ministerial or honorary – shall be entitled

to cast only one vote.

Section 5Membership may be terminated by the Board of Directors for cause or for non-payment

of dues or special assessments within a reasonable time as determined by the board.

Section 6The death, resignation, or expulsion of a member shall terminate his/her membership.

The termination of a membership shall work a forfeiture of all interest of the member in

and to the property of the corporation, and the member shall thereafter have no right

thereto or any part thereof.


Section 1The officers of this corporation shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer

and four Directors which will include the immediate Past President.

Section 2All officers and directors shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting which

shall be the first meeting in June. The term of office shall commence July 1 of the same


Section 3The nomination and officers and directors shall be made by a committee of three members appointed by the president, however, additional nominations may be made from

the floor at the annual meeting.

Section 4All officers shall be elected for a term of one year and may be re-elected for additional

terms. The four elected directors shall serve a term of two years with two directors being

elected each year. No director who has completed a two year term shall be eligible for

re-election until after a lapse of one year following completion of his/her term.

Section 5The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the president, vice president, secretary,

treasurer and four directors.

Section 6The president, and in his/her absence the vice president, shall preside at all regular

meetings and Board of Directors meetings. The president shall determine the type of

voting to be used during meetings and the members shall have the right to request a

secret ballot.

Section 7Twenty percent of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at regular


Section 8A quorum from the Board of Directors shall be not less than five (5).

Section 9The president shall appoint such standing or special committees as deemed advisable.

When possible, committees shall be chaired by chamber members. Chairmen shall report

directly to the president.

Section 10The government of the chamber, the direction of its work, and the control of its property

shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The directors shall have the power to fill all

vacancies on the board. Business shall be transacted using Roberts Rules of Order as a

guideline. The board may adopt additional rules for conducting business if deemed

necessary. They shall meet at such time and place as determined by them,

Section 11Upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and with the consent of the members, the chamber may hire employees, as deemed necessary, whose duties shall be defined by the board.

Section 12No disbursements of funds in excess of $75.00 shall be made unless the same shall have

been approved by the members of the Board of Directors. All disbursements shall be made by check with two signatures required.


Section 1The corporation shall not have the power to issue stock.

Section 2This corporation, in its activities, shall be nonpartisan and nonsectarian. It shall not by

resolution or otherwise be committed to the support or endorsement of any candidate for

public office.

Section 3No officer or director shall draw compensation for his/her services. Officers and directors

may be compensated for actual expenses incurred on behalf of the chamber.

Section 4Any paid manager, administrator, or employee of Belle Plaine Area Chamber of

Commerce, Inc. shall be required to attend any and all meetings of said organization as a

prerequisite to receiving any payment for duties performed. This section may be waived

by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Adopted at Belle Plaine, Kansas this 20th day of January 1975, by the members and directors.

Revised May 31, 1989

Revised June 13, 1989

Revised October 18,1989

Revised December 16, 1993

Adopted as revised January 19, 1994.

Revised June 16, 2010

Adopted as revised July 7, 2010

Revised 2-16-11