August 2, 2016



FY 2016 Interstate Telecommunications Service Providers (ITSP) and Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) data is now available for viewing on the Commission’s electronic filing and payment system (Fee Filer). To view the data, you will need to log into Fee Filer and follow the steps below.

For ITSP providers, please log into Fee Filer at with the appropriate FRN and password associated with your ITSP filings. Please click on the link “Preview 2015 ITSP revenues (FY 2016 fees)” to access FCC Form 159-W ITSP Report (Preview) worksheet, which identifies the revenue information based on your FCC Form 499-A filing on April 1, 2016, as revised. Line 14 of the worksheet identifies the subject revenues that will be the basis for the payment of FY 2016 regulatory fees. This worksheet is “read only” and cannot be revised. Upon adoption and release of the Commission’s FY 2016 Regulatory Fees, Report and Order, this revenue amount will be used to determine the FY 2016 regulatory fee amount. If you disagree with this revenue amount, you will need to file a revised Form 499-A with USAC to change your revenue figures. When Fee Filer opens to accept FY 2016 regulatory fee payments, the Form 159-W ITSP worksheet will reflect the FY 2016 regulatory fee amount due.

For CMRS providers, please log into Fee Filer at with the appropriate FRN and password. Please click on the link “View CMRS Subscriber Count” to access your subscriber, porting, and OCN information. If you agree with the information presented, there is nothing more for you to do; when Fee Filer opens, the “Net NRUF Telephone Number” identified will be listed in the quantity field in Fee Filer. If you wish to revise the subscriber count, please follow the prompts accordingly to make changes. After a revision is made, the Commission will approve or disapprove the action. Please note that CMRS Assessment letters will no longer be mailed to your address. You have until August 24, 2016 to make revisions to your subscriber count so that the Commission has sufficient time to place the correct subscriber number in Fee Filer. After August 24, 2016, requests for revisions will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and should be directed to Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444 or .

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