Behavior Identification & Adjustment
The classroom is a sacred place where every learner has the right and responsibility to participate in all activities. The instructor has the duty of providing a dynamic, enriching, and challenging curriculum where every student behaves within acceptable limits. The acceptable limits are the limits that allow the instruction to be delivered and comprehended.
A Behavior Identification & Adjustment strategy is needed when the classroom is no longer dynamic, enriching, challenging and a student is not behaving within acceptable limits.
I. Accepting the Problem
I ______[print student’s name] recognize that I am having difficulties behaving within acceptable limits and that I am interfering with the education process in my math class.
II. Identifying the Problem
My specific problem(s) can be described as:
III. Strategy for Improvement
If I were to be a successful student, I would need to behave differently. To correct the problem(s) described above in section II, I must:
Check here only if the teacher has reviewed sections I – III above and agrees with it ______[teacher’s initials]
IV. Agreement
I agree to adhere to the solution(s) presented within this Behavior Identification & Adjustment document. Failure to adhere to the solution(s) will provide the teacher with no other alternative but to seek the aid of the Dean’s Office for disciplinary measures.
[Student’s signature]
[Teacher’s signature]
Updated: December 15th, 2007