Beginning Portrait Drawing
Christina McVicker
Course Outline
Student Learning Objectives:
*Students will learn to quickly sketch in proportions of the face.
*Students will learn different pencil grips and strokes and the technique of combining different approaches.
*Students will obtain the skills to competently create a portrait that will be successful according to proportion, line, value and color theory.
*Students will learn to create portraits using graphite, charcoal and pastel.
*Students will gain required knowledge through the instructor and peers as well; achieving a sense of accomplishment and a mutual respect for peers and their artwork.
Week one:
Students will view a PowerPoint presentation explaining the process of portraiture which includes but is not limited to: grips, strokes, measurement, proportion, quick sketches, contour drawing, light and shade, using a mirror, individually working on facial features, values and color theory.
Students will work on learning different grips and strokes using graphite.
Students will learn to quickly sketch out the basic shapes and guidelines for the initial structure of the face using graphite.
Homework: Using the handout as a guide, follow the step by step process of sketching the eye. (Graphite pencil)
Week Two:
For the first hour, students will do a series of 30 seconds to 1 and 2 min structural sketches of the face using graphite pencil.
For the second hour, students will create a series of contour line drawings of the face, closely observing the shadow shapes and drawing these while rarely lifting the pencil if at all.
Homework: Using the handout as a guide, follow the step by step process of sketching the nose. (Graphite pencil)
Week Three:
Using charcoal, students will combine the structural quick sketch and then going in with the contour line approach creating shadow shapes. The shadow shapes will then be filled in creating what is known as Chiaroscuro…a black and white drawing.
Homework: Using handout as a guide, follow the step by step process of sketching the mouth. (Graphite pencil)
Week Four:
Using charcoal students willcombine the quick structural method to sketch the over-all shape, and proportions. The students will draw in the features of the face and eventually add in the values of light and shade. Long sittings.
Homework: Using the handout as a guide, follow the step by step process of sketching the ear.
Week Five:
Using colored pencils, and a sheet of a dark valued colored piece of paper (Blue, Black) students will draw a portrait using the colored pencils to emphasize color values.
Homework: Students will sit before a mirror and draw a self-portrait. At least three quick structural sketches must be done to warm up. Using the quick structural sketch method the student will sketch out the initial proportions and angle of the head. Students may choose graphite, charcoal or colored pencils to show light / shade, values and/or color.
Week Six:
Using colored paper and pastel chalk in a ‘loosely stroked’ manner, students will create a portrait. Long sitting.
Homework: Using the same type of colored paper and pastel chalk have someone you know sit for you. Use the same loosely stoked technique to create their portrait.
Week Seven:
Using colored paper, the students will use the pastels in a more traditional ‘tight’ method to create a portrait. Long sitting.
Homework: Using the same type of colored paper and pastel chalk, have someone sit for you. Use the same ‘tight’ traditional approach to create their portrait.
Week Eight:
Method of choice: Student may use the last class to choose the medium and approach of choice to create the portrait. Long sitting.