The Minutes Of The Ordinary Council Meeting of Shipley Parish Council Held On Monday 7th December 2015 at Coolham Village Hall, Coolham at 7:30pm

186/15 Attendance and Apologies For Absence

Those Present: P Baxter, W Beckett, J Coad (Chair), G De Zoete, J Emrich, T Hayes, L Lovett, S Roggendorff, P Sinton

Also Present: Cllr A Jupp, Cllr N Jupp, one member of the Public and Parish Clerk F McNeile.

Apologies: Cllr N King-Tours (Sons Graduation)

7:34pm Cllr Emrich entered the room.

187/15 To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation.

Cllr Emrich declared interests in item 196/15. Cllr Coad asked Cllr Emrich to remain within the meeting to answer questions relevant to Knepp planning applications.

188/15 Approval Of The Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on Thursday 29th October 2015

The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read. Cllr Coad proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record, this was unanimously AGREED.

189/15 Matters Arising from Item 188/15 (For information only)

169/15 The Clerk met with Manny Singh at HDC’s offices to discuss the current planning application process and the future paperless planning requirements. The Clerk is waiting for a full report from Manny. Paper plans will only be provided for applications of 10 houses or more and all other plans will be available on line. HDC are investigating providing smaller plans in a file format for Parish Councils to project from a laptop. HDC may also put together power point presentations with key application information and site plans and photos. It is likely that HDC will provide some funding for either projectors/lap tops for paperless planning.

The Autumn Clean Up was a ‘success’ with over 350 kilos of rubbish collected. McDonalds provided 3 volunteers and the Clerk and the Chairman worked with them on Friday 19th November. Darren Rolfe assisted the Parish Council again on Saturday 20th November and 14 volunteers worked over the weekend to clear the litter. A press release has been issued to the parish magazines and on the website.

171/15 The Clerk has written to The Andrew Hall management committee about the possible provision of a projector screen and broadband within The Andrew Hall.

175/15 The Clerk confirmed that a response was sent to HDC regarding the working relationship between District and Parish Councils as requested by the Parish Council.

178/15 The Clerk confirmed that the goal posts and benches had been ordered using the S106 monies. Two benches have been bought and will be sited initially at the top play area of Coolham Playing Fields. Delivery of the goal posts is expected this week and the Clerk and Chairman will install them on Wednesday 16th December.

179/15 The Honorary Freeman presentation evening for Bob Phillips, David Meadows and Clive Charman took place on 3rd December and the Clerk has received thanks to the Parish Council from the ‘awardees’ and their families. The Clerk has written to Alan Vaughn at The Countryman Pub for the generous and kind sponsorship of the evening. A press release will be forwarded to the parish magazines and uploaded to the website. The Clerk thanked all the members who attended the event.

180/15 The Clerk has received confirmation that Paul Cummins at HDC is in receipt of the Conergy agreement but he has not yet confirmed if any advice or changes are required. The Clerk will continue to monitor progress particularly in light of the planning application for Spearhill Solar Farm receiving approval by HDC planning.

182/15 The Clerk has reported all public rights of way and road problems highlighted at the last meeting. HDC are sending a planning officer to investigate the Kenward Lorries earth spoil unloading near Oakwood Cottages.

190/15 Report from the Police


191/15 Report from the County Councillor

Cllr A Jupp thanked the Chairman and the Clerk for organising the reception on 3rd December which was a great success and enjoyed by everyone.

Cllr A Jupp highlighted that planning application WSCC TRO/HON8014/RC is a blanket application and asked the Parish Council to consider the implications to Shipley School. The school has its own pick up and drop off arrangements in place and the Keep Clear Signs would interfere with these arrangements. The school has also written to Cllr Jupp requesting support for their application for lighting along the footpath. Cllr Jupp has contacted Chris Stark of WSCC Highways. Cllr Coad confirmed that he was meeting the school regarding the lighting application which follows a 25m pathway.

7:45pm Cllr N Jupp entered the room.

192/15 Report from the District Councillors

Horsham District Council has passed the Horsham Planning & Development Framework. All planning issues have been covered and the framework is in place for the next five years but will be reviewed in 2018. Cllr N Jupp encouraged Shipley Parish Council to put in place a Neighbourhood Plan because if there is a planning scheme in the Parish that will generate funds from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) then the Parish will gain a larger amount than it would without a Neighbourhood Plan in place. Cllr N Jupp emphasised that a NHP is a two year project and confirmed that he is working to see if HDC has any further funding from S106 for the Parish to use for a NHP. The Clerk requested that Cllr N Jupp checks with Paul Cummins at HDC to see if there was any feedback or advice regarding the Conergy agreement.

193/15 Report from Representatives on Outside Organisations

Cllr P Baxter has attended three meetings for HALC on behalf of Shipley Parish Council and has produced information and reports for Council. The most recent meeting was between HALC and HDC and the minutes of which have been circulated. In Cllr Baxter’s summarised the last meeting which included discussions on Neighbourhood Plans, updates regarding plans for the North and West of Horsham, Planning and Local Planning Infrastructure, Community Wardens and finally Devolution. The Government plans to devolve powers, although not necessarily more money, to local authorities. It was very clear that if a Neighbourhood Plan is in place you are likely to receive more money than if you don’t have a NHP in place. The Government wants to see devolution rolled out to local areas quickly.

Cllr Coad also commented that having attended the SALC AGM and WSCC Conference with the Clerk on 19th November and from Cllr Baxter’s reports, a key point that the Parish Council needs to take away is that ‘Devolution’ is coming. WSCC speaker Sean Ruth, was very clear that the County Council have to save money and will not be receiving Central Government grants as was the case previously. WSCC are looking to join East Sussex and Surrey County Councils and work as a consortium. Money for County Councils will be raised through business rates for the first time. This will work well in a prosperous area but has obvious risks especially during economic difficulties. Therefore the other source of income will be from Council Tax and this falls heavily in line with Central Governments Building Directives. Pressure will be on the District and Borough Councils to meet the building targets in order to achieve the Council tax income. Again, this increases the pressure for Parish Councils to have NHP’s in place.

The ‘Devolution’ agenda also places emphasis on making parishes and communities more resilient and stronger. Introducing Community Wardens is just the beginning and Cllr Coad foresees parish councils being responsible for verge maintenance, pot holes, street lighting and much more as County Council pass down responsibilities. Higher precepts will need to be in place to afford this additional responsibility.

It is important that the Parish Council continue to attend these types of events to be clear on future changes and the effects on the responsibilities of Parish Councils and preparations needed in order to be ready for the changes ahead.

194/15 Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman).

A member of the public enquired whether there would be a replacement Parish Council representative on the management committee at Coolham Village Hall. Cllr Coad confirmed that was to be discussed in Item 195/15.

195/15 Chairman’s Announcements

Cllr Coad Congratulated Debbie Cannon and the community volunteers on the Bonfire Night which raised £1192.79 towards the Pavilion restoration fund and was a very enjoyable evening. Additional thanks was extended to Leech Auto Services who sponsored the event. The fundraising team have raised £2781.74 through the BBQ, Bonfire Event and donations and so almost half of the target of £7,000 has been raised. Unfortunately after four unsuccessful applications we must draw a line under the Big Lottery applications, but an application has been submitted for £4,000 for CIF funding and is being considered on 14th December by the North Horsham Committee and supported by Cllr A Jupp. An application has also been submitted to the TESCO/Groundworks Open Spaces Grant.

Cllr Coad asked if any other members of Council could attend the Management Committee meetings for Coolham Village Hall. Generally these are held on a Thursday and Cllr Coad cannot attend Thursday evenings anymore. Several members of the Village Hall Management Committee are leaving. The AGM is on January 14th 8:15pm at Coolham Village Hall. The Clerk will advertise this on the Parish Council website. Cllr Coad explained that if there is not a Village Hall committee then the management of the Village Hall will fall back to the Parish Council. Currently there are 9 people on the management committee. The Parish Council representative is responsible for liaising between the management committee and the Parish Council. Cllr A Jupp noted that if you are a Parish Council member then you should be involved in local organisations such as the Village Hall committees. Responsibilities within organisations within the Parish should be shared amongst members.

It was agreed that The Clerk will attend the AGM on behalf of the Parish Council and Ann Roberts (CVH Booking Secretary) will enquire with the management committee to see if the meetings can be held on a Monday, in which case Cllr Coad will continue to be the PC Representative.

Horsham District Older People Forum is an organisation for people over 60 in the area and are looking for an ‘Older People’s Champion’. Cllr Coad asked if there were any members interested in attending the meetings. Cllr A Jupp explained that the forum does not require a PC representative and that sharing information on events via email and the PC website is sufficient assistance.

Cllr Coad asked members for approval for Coolham Playing Fields to be used by William Penn School parents for the Year 6 Leavers Party. They have booked Coolham Village Hall on 22nd July for a few hours and want to use the adjoining field. This was approved by the Parish Council.

Cllr Coad asked members for an overall response to the Itchingfield PC Car Parking problems letter. Cllr A Jupp has been campaigning for more car parking in both Billingshurst and Christs Hospital and has a meeting with the Estates Manager at Christs Hospital to discuss the parking issues. Double yellow lines will be introduced in Natts Lane Billingshurst to prevent dangerous parking. The responsibility of car parking lies with the rail service provider and that makes the procedure for parking space provision very difficult. HDC have purchased land for 35 spaces in Myrtle Lane but land next to railway lines is expensive and therefore parking charges will be in force. Following discussion, it was agreed that there are parking problems at the stations in Christs Hospital, Billingshurst and Pulborough and Shipley Parish Council recognises that there will be residents from Shipley Parish using both stations for commuting and possibly contributing to the problem. A letter of support to Itchingfield PC will be sent by the Clerk.

Cllr Coad requested that members finalise a date for the Council ‘Away Morning’. It was agreed that Cllr Emrich would send a list of possible dates and the Clerk will enquire on minibus availability with Leech Autos and The Scouts. Dates will then be circulated to the rest of Council.

Cllr Coad has received an email from Shipley Primary School requesting support for a footpath lighting planning application. A meeting has been booked with the Head Teacher on Monday 11th January at 4.30pm. Any other Councillors wishing to attend the meeting are to inform Cllr Coad.

Further to an email regarding a Digital Connectivity Grant, Cllr Coad asked members for their thoughts of the best way to inform businesses in the Parish of the grant. It was agreed to add the grant information to the website and noticeboards in the Parish. Cllr Emrich enquired whether any members knew of information regarding broadband connection dates in the Parish. Cllr A Jupp has received information and will have the connection dates forwarded to the Clerk for members information.

196/15 Planning Applications

DC/15/2414 Thornhill Works, Billingshurst Road, Coolham – Variation of conditions 10 and 11 of previously approved application DC/12/0790 relating to landscaping

After Consideration The Council Approved The Application

Votes 9 Votes Approved

DC/15/2393 Larkins Park, Emms Lane, Brooks Green – Variation of condition 1 of DC/14/0708 (Change of use to accommodate 28 touring caravans and camping pitches together with internal access and parking arrangements). To allow 28 caravans to be used for year round residential purposes by those over the age of 50

After Consideration The Council Objected

Votes 9 Objected

The reasons for the objection are overdevelopment of sites of this type in the immediate area. Access from the site is not good and leads onto an extremely narrow lane which already suffers from overuse which causes regular road maintenance.

DC/15/2615 Nightingale Farm, Sincox Lane, Shipley – Prior approval for a proposed change of use from agricultural building to single dwelling