The monthly meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Wednesday 9th November 2016 in the Jubilee Room of Dunholme Village Hall.
Present:Cllrs A Sawhney (Chairman), S Barrett, M Burre, Mrs P Fuller, R Gregson, B Lewis, Mrs H Nicholls and T Pache
Also Present:Four members of the public and County Councillor Sue Rawlins
Clerk:Mrs L Richardson
16/11/01Chairmans’ remarks
It has been another busy month with the preparation of next year’s budget; the neighbourhood plan is well underway and a referendum is expected for early next year after the independent examination has taken place.
The chairman is currently undertaking a Risk Management course through Westminster University. This qualification will be useful in enabling more robust risk management plans to be formulated, and in developing our joint Emergency Plan with Welton Parish Council
16/11/02To resolve to accept apologies and reasons for absence
All parish councillors were present. Apologies received from District Councillors Mrs Diana Rodgers and Cllr England.
16/11/03Disclosure of pecuniary interests
Cllr Lewis declared an interest in agenda item 12 as a member of the DDIBC.
Cllr Barrett declared as interest in agenda item number 11 as a licensee of the village hall.
Cllr Sawhney declared an interest in agenda item 8c as Chairman of the Parish Council.
16/11/04Notes of the meeting held on 14th September 2016 to be approved and signed as the minutes
This was deferred to a future meeting, as not all councillors had seen the minutes.
16/11/05Notes of the meeting held on 12th October 2016 to be approved and signed as the minutes
On a proposal from Cllr Gregson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Fuller and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record of events.
16/11/06To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies (e.g. Police/LCC/WLDC)
LCC – the main priority at present is the devolution scheme – six districts voted in favour of the scheme, one district voted against, and LCC also voted against the scheme following recommendations from its members.
The Eastern bypass preferred bid is currently being considered, but no action can be taken until the devolution scheme has been decided upon, due to financial restrictions.
Simon Barrett (Village Hall Committee Meeting) – the village hall committee is moving ahead with the improvement work needed to the toilets – this is hoped to start in the new year.
16/11/07Clerk’s report
Pirate Ship – Cllr Mrs Fuller agreed to work alongside Cllr Pache to restart the process of sourcing quotes for a pirate ship in the Kennington Close play area.
Post Box – The Post Office is undertaking a consultation regarding the post box, which has not yet finished. It is anticipated that a box should be installed opposite the old Spar site in 3 months time. The Clerk was asked to contact the Post Office to request that the post box be sited at the Co-Op, as previously requested, due to the likelihood of cars stopping close to the busy road junction for letter posting if it is sited adjacent to Mainwaring Close. A copy of this letter will also be sent to the Co-Op, to request support for the council’s preferred site option.
Cllr Pache also requested that the Post Office be asked once again if they have the old post box, as it wasone of the oldest things in the village. It would be appropriate if this box could be reused in the village.
Policies and Procedures – These have been brought up to date, with review dates, etc, added. These will be placed in the Councillors’ Dropbox in the next week, as well as on the website, and hard copies circulated to Councillors for their policy files.
16/11/08Financial matters:
a)To approve the payment of accounts
On a proposal from Cllr Pache, seconded by Cllr Barrett and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to make the following payments: -
500.00 / Mundys / DDIBC & Village Hall Valuation55.64 / Dunholme Village Hall / Sports unit electricity charges
19.17 / Viking Direct / Postage/Stationery
122.44 / James Heath Electrical / DDIBC Outdoor Light Maintenance
62.75 / Rudies Roots / Winter Container Plants
20.00 / Home Call Computer / Laptop Repairs (February 2016)
10.46 / Welton Parish Council / Village Maintenance Facilitator Supplies
137.91 / Screwfix / Village Maintenance Facilitator Supplies
229.35 / Mrs B Edwards / Village Maintenance Facilitator Salary
429.17 / Mrs L Richardson / Clerks salary and expenses
On a proposal from Cllr Pache, seconded by Cllr Gregson and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to purchase a ream of paper for each Councillor to use for Parish Council business such as agendas etc.
b)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the payment of the Chairman’s annual allowance
On a proposal from Cllr Pache, seconded by Cllr Gregson and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to pay the Chairman an annual allowance of £400.
c)To consider a draft budget for 2017/18 and complete the relevant forms for the 2017/18 precept estimate
On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Barrett and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to submit the relevant estimate precept forms to WLDC showing a demand of £39,000.
20:31The meeting was suspended to allow Cllr Rawlins to explain how the precept demand is calculated.
20:34The meeting was resumed
16/11/09Correspondence – for information only as per list
WLDC – Notice of vacancy
WLDC – Confirmation of William Farr Woods registered as a Community Asset
C. Pickering – Planning matters (E-mail)
The Dunholme Trust – Information letter re Funding application
To receive the observations of the Planning Committee on the following applications and take any action required
Planning Applications Received
135127 - Planning application to erect 1no. dwelling. Resubmission of 134655 - Land adj 94 Lincoln Road,Dunholme,LincolnLN2 3QY.
Comments: On a proposal from Cllr Gregson, seconded by Cllr Pache and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to resubmit the Council’s previous comments about the size of the dwelling compared to the site size, and its relationship with the general street scene. It was also requested to add the anticipated loss of privacy to neighbouring properties due to its new location within the site.
Planning Applications Granted – Information only
134853 - Planning application for erection of timber-clad oak-framed garage with tiled roof and associated external works -The Rowans, 19 Market Rasen Road, Dunholme, Lincoln LN2 3QS.
134858 - Planning application for single storey extension to rear of dwelling and erection of pitched roof to replace existing flat roof to garage and front entrance porch - 15 The Granthams, Dunholme, Lincoln LN2 3SP.
Planning Applications Refused:
134685 - Outline planning application to erect 7no. dwellings and formation of access with all matters reserved - Waltham House, 116 Lincoln Road, Dunholme, Lincoln LN2 3QY.
16/11/11Village Hall Lease:
To receive an update regarding the valuation for the renewal of the lease
The valuations of the village hall and the DDIBC have now taken place. The figures are financially sensitive, and Cllr Gregson will liaise with the relevant committees to let them know the figures for insurance purposes.
A meeting will shortly take place with the village hall committee to continue the review of the current lease arrangements, and to decide whether a new lease should be drawn up.
16/11/12Bowls Clubs:
To receive an update regarding the leaking roof of the DDIBC and take any necessary action
Cllr Barrett is still in communication with McConnells to try and get the relevant repair work carried out under the roof warranty.
16/11/13Neighbourhood Plan:
To receive an update and take any required action
No further update to minute.
16/11/14Council Functions
To receive and decide upon a quote for a Christmas tree disposal service in January 2017
This was deferred to a future meeting.
16/11/15Tennis Buddies:
To discuss and take any necessary action
No update to minute.
16/11/16Village Maintenance:
a)To consider any maintenance jobs required around the village and play areas.
On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Gregson and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to undertake the following maintenance work: -
- The road signs around the village require cleaning.
- The Clerk was asked to research new village planters.
- The Clerk will contact Highways to report that the Honeyholes Lane sign is missing at the Lincoln Road (Welton) end and needs replacing.
- Bollards at A46/Scothern Lane junction need to be lit, as the junction is dangerous.
- The Clerk will contact Highways to report again the hedge overgrowth on the Market Rasen Road/A46 junction that needs cutting back.
- Report further vandalism to DDIBC lights to the police.
- Three lights around the bowls club need repair – ask James Heath to deal.
- Consider a better security camera system– obtain quotes – there are four in total.
- To plant a cherry tree opposite to church (Queens tree)in March 2017.
- To accept a quote from Phil Westman to undertake necessary maintenance work to Manor Farm pond.
b)To receive a letter from a resident regarding village maintenance, and take any necessary action.
On a proposal from Cllr Sawhney, seconded by Cllr Gregson and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that little work could be done along the stream and beck in the winter months, and that this should be considered again in springtime.
c)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the regular maintenance required to the graveyard on Ashing Lane.
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Nicholls, seconded by Cllr Pache and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr Pache and the handyman will look at possible options regarding the re-siting of the compost heap at the Ashing Lane cemetery. The compost enclosure needs repair, and the contractor will be called to deal, on the recommendation of Cllr Pache.
d)To consider the purchase of daffodil bulbs to be planted around the village
It was agreed by all to purchase no further daffodil bulbs at present. Last year’s planting was carried out rather late in the season, and it is hoped that this year’s showing will be an improvement.
e)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the free trees scheme
On a proposal from Cllr Sawhney, seconded by Cllr Lewis and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to apply for some free trees to act as a further sound and visual buffer between the A46 and Kennington Close playarea
f)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the siting of 3 benches around the village
On a proposal from Cllr Sawhney, seconded by Cllr Pache and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to site the new village benches at Woods End, Market Rasen Road next to the beck and opposite the church
g)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the surface water flooding on the corner of Ryland Road/Lincoln Road
On a proposal from Cllr Sawhney, seconded by Cllr Pache and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to contact Highways for an update on the situation from last year’s investigations. It appears that silt is being washed into the drain at the end of Ryland Road, causing regular flooding next to the pavement. Drain requires pumping out more often.
h)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the 2017/18 grass cutting and village maintenance contract tenders
On a proposal from Cllr Burre, seconded by Cllr Sawhney and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to make the following changes to the schedules and then send out for tender.
Maintenance - Remove war memorial green and Manor Farm pond from schedule.
Grass cutting –One cut required in March (weather-dependant), then every two weeks from April to September, with one cut in October.
The following council representatives were agreed upon to liaise with the selected contractor;Grass cutting – CllrBurre; Maintenance - Cllr Mrs Fuller.
16/11/17Councillors’ Reports:
None made.
Signed by the chairman: ……………………………………………. 14th December 2016