Becoming a Community Partner Agency (CPA)

Thank you for your interest in the CRJ Internship Program. We believe the Internship Experience provides students with great opportunities to apply what they learn in the classroom. It also provides a great opportunity to work side-by-side with professionals, like you, in the field of Criminal Justice. In collaboration with our hosting “Community Partner Agency,” students are able to fully expand their hands-on learning.

The ASU School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Program is ranked 12th in the Nation (US News & World Reports). Currently, the CRJ Internship Program is designed for Juniors, Seniors and Graduate students. Internships always provides valuable experience for our students. Internships and Volunteer Placements can occur during the Fall, Spring or Summer semesters.

As an Community Partner Agency, you will determine which CRJ Intern is assigned to your agency. You also determine how many interns you are willing to host each semester. Regardless, our CRJ students are expected to contact the Community Partner Agency, complete necessary documentation for internal agency approval (screenings, submitting resume, finger prints, etc.) and complete all CRJ Internship application requirements. CRJ Internship students are expected to negotiate with the Community Partner Agency the following: learning objectives, internship hours, supervision, internship tasks/expectations, etc.

IMPORTANT: NO student is permitted to actually start their Internship until required paperwork (Student Placement Agreement) is authorized by the Dean of our College. Note, this is an agreement between ASU and your agency and allows you to receive interns from the entire ASU system. Once you complete and email back the Becoming A Community Partner questionnaire, I will start an electronic Student Placement Agreement through DocuSign system. This will be forwarded back to you for signature.

Please complete the following questionnaire and email it back to me at

  1. Name of Organization
  2. Contact Person (Intern Supervisor)
  3. Address (mailing address, city, state, zip code)
  4. Telephone contact number
  5. Email address
  6. Agency website address
  7. Type of Organization (i.e.: Government, Courts, Law Enforcement, Non-profit, Grass-roots, Other)
  8. Agency Focus (i.e.: Offenders, Victims, Adults, children, Supportive Services, etc.)
  9. How many interns can you host during a semester?
  10. Provide a brief paragraph on what students can expect to do as an Intern at your agency. This will also be posted on our website and Electronic CRJ Newsletter. Make sure you provide your internal agency application process, contact to send the application, etc.


Robbin Day Brooks MSW, CPP

CCJ Internship Director

Faculty Lecturer

Social Work Field Instructor

Barrett Honors Faculty

Center for the Study of Race and Democracy (CSRD) Affiliate Faculty

Arizona State University-Downtown Phoenix Campus

College of Public Service & Community Solutions

School of Criminology and Criminal Justice

411 N. Central Ave. Ste. 600

Phoenix, AZ. 85004-0685

Cell: (602) 301-0597