/ St Luke Academies Trust
Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School
Occupation Road, Corby, NN17 1EE
01536 203251 /

Minutes of the Board of Directors' meeting held on Wednesday, 19th April 2017 at 6.30 pm at Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School, Occupation Road, Corby

Present: / Mr R Hill (Chair)
Mrs A Fletton (arrived later)
Mrs M Hayes
Mrs A Kilsby
Mr E McAuley (Vice Chair)
Miss C Smith (arrived later)
Mrs N Vaughan (School Improvement Director and Accounting Officer)(SID/AO)
In attendance: / Mrs L Doherty (Clerk)
Mrs S Robinson (Finance Director)(FD)
/ Action required / Person responsible /
1/17 / Opening Prayer
1. / The Opening Prayer was led by the Chair.
2/17 / Apologies
2. / Apologies had been received from Mr D Lally due to personal reasons.
3/17 / Declaration of actual or potential conflict of interest arising from the agenda
3. / Mr E McAuley declared that his sister-in-law was employed by St Brendan's.
4/17 / Approval of minutes of previous meeting held on 14th December 2016
4. / The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th December 2016 were proposed by Mrs N Vaughan, seconded by Mr E McAuley, and unanimously approved.
5/17 / Matters arising from minutes
14. / 93/16 para 6 - Term of sponsorship of St Brendan's
The SID/AO has written to the DfE and was awaiting a response. However, it was felt that St Brendan's would always be a sponsored academy as this is a term used to classify schools on conversion.
93/16 para 7 - Complete Finance Competencies Forms
The SID/AO has discussed with the Clerk the collation of the various forms required to be completed by Directors and Governors. A new process is being introduced whereby the Clerks will send to the SID/AO and the Trust Business Manager (TBM) the governance self reviews, and the SID will send out to the SBMs to send out to their governors. The SID/AO and TBM will then monitor responses and chase SBMs for any not returned.
Miss C Smith arrived.
93/16 para 10 - Declaration of Interest form
The SID/AO monitors Declaration of Interests on the websites.
93/16 para 15 - Meet LGB Chairs re potential governors' applications
This item will be discussed later in the meeting.
93/16 para 22 - Confidentiality Policy
The Clerk will re-send the SID/AO the information on a proposed Confidentiality Policy.
95/16 para 45 - LA HR Advice re letters of assurance for seconded staff's DBS checks
The SID/AO had sought advice from the Local Authority's HR adviser and each school would now provide a letter of assurance rather than applying for a "portable" DBS check.
95/16 para 47 - Directors' DBS checks
One Director has not completed a DBS check and the SID/AO would follow this up.
98/16 para 66 - Changes to Trust policies
It was agreed that the SID/AO would take into account schools' comments regarding changes to Trust policies at the policy review date.
99/16 para 72 - Occupancy Licence
The Occupancy Licence has been agreed. / Confidentiality policy
Director DBS check / Lynda Doherty
Nicola Vaughan
6/17 / Chair's Report
20. / The Chair reported that there have been 3 applicants for the Head Teacher's post at St Thomas More. Interviews would be taking place on the 2nd May 2017.
The Chair and the SID/AO had attended St Patrick's Local Governing Body meeting in March to give an overview of converting to an academy.
Mrs A Fletton arrived.
The Chair has received a reply from the Regional Schools Commissioner in response to St Edward's having supplied information regarding coasting schools criteria and recognising that the school requires support.
It was agreed that the parents should be informed in the next school's newsletter.
The Chair and the SID/AO have, and will be attending with other Multi Academy Trusts, termly meetings with the Diocese.
7/17 / Ratify 1% Pay Increase for Support Staff
21. / It was proposed by Mrs A Kilsby, seconded by Miss C Smith, and unanimously agreed to ratify the 1% pay increase for Support Staff.
22. / Mrs S Robinson left the meeting.
8/17 / Ratify 1% Pay for Finance Director and Trust Business Manager
23. / It was proposed by Mr E McAuley, seconded by Miss C Smith, and unanimously agreed to ratify the 1% pay increase for the Finance Director and Trust Business Manager.
24. / Mrs S Robinson returned to the meeting.
9/17 / Committee Reports
49. / Audit Committee
It was agreed to provisionally re-arrange the Audit Committee to Thursday, 11th May at 6.30 pm at St Thomas More, Kettering.
Finance and Resources Committee
Draft minutes of meeting held on 27th March 2017
Mr E McAuley drew the Directors' attention to the
agreed carry forwards for 2015/16, and the increases/decreases in schools' funding for 2017/18.
Procurement - Various Suppliers and External Auditors
It was noted that the Trust Business Manager has achieved savings of approximately £23k in respect of Grounds Maintenance, Capita Support Services, LGSS Support, PAT Testing, and Absence insurance.
It was noted that three companies had tendered for the External Auditors appointment: Moore Stephens, Smith Hodge & Baxter and Macintyre Hudson.
The Finance and Resources Committee was recommending the appointment of Smith Hodge & Baxter. The FD stated that Macintyre Hudson's costs for 2015/16 had been circa £40k.
It was proposed by Mrs A Kilsby, seconded by Miss C Smith, and unanimously agreed to appoint Smith Hodge & Baxter as external auditors for 2016/17 at a cost of £12,375.00.
St Brendan's Topslice Contribution
The SID/AO stated that St Brendan's Finance and Resources Committee had raised the possibility of requesting a reduction in its Topslice contribution to the Trust.
Directors discussed at length the topslice contribution being made by all the schools in the Trust and the management and monitoring of the schools' budgets.
It was agreed that no reduction in Topslice contributions would be permitted and the contributions would be reviewed at the next Board of Directors' Finance and Resources Committee meeting.
Sisters of the Holy Cross Charitable Trust
The SID/AO drew attention to the grants available of up to £25k which she had made the Head Teachers aware.
CIF Bids
The SID/AO stated that 3 schools had been successful in their CIF bids:
·  Our Lady's - Water Tightness £165k
·  St Thomas More - Fire Alarm & Lighting £72k
·  St Brendan's - Roof replacement £177k
External Governance Review by National Governors' Association
The SID/AO has spoken to the National Governors' Association who have stated that their total cost for an External Review of Governance would be between £2.5k and £4k.
She had contacted Rose Kinley who would charge £1k.
Mr E McAuley, Miss C Smith and Mrs A Fletton declared an interest.
It was agreed that the School Improvement Director would contact Mrs R Kinley to arrange an External Review of Governance.
Human Resources Committee
Minutes of meeting held on 18th January 2017
Miss C Smith stated that the Committee has requested a review of Teaching Staff and Support Staff job descriptions across the Trust to ensure consistency.
An Exit Interview questionnaire is being drafted.
The Committee has agreed that all severance/ settlement payments must be countersigned by the Chair of the Board of Directors.
A part-time admin person for the Trust Office was discussed and is being budgeted for.
A proforma for the Head Teacher's Performance Management meeting was discussed. It was also agreed that the Head Teacher's Performance Management meeting would be held by the end of September.
M6 staff salaries were discussed and it was agreed that new M6 staff will be paid at the same level.
The HR Audits were being presented to the Local Governing Bodies and action plans were being put in place to address the recommendations.
Pupil Outcomes Committee
Minutes of meeting held on 8th February 2017
Mrs A Fletton stated that the Committee had discussed in detail the School Improvement Director's reports.
The RE/Chaplaincy report was discussed.
The SID/AO stated that the Quality of Teaching Report for Local Governing Bodies would be slightly different so that staff could not be identified. / Inform committee
Inform Smith Hodge & Baxter
Agenda item for next BoD FR meeting
Contact R Kinley / Lynda Doherty
Nathalie Young
Lynda Doherty
Nicola Vaughan
10/17 / Receive Local Governing Body Reports
57. / St Edwards - 6th February 2017
Directors noted that St Edward's were not pleased with the service being provided by Plumsun service. However, the school has now had a meeting with Plumsun and are now very happy.
The Chair confirmed all schools must use Plumsun.
The SID/AO questioned why parents were not being informed of wellbeing interventions. Mrs A Kilsby agreed to speak to the Head Teacher.
Directors noted that more governor visits were taking place across the Trust and these were being recorded in the minutes.
Our Lady's - 7th February 2017
Mrs M Hayes stated she had not received a reply from the Police regarding the school's level of risk in respect of the Prevent duty.
St Brendan's - 8th February 2017
Directors noted the positive governors' visits.
Miss C Smith stated there were two vacancies for governors.
Miss C Smith would follow up the reference to the Data Protection Policy.
St Thomas More - 8th February 2017
The minutes were noted. / SBMs must use Plumsun
Speak to Head Teacher
Data Protection policy query / Nathalie Young
Anna Kilsby
Clare Smith
11/17 / Catholic Life Report
59. / The SID/AO stated that this report had been presented to all the Local Governing Bodies Pupil Outcomes meetings and the Board of Directors' Pupil Outcomes meeting in February.
Directors noted the breakdown in faiths:
Our Lady's / Roman Catholic 53%
St Brendan's / Roman Catholic 81.6%
St Edward's / Roman Catholic 69.4%
St Thomas More / Roman Catholic 82%
12/17 / School Improvement Director’s Report and review of progress on priorities in Trust Improvement Plan
65. / The SID/AO stated that the Pupil Outcomes, School Contexts and Priorities, and Trust Improvement Plan had been discussed in detail by the Board of Directors Pupil Outcomes meeting in February.
Since that meeting Our Lady's had been visited by the DfE to look at attainment, and she had included that report for Directors' information. Directors noted the positive report.
St Edward's, as reported earlier in the meeting, had been identified as a coasting school.
St Thomas More was in the process of appointing a Head Teacher.
The SID/AO stated that KS2 outcomes were the main focus across the Trust. In answer to a question, she confirmed that this was being driven by her to ensure that children have the best opportunities to do as well as they can. Booster sessions and meetings between Year 5 and Year 6 teachers were taking place to share strategies and resources.
Trust Improvement Plan
The Chair state he was disappointed to read that the Corby churches were not displaying information about the Trust. The Vice Chair stated that the Parish Priest was currently addressing a problem regarding the Church's website.
13/17 / Finance Director's Report and Appendices
68. / The FD stated that her report and appendices had been discussed in detail by the Board of Directors Finance and Resources Committee in March.
All schools, with the exception of Our Lady's, had submitted their budgets to her by the 19th April. She would be visiting all the schools the following week to discuss the submitted budgets.
The EFA now require a budget forecast to be submitted to them by the 19th May.
14/17 / Review of admissions numbers across the schools
72. / The SID/AO stated that the admission numbers were:
St Edward's - 30
St Thomas More - 30
St Brendan's - 43
Our Lady's - 45
Directors noted that the admission numbers had increased on the previous year.
The SID/AO suggested advertising at the hospital at a cost of £1k for 2 years. However, this was not agreed.
It was agreed that the Marketing Committee would met on the 19th June 2017 at 4.00 pm at St Edward's to discuss a marketing strategy for the autumn term. / Invite Committee members / Lynda Doherty
15/17 / Approve policies and procedures for adoption/re-adoption
78. / Finance and Resources - 27th March
Asbestos Management
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Health and Safety
Freedom of Information
Manual Handling
Safer Working Practices
Smoke Free
Working at Height
Human Resources - 18th January
Lone Working
Pupil Outcomes - 8th February
British Values Statement
The following policies have not been reviewed by Committees
Admissions 2019
Members' Code of Conduct (Directors and Governors)
Trust and School Staff Code of Conduct
It was proposed by Mrs A Kilsby, seconded by Mr E McAuley, and unanimously agreed to approve the above policies with the exception of the Exclusions Policy .
The Clerk raised questions regarding the Exclusions Policy. The DfE was currently out to consultation on Exclusions, there were no procedures for the governing body and clerk, and the DfE guidance now requires all governors and clerks to have received training in the two years prior to the hearing.
It was agreed to defer the Exclusions Policy to the next meeting, the Clerk would send information on the governing body and clerk's procedures to the School Improvement Director, and the School Improvement Director would contact Rose Kinley regarding Exclusions training for governors.
Trust Policies Planner and Local Governing Body Policies Planner
The Trust Policies Planner and the Local Governing Body Policies Planner were noted.
Adoption Process of Trust Policies by Local Governing Bodies
The SID/AO and Clerk had discussed the adoption process of the Trust policies which had also been raised by St Brendan's Local Governing Body.
It was agreed that the Trust policies would now go straight to the Local Governing Body and would not be presented to the Local Governing Body sub committees. The School policies, however, would continue to be presented first to the Local Governing Body sub committees and could be delegated to individual governors for more scrutiny. / Defer Exclusions Policy to next meeting/
Governing Body and Clerk procedures/
Governors Training / Lynda Doherty
Lynda Doherty
Nicola Vaughan
16/17 / Term dates and Training days 2017/18 for ratification
79. / It was proposed by Mrs A Fletton, seconded by Mr E McAuley, and unanimously agreed to ratify the term dates and training days for 2017/18.
17/17 / Board of Directors and Local Governing Bodies Meetings Calendar 2017/18
81. / The Board of Directors and Local Governing Bodies meetings for 2017/18 were noted.
Should schools need to change the Finance & Resources or Pupil Outcomes meetings, they should contact the Finance Director or School Improvement Director before doing so.
18/17 / Any Other Business
90. / Multi Academy Trust Good Practice Guidance and Expectations for Growth
This was noted.
Governors' Handbook 3 minute read
This was noted.
Competency Framework - Nominated Leads
This was deferred to the next meeting.
Catholic School Buildings and their Future Development - 7th June 2017
It was agreed that one person from each school should attend.
Potential Governors
The SIF/AO stated that two applications had been received for St Thomas More, and one application for St Brendan's.
It was proposed by Miss C Smith, seconded by Mrs A Fletton, and unanimously agreed to process the applications.
The SID/AO stated she had received confirmation of a governor being appointed to Our Lady's. The Head Teacher nor the Clerk had been made aware of this appointment. Mr E McAuley stated that the school had declined the application as the person was shortly moving overseas.
The SID/AO stated that there would soon be 3 vacancies, and there would be a significant need for a Director with a current educational background. Mrs A Kilsby agreed to contact a potential applicant.
Directors noted that the people who had expressed an interest in becoming a governor had been contacted by Mr D Lally. Mr R Hill agreed to follow this up with a view to filling the vacancies as soon as possible. / Process applications
Contact Diocese
Contact potential candidate
Follow up expressions of interest / Nicola Vaughan
Nicola Vaughan
Anna Kilsby
Rob Hill
19/17 / Date and time of next meeting
91. / The next meeting would be held on Wednesday, 12th July 2017 at 6.30 pm at Our Lady's, Corby
20/17 / Closing Prayer
92. / There was no closing prayer.
93. / See confidential minutes (1) and (2).
94. / There being no other business, the meeting was declared closed at 8.40 pm.

Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held on 19th April 2017