Paper Topics:

You choose your own paper topic. Below are some areas and discussion of important topics within those areas, which are meant to help you get started thinking of and formulating your own RESEARCH topic. Please submit your topic to me for approval by emailing a title and abstract to ..It must be a research topic (makes some new contribution to the body of knowledge, as opposed to simply an exposition of what has already developed by others).

Only one person per topic (first come first serve - email your request to me). Your paper should be high quality in terms of style and correctness. This research project is YOUR project. I am suggesting topics but if you choose one of my suggested topics, that makes it your topic. You should choose one of my suggestions only if you understand it and think it has potential as a research topic for you. The suggestions are meant to help you find a suitable topic but are not intended to limit you to these topics.

Be sure to include:

INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT. Research the "area" of the topic (put it in context of what has been done by others, what is still left to do, what you are contributing. - as to what has been written by others, see our text, ACM Computing Reviews, online database searches... - be sure to include a paper which was written since 1990 so that you will have some assurance that you are tied in with the latest round of research on the topic). This usually forms the Introduction section of your paper and should be about 300-2000 words in length or longer.

MAIN NEW CONTRIBUTION (KILLER IDEA). Detail your contribution so that it can be followed by a reader who is new to area. (this can be an expansion of the "what you are contributing section of your Introduction). It would be best to have just one killer idea and do it well. This section should be about 800-3000 words in length or longer.

PROOF. Prove that your idea is correct and makes the contribution you claim it does (i.e., it is a "killer" idea). This differs with topic and area. If the contribution or "killer idea" involves random variations (stochasticity) a simulation may be required. If not, an analytic model (assumptions, formulas and analysis of results) may do the job. Actual experimentation may also be possible, though that involves prototyping the system itself. We can email-talk about this section on an individual basis. This section should be about 500-3000 words in length or longer.

CONCLUSION. Summarize the most important points and contributions you have made. Note that you will be "telling us what you're going to do" in the Intro; "doing it" in the Idea and Proof Sections; and then "Telling us what you did" in the Conclusion Section. Thus, you will say the same thing thrice - in different ways, for different purposes and in different depth levels. This section should be about 200-1000 words in length or longer.

A topic area, which overlaps with web search querying and analysis, software engineering reachability graph analysis and control flow graph analysis, sales graph analysis and bioinformatics interactions analysis; is the need to analyze multiple interactions for common "strong interaction cells".

Websites interactions: Two websites interact if one contains the other's URL (this is a "directional interaction" and is modeled by a directed graph in which the nodes of the graph are websites (URLs), and there is a directed edge running from a URL to each of the URLs it contains on its website). One can simply analyze "existence" of references (an unlabeled directed edge iff the source URL contains one or more instances of the destination URL), or one can analyze "strength" of reference (a labeled graph in which the label on any edge records the number of times the destination URL occurs on the source URL page.

For example, two websites interact iff they are reference on the same webpage (undirected graph which can be labeled with "strength = # of different pages reference both" or just "existence = unlabeled edge" iff they are co-reference). Two websites interact iff a given user goes from one site immediately to the other site during a web surfing session (this is "directional" so it is modeled by a directed graph which can have labeled edges (count of user traces) or just existence (at least one user trace).


For example, two genes (or proteins) interact iff their expression profiles in a microarray experiment are similar enough (this would be an unlabeled undirected graph - it could include "strength" = the level of similarity as an undirected edge label). Two genes (or proteins) interact iff the proteins they code for interact (in some particular way - i.e., occur in the same pathway; combine into the same complex, etc.). Two genes (or proteins) interactiff they are co-referenced in the same document in the PubMed literature (again. "existence" or "strength" are possible). Actually, this third point is not true most of the times. The authors might refer to other genes in different contexts with respect to the genes they are working on. This doesn't mean that there is an interaction among the genes that were mentioned in the same document. It is in this scenario, GENE ONTOLOGY (GO) comes into picture. GO has several evidence codes which signify how the functions of the genes/gene products were assigned. For GO evidence codes, refer Before confirming the interaction among the genes in the same document, it would be good to cross check with the GO evidence codes.

Software Engineering:

For example, two programs interact iff the same code segment occurs in both (undirected, either labeled with a strength = e.g., the number of times that segment occurs, or existence = just whether the segment co-exists at least once for not). Two programs interactiff they call the same program. Two programs interactiff they are called by the same program. Two programs interactiff they contains roughly the same set of constants (variables) with respect to some ontology or standards listing. Two programs interactiff they have the same aspect designation.

Sales Analysis:

For example, two products interact iff they co-occur at checkout 80% of the time (or with some other threshold support = "% of market baskets"). Two products interact iff when one occurs in a market basked, 80% of the time, the other will also (this is the "directed graph" version of 1 above and has to do with the "confidence" of the association). Two products interact iff the same salesman sells both. Two products interact iff they are sold in the same region (at a threshold level, or as a labeled graph, label that edge with the number sold). Two products interactiff they are sold at a threshold level during the same season (e.g., in December).

Security Applications:

For example, two persons interact iff they are from the same neighborhood (or city or state or country). Two persons interact iff they are in the same occupation. Two persons interactiff they have similar records (employment records, criminal records, etc.). Two persons interact iff they belong to the same organizations. Two events interactiff they are attended by similar sets of attendees. Two locations interactiff they are visited by similar sets of people. Two locations interactiff they are associated with similar events. In all the interactions, the graph model is central and one is looking for strong clusters of nodes (nodes that are strongly associated with via the edge set) How do we find the strong clusters? What do we mean precisely by a cluster?


Using vertical technologies to search out common clusters or quasi-clusters or "cliques" should be very valuable in bioinformatics as well as in web analysis. For instance, there are thousands of interaction graphs of interest over a given set of genes (proteins). Using vertical technology, it is possible to construct an index attribute and an order attribute for each interaction graph and to analyze them (using Dr. Daxin Jiang's methods or other methods - e.g., OPTICS-like) directly. You can find Dr. Daxin Jiang's work here: Jiang_TKDE_paper A shorter version (preliminary work): Jiang_paper You can get the OPTICS paper to get some understanding about ordering-based algorithm here: OPTICS paper For each data set (either a micro-array dataset or an interaction graph data set), construct two derived attributes, the step count attribute from the ordering and the index attribute. For each pair of such added attributes, we can quickly search for the pulses using vertical technology (just a matter of looking for those genes where the index exceeds a threshold and move that threshold down until the user feels he/she has found the appropriate pulses. These "pulse genes" have a step number in the ordering. For each pulse gene, we can quickly extract the forward subinterval from that pulse to the next. Each such search will give us the "flat region", from which the strong cluster associated with that pulse can be extracted. So we will have a vertical "mask" defining each strong cluster from each dataset. We can quickly "AND" those to find common strong clusters using vertical technology. With this minor extension to Dr. Daxin Jiang's wonderful tool and a re-coding of the tool for vertical data, one could analyze across multiple interaction graphs. I think that is the main exciting application and across multiple micro-arrays (may be?) and across multiple web graphs. When the dataset is very large, the scalability becomes a very important issue.

A new method of classification or clustering based on Derived Attributes that are "Walk-based". The walks can be based on Z-ordering, Hilbert ordering or another ordering (or random walks?).

An new method of classification or clustering based on some statistic derived from the Covariance matrix of a training space or space to be clustered.

A new method of classification or clustering based on some combination of derived attributes that are variation based and walk based.

An automatic alerter system to be used by Software Engineers which will automatically alert the development team when some type of "bad situation" or "dangerous practice" is detected (e.g., within a system such as CVS for storing "development version", when a version is "checked in", the alerter analyzer would immediately analyze (classify based on the database of past development projects done with the CVS system?) for the "exceptional situation.

Based on the idea in Automatic alerter used by Software Engineers which will automatically alert the development team when some type of "bad situation" or "dangerous practice" is detected (e.g., within a system such as CVS for storing "development version", when a version is "checked in", the alerter analyzer would immediately analyze (classify based on the database of past development projects done with the CVS system?) for the "exceptional situation.) develop a specific alerter for an ASPECT.

Based on the idea relaed to Automatic alerter used by Software Engineers which will automatically alert the development team when some type of "bad situation" or "dangerous practice" is detected (e.g., within a system such as CVS for storing "development version", when a version is "checked in", the alerter analyzer would immediately analyze (classify based on the database of past development projects done with the CVS system?) for the "exceptional situation.) develop a specific alerter for "Development shop coding rule violations".

Based on the idea in Automatic alerter used by Software Engineers which will automatically alert the development team when some type of "bad situation" or "dangerous practice" is detected (e.g., within a system such as CVS for storing "development version", when a version is "checked in", the alerter analyzer would immediately analyze (classify based on the database of past development projects done with the CVS system?) for the "exceptional situation.) develop a specific alerter for "Standards Organization standards violations".

Based on the idea in Automatic alerter used by Software Engineers which will automatically alert the development team when some type of "bad situation" or "dangerous practice" is detected (e.g., within a system such as CVS for storing "development version", when a version is "checked in", the alerter analyzer would immediately analyze (classify based on the database of past development projects done with the CVS system?) for the "exceptional situation.) develop a specific alerter for "highly risky situations".

Based on the idea in Automatic alerter used by Software Engineers which will automatically alert the development team when some type of "bad situation" or "dangerous practice" is detected (e.g., within a system such as CVS for storing "development version", when a version is "checked in", the alerter analyzer would immediately analyze (classify based on the database of past development projects done with the CVS system?) for the "exceptional situation.) develop a specific alerter for "potential security problems (code that invites hackers to hack)".

New Method of Cluster Data Mining Support that DBMSs Should Use (with reasons). How do Oracle, IBM DB-2, Microsoft SQL Server support clustering and how would you improve on these methods?

Decision Tree Induction Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis for Numeric Data. Implement a new method of Decision Tree Induction classification data mining. Prove that your method performs well compared to ID3 C4.5, C5 or other known methods for at least one type of data.

Decision Tree Induction Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis for Categorical Data. Implement a new method of C4.5 or C5 -like decision tree induction classification data mining method and prove it compares well to C4.5 or C5 or other known methods for categorical data.

Bayesian Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Bayesian classification data mining and prove it compares well to known methods.

Neural Network Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Neural Network classification data mining and prove it compares well to known methods (how well does it scale to large datasets?)

K-Nearest Neighbor Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis or K-Most Similar Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method and prove it compares well to known methods.

Density-Based Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Density-Based classification and prove it compares well to known methods.

Genetic-Algorithm-Based Data Mining Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Genetic-Algorithm-Based classification and prove it compares well to known methods.

Simulated Annealing-Based Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Simulated-Annealing-Based classification and prove it compares well to known methods.

Tabu-Search-Based Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Tabu-Search-Based classification and prove it compares well to known methods.

Rough-Set-Based Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Rough-Set-Based classification and prove it compares well to known methods.

Fuzzy-Set-Based Classification Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Fuzzy-Set-Based classification and prove it compares well to known methods.

Markov-Modeling-based Classification and Performance Analysis. (Hidden Markov Model based, ...) Implement a new method of Markov-Chain-Based classification and prove it compares well to known methods. Reference "Evaluation of Techniques for Classifying Biological Sequences", Deshpande and Karypis, PA-KDD Conf. 2002, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2336, pg 417.

Multiple-Regression Data Mining Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of multiple-regression-based data mining and prove it compares well to known methods.

Non-linear-Regression Data Mining Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of non-linear-regression-based data mining and prove it compares well to known methods.

Poisson-Regression Data Mining Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Poisson-regression-based data mining and prove it compares well to known methods.

Association Rule Mining Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Association Rule Mining and prove it compares well to known methods (e.g., Frequent Pattern Trees).

Multilevel Association Rule Mining Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Multilevel Association Rule Mining and prove it compares well to known methods.

Counts-count Association Rule Mining Implementation and Performance Analysis. Implement a new method of Counts-count Association Rule Mining and prove it compares well to known methods. Counts count ARM means that the method takes account of the number of each item in a market basket, not just whether or not the item is bought (1 or more).