Course Syllabus
College of Education
Winona State University
Department: Special Education Date of Revision: Fall 2007
Course Number: SPED 452 Course Title: ECSE Instructional Design and Implementation
Number of Credits: 4 Frequency of Offering: Fall Semester
Prerequisites: SPED 400 & 405 Grading: Grade Only
Course applies to: ECSE Special Education Majors
Catalog Description:
This course is designed for teacher candidates of the early childhood special education program. The course will focus on understanding how to use individualized family services plans (IFSP) and individualized education program (IEP) plans to design and implement developmentally appropriate instruction for young children with developmental delays or disabilities or medical conditions. Prerequisites: SPED 400, 405. This course meets the University Studies Written Flag Requirement through the following assignments: writing goals and objectives, writing IEPs, writing IFSPs, and writing observation notes from home visits. Offered fall semester.
Course Purpose:
The purpose of this course is to provide ECSE teacher candidates with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and apply legal and technical requirements of written reports and program plans for young children with disabilities. In this course ECSE students use discipline-specific texts, tools, and strategies to partially meet the Minnesota Board of Teaching Teachers of Special Education: Early Childhood standards as well as the WSU USP writing flag learner outcomes. The small section enrollment will allow the instructor to provide clear guidance, criteria, and feedback on the three major writing assignments that account for sixty percent of the final grade.
Alignment of Learner Outcomes with MN Standards for Teacher Preparation and USP Writing Flag:
The content and planned experiences of this course are aligned with the Minnesota Teachers of Special Education: Early Childhood standards MS 8710.5500 and the USP writing flag learner outcomes. This course builds on prior development of Core Skills for Teachers of Special Education MS 8710.5000 and serves as the primary source for learning opportunities and activities to promote student abilities to achieve the following MN ECSE Standards and writing flag outcomes:
The teacher candidate will achieve the following MN ECSE Standards and be able to:
(1) use data based decision making to design and apply intervention curricula and methods for young children with specific disabilities including motor, sensory, health, communication, social-emotional, and cognitive disabilities; (assignments A, B, G, H)
(2) design and facilitate developmentally and functionally appropriate individual and group activities unique to infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities; (assignments A, B, G, H)
(3) report on the use of functional behavior assessments and use of results to formulate and implement methods of behavior support and management appropriate for young children with disabilities; (assignments C, D, E, F)
(4) describe a variety of stimulus-rich formats unique to young children with disabilities, including play, environmental routines, parent-mediated activities, small group projects, cooperative learning, inquiry experiences, and systematic instruction; (assignments A, B, G, H)
(5) demonstrate knowledge of current research by recommending practices which emphasize cognitive, motor, social-emotional, communication, adaptive, and aesthetic development in learning situations within the family; (assignments A, B, C, D, E)
(6) explain basic health, nutrition, and safety management practices unique to young children with disabilities, including specific procedures for infants and toddlers and procedures regarding childhood illness and communicable diseases; (assignments A, F)
(7) apply ways of linking current developmental and learning experiences and teaching strategies with those of the next educational setting for young children with disabilities; (assignments A, C, D, F) and
(8) monitor, summarize, and evaluate the acquisition of child and family outcomes included in individualized family services plans or individualized education programs. (assignments A, F)
Furthermore, completion of this course will include requirements and learning activities that promote the ECSE teacher candidate’s abilities to achieve the following outcomes:
a) Practice the processes and procedures for creating and completing successful writing in the field of ECSE
b) Understand the main features and uses of writing in ECSE
c) Adapt your writing to the general expectations of readers in ECSE including assessment reports, IFSPs, IEPs, progress monitoring, and research of evidence-based practices in ECSE
d) Make use of the technologies commonly used for research and writing in ECSE, especially computer programs for creating IFSPs, IEPs, and research reports.
e) Learn the conventions of evidence, format, usage, and documentation in ECSE
The completion of this course will satisfy four credits toward the Writing Flag Requirement in the University Studies Program.
Course Outline of Major Topics
(1) Data Based Decision Making
(a) data collection
(b) tools
(c) routines-based interviews
(2) Communication with parents and medical providers
(a) basic health
(b) nutrition
(c) safety
(d) medical information
(3) Progress Monitoring
(a) summarizing home visits
(b) records, survey forms, checklists
(c) IEP progress reports
(4) Instructional Strategies and Techniques
(b) IEP goals and objectives
(c) evidence based practices
(5) Classroom Design and Management
(a) evidence based practices
(b) centers
(c) routines
(6) Behavior Management
(a) Functional Behavior Assessment
(b) Positive Behavior Intervention Supports
(7) Instructional Materials, Settings, and Routines
(a) Pre-literacy skills
(b) Multiple intelligences; movement; brain-based lessons
(c) Parent involvement
(8) Transition
(a) Home to school settings
(b) IDEA Part C to Part B
Basic Instructional Plan
Instruction and student engagement will be completed both face-to-face and on-line in a hybrid delivery model. Small and large group activities and discussions, videos, instructor and student demonstrations, reading assignments from textbook and professional journals, field experiences, observations & interviews with follow-up reports and presentations, resource portfolio, and informal assignments will be used to achieve course objectives and learner outcomes.
Course Requirements
Students will be required to use American Psychological Association (APA) style and rules, and People First language to complete all writing assignments. Students are expected to participate in peer review of assignments, revise and resubmit until an appropriate level of mastery of the writing skills is demonstrated. Assignments are designed to allow some student choice; however, students must participate in ongoing discussions, write and present a literature review of an evidence-based strategy or curriculum, and complete at least three major writing assignments involving assessment, planning, and progress reporting used in the field of ECSE. Students will be responsible for a program portfolio that addresses the ECSE licensure standards. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills through the following assignments:
A. Online and In Class Discussions (REQUIRED) (200 Points)
Active and responsive participation in class and online discussions and activities is required throughout the course.
B. Curriculum or Instructional Strategy Research Project and Presentation (REQUIRED) (200 Points)
Select a curriculum or instructional strategy that is frequently used with young children with disabilities (suggestions will be available from the instructor). Write a research paper on the topic following APA style. In the paper introduce the significance of the curriculum or strategy and the population for whom it is intended. Review at least three articles from scholarly journals that describe the evidence base of the topic; interview at least three ECSE teachers who use the approach. Compare and contrast interview information with the literature review. Summarize your findings and make recommendations regarding the use of the curriculum or strategy. Identify sources where further information can be found. Use APA style citations and include an APA reference list. Create a 1-2 page handout for your classmates in which you summarize your topic and provide resource information.
Choose and complete 3 of the following assignments:
C. Birth -3 Home visit Observation and Presentation (200 Points)
Obtain written permission from the ECSE case manager and family; attend a home visit for a child receiving Part C services. Using the data collection tools and reporting format demonstrated by the instructor, write a summary of the visit that includes background information on the child, family information, descriptions of activities, materials, and curriculum used, and your overall impressions. Use accurate terminology; avoid jargon. Include your own reflection in which you compare and contrast the data you collected with your knowledge of evidence-based practices. You will give a 5-10 minute presentation to the class regarding this observation. A scoring rubric will be distributed at the time the assignment is given. Maintain confidentiality in the written and oral report of this information.
D. ECSE Pre-K Classroom Observation and Presentation (200 Points)
E. ECSE K or Primary Classroom Observation and Presentation (200 Points)
For both assignments above: Obtain written permission from the ECSE teacher; complete a 90 minute observation of a Pre-K ECSE classroom specially designed for children receiving Part B services and/or a Kindergarten or Primary classroom in which young students with disabilities are being included . Write a summary of the observation that includes ages, genders, and numbers of the students in the class, number and roles of adults in the setting; describe the physical classroom setting; describe the needs of the students, the supports provided, and general impressions of the classroom and programs. Use accurate terminology; avoid jargon. Compare and contrast what you observed with your knowledge of evidence-based practices from readings and class discussions. You will give a 5-10 minute presentation to the class regarding each observation. A scoring rubric will be distributed at the time the assignment is given. Maintain confidentiality in the written and oral report of this information.
F. Parent interview and Presentation (200 Points)
After obtaining written permission of the parent, interview a parent of a child who is receiving ECSE services under either IDEA Part C or Part B. Based on reading assignments and class discussions select and use data collection interview tools and write a summary of the interview that includes the following: information regarding eligibility criteria and services received; duration and location of services; parent perceptions of the services; and parent concerns. Explore with the parent issues related to the initial identification and diagnosis of the child’s special needs. Use accurate terminology; avoid jargon. Summarize what you learned from the interview and explain how the information would contribute to assessment planning, or writing an IFSP or IEP. You will give a 5-10 minute presentation to the class. Include your recommendations for developing positive relationships with parents. A scoring rubric will be distributed at the time the assignment is given. Maintain confidentiality in the written and oral report of this information.
G. ECSE Resource Portfolio (200 Points)
Develop an electronic resource file of documents, projects, books, articles, websites, organizations, contacts, etc. that will benefit you in completing your professional portfolio, and be a useful resource as you begin teaching. You will choose the organization and comprehensiveness of this resource portfolio. It must be submitted to the instructor on a CD.
H. Circle Time Presentation and Paper (200 Points)
Based on research, observations, interviews with practicing teachers and class reading assignments develop and present a 10 minute circle time that is appropriate to an ECSE classroom for 3-5 year olds. Following the presentation explain your rationale for including the activities, materials, and elements you incorporated in your circle time.
Students must inform the instructor of assignment choices and negotiate due dates. Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor regarding questions or problems encountered in the writing process and to make use of services provided at the Writing Center. Students are also expected to participate in peer editing sessions for each assignment, revise assignments based on those peer editing sessions, and revise each assignment until you are able to demonstrate adequate mastery of writing skills related to each type of writing addressed in the course assignments.