DECEMBER 2015 ~Community Kindness
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Dalai Lama
Get Busy with your KIDS this month…
What a year this has been!! With new friends, teachers, projects, vacations, clubs, school events… sometimes it feels as if we are just so busy. We must take the time to sit down for a moment and just reflect on how lucky we are.
December can be a sad and lonely month for those of us less fortunate or without families to celebrate with. We can teach our kids valuable lessons about empathy and compassion by giving our time and making a small effort to brighten the lives of seniors in our community. Check out the following ideas:
My name is Pam O'Halloran. This is a sister-page of TheForgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly. It is a place to collect addresses of places from all over the world where you may send cards, letters, photographs, post cards or small gifts to the lonely and forgotten elderly worldwide. Simply address the envelope to a "any resident" along with the ad
dress you have selected. If you are mailing to a country whose language is not your own, you may prefer to send photographs, postcards, or small gifts that fit in an envelope - stickers etc. Be creative! Love has no language barrier!
You may send one card, or several, in a larger and seperate envelope with a note included that instructs the Activities Director to distribute them to those who are most lonely. Typing and printing out a letter to include in your cards is also a great idea. A generic "Hello!" is an acceptable greeting on your card or letter. You may choose to tell them about yourself, your family, work, hobbies or travels. It can be as simple or as detailed as you like. Many people make their own cards to send, and include their children and grandchildren in the fun - while teaching them empathy and compassion in the process.
Adding "Attention: Activities Director or Social Worker" to the front of the envelope would be beneficial as well. If you would like a response it may be preferable to send a self addressed stamped envelope with paper, however, it is quite likely that the person you are corresponding with will be unable to respond.
- Send a card together: write out a holiday card with a generic greeting, include holiday details, a merry wish and sign it with, “Your friend...”. Be creative and cheerful. Drop it off to a local residence for seniors, requesting that it be given to someone who would appreciate it. I promise… your child will feel so good,s/he’ll want to do another.
- Identify the needs of local seniors and buy them a small token of your respect. For direction on how to get involved, we like to use
- On behalf of a neighbouring senior, apply to have their driveway cleared through the winter months… or just do it with your kids. It will put a smile on your friend’s face, and also get you all out playing in the snow for hours. We are Canadians!
Check out the following resources to some favourite events through December:
Celebration Square Tree Lighting – Dec.4, 2015.
Whitby Santa Claus parade – Dec.5, 2015.
Toronto Zoo Treats and Talks –Dec.26, 2015.
Holiday concerts
Coming Soon:
Details regarding our very own Julie Payette student/parent cookbook!!
This is Your school, Your child, Your child’s education … join us!
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