St Peter’s Shipley

Fabric Report April 2016-March 2017

Location / Details / Remarks
General / Pest control inspections – ongoing
Fire extinguishers serviced –2 replaced and 2 new ones added - May 2016
Repairs to leak on water boiler. Valve replaced on central heating boiler-Apl 2016.
Repair to multipoint water heater– June 2016. Re – pressurising central heating system to lounge.
Clearing blocked urinalin corridor gents toilet - July 2016
Repairs to central heating boiler- Nov 2016
Stair lift repaired & serviced Aug 2016
New locks fitted to all toilet doors - Aug 2016
PAT testing completed - Sept 2016
Remedial works/updating to current standards to all electrics throughout church and halls - Oct 2016 – Jan 2017.
Corridor toilets refurbished – gents toilet and basin replaced, urinals cleaned, urinal area re-panelled, new taps in ladies toilet new toilet seats, all toilets redecorated, new flooring and new paper towel dispensers fitted – Mar 2017
Boilers serviced – Mar 2017 / Enserve
Arthur Brear & Sons Ltd
Kingfisher lifts & mobility Ltd
Thanks to Guy Barford
Carl West
Michael Rhodes – joiner & builder
Arthur Brear & Sons
Church – roof/tower
Church internal / Flags to main entrance re-pointed.
Coping stones on retaining wall at bottom of ramp (car park entrance) fixed & re-mortared - June 2016
Flags to New Porch/ snooker room entrance power washed – summer 2016
Windows repointed – south side of church – Nov 2016
Renewal of white lining to car park – ongoing
Photo electric cell to car park light replaced – Nov 2016
New LED bulkhead light fitted to car park entrance doorway - Mar 2017
Pot hole repaired – church car park Mar 2017
Coping stone on ramp near main entrance repointed – Mar 2017
Removal of debris from valley guttering – north facing - & fitting of defender spikes – Apl 2016
2 broken tiles to roof repaired –June 2016
All valley gutters, hopper heads & down pipes inspected & cleaned. – Nov 2016
Further clearing of guttering following heavy rain – Mar 2017
Lightening conductor tested & inspected & brought up to current standards – June 2016
Repair to leak above boiler/music store room- Mar 2017
Removal of defective plaster to north wall, filling & sanding, coat of PVA bonding applied & repainted – Apl 2016
Defective plaster to south rear transept wall removed & coat of PVA bonding applied – Nov 2016
Light fittings in Hope Chapel lowered & down lights installed. 2 new double electrical sockets installed – Dec 2016
Repairs to Hope Chapel doors – Oct 2016 & Mar 2017
Repair to main door lock – Mar 2017 / Ashley Deacon
Thanks to John Rawnsley
Thanks to John Harrison
Michael Rhodes- Joiner Builder
Ashley Deacon
Michael Rhodes
Lightening Strike
Arthur Brear & Son
Ashley Deacon
Category B faculty obtained
Michael Rhodes
Lounge / Lounge toilets refurbished – new toilets, hand basins & water heater. Baby changing unit added, suspended ceiling installed and redecoration – May 2016
New LED powered lighting units installed in lounge - June 2016 / Ashley Deacon
Kewtech (ceiling/lighting)
Large Hall / 2 new double electric sockets installed – Nov 2016
All light fittings replaced with LED light fittings and wire mesh cages replaced – Mar 2017 / JLEC
Entrance Hall / Vestibule outside church office – suspended ceiling & lighting installed
New release button to door exit fitted - Nov 2016
Door hinge repaired –Mar - 2017 / Kewtech
Michael Rhodes
Snooker room / Light tube fitting replaced - Nov 2016 / Thanks to Guy Barford

I would like to echo John’s thanks to all those who give their time and effort towards maintaining the church buildings and grounds with special thanks to Guy Barford, John Harrison, John Rawnsleyand Stuart Ormondroyd.

Karen Parkinson Church warden