Guangyang Secondary School
8 Bishan Street 12 Singapore 579807
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Jan 2018
2018Semester Plan 12 for SecondaryFive Normal (Academic)ElectiveGeography
1Topics covered for Semester 1 2*:
Weeks / Topics/ Learning OutcomesPupils will be able to describe and explain the factors in the topics and also perform the skills as follows: / TB pg / Assignments. Test. Exams / Date. Marks attained
Term 1/1
*New year’s Day (Mon) / Recap Tourism GI for diagnostic test
Food Resources – What are the food preference since 1960s?
- How do food consumption patterns vary between DC & LDC overtime
Data response on indicators of changing food preferences
Term 1/2 / Food Resources – What are the food preference since 1960s?
- How do food consumption patterns vary between DC & LDC overtime
- Indicators of food consumption and changing food preferences
Data response on indicators of changing food preferences (10m)
Term 1/3 / Food Resources – What are the food preference since 1960s?
- Why do food consumption patterns vary between DC & LDC (PES)
[1 period]
Data response on DC vs LDC consumption patterns(meat/vege/grains)
Term 1/4 / Food Resources – What are the food preference since 1960s?
- What are the consequences of variations in food consumption patterns(HEPS)
Data response on vary food consumption patterns in DC/LDC
Term 1/5
*CNY (Mon-Tues) / Food Resources – What are the food preference since 1960s?
- What are the consequences of variations in food consumption patterns(HEPS)
Level marking on consequences of food consumption patterns
Term 1/6 / Food Resources : Trends & Challenges in the production of food crops
- How has the production of crops changed since the 1960s?
- What factors affect the intensity of food production and supply? (PEPT)
Term 1/7
*CNY (Fri) / Food Resources : Trends & Challenges in the production of food crops
- How has the production of crops changed since the 1960s?
- What factors affect the intensity of food production and supply? (PEPT)
Data response for intensity of food production
Term 1/8
*CNY (Mon) / Food Resources : Trends & Challenges in the production of food crops
- What are the effects of continuing intensification of food production? (Salinisation and Eutrophication) / 137-140 / WS 6D
Data response of Intensity of food production
Term 1/9 / Food Resources : Trends & Challenges in the production of food crops
- Why do food shortages still occur?(PESS) / 140-148 / WS 7D
Data response on food shortages
Term 1/10 / Food Resources : Trends & Challenges in the production of food crops
- Why do food shortages still occur?(PESS) / 140-148 / WS 8D
Level marking on food shortages
MARCH HOLIDAY / March Holiday Homework
Part of Section B (10m)
Term 2/1 / MYE revision
Weather and Climate
- GI + Level Marking / Revision Package
Term 2/2
*Good Friday (Fri) / MYE revision
Weather and Climate
- Data Response / Revision Package
Term 2/3 / MYE revision
Plate Tectonics
-Data Response / Class Test 2 (10m) on
Data response on plate tect
Term 2/4 / MYE revision
Plate Tectonics
- Level Marking / Revision Package
Term 2/5 / MYE revision
- GI + Level marking + Data Response / Revision Package
Term 2/6 / MYE revision
- Level marking + Data Response / Revision Package
Term 2/7
*Labour Day (Tues) / Mid-year Examinations
Term 2/8
*Vesak Day(Wed) / Mid-year Examinations
Term 2/9 / Go through papers
Term 2/10 / Mother tongue intensive revision
JUNE HOLIDAY / June holiday Homework
Other schools papers: (Section A and Section B) 25m
June holiday programme (1 week, 1 hr for electives)
Term 3/1 / Revision: Geog of Food
- Data response / Revision package
Mini test #1
Term 3/2
*Youth Day (Sun &Mon) / Revision: Geog of Food
-Level Marking / Revision package
Mini Test #2
Term 3/3 / Revision : Plate Tectonics
- Data response / Revision package
Mini test #3
Term 3/4 / Revision : Plate Tectonics
- Level marking / Revision package
Mini test #4 (10m)
Term 3/5 / Revision : Plate Tectonics
- Data response / Revision package
Mini test #5 (14m)
Term 3/6 / Revision : Weather & Climate
- Data response / Revision package
Mini test #6
Term 3/7
*National Day
(Thurs & Fri) / Revision : Weather & Climate
- Level marking + GI / Revision package
Mini test #7 (13m)
Term 3/8 / Revision: Tourism
- Data response / Revision package
Mini test #8
Term 3/9
*Hari Raya Haji (Wed) / Revision: Tourism
- GI / Revision package
Mini test #9
Term 3/10
*Teacher’s day (Fri) / Revision: tourism
- Level marking / Revision package
Mini test #10
Section C of Past year paper (20m)
Term 4/3 / Go through prelim papers
Term 4/4 / MOCK EXAM (TBC) / GCE 2017 paper (full)
Term 4/5 / Revision / Revision package
Term 4/6
* Deepavali (wed) / Revision / Revision package
*Please note that the topics might be subject to minor changes. Pupils will be updated accordingly.
2Assessment Plan
Semester 1 / Semester 2CA1: 100%
MYE 100% / CA2: 100% (in grade book only)
Prelim 2 100%
3Details of CA1&2 Assessments
CA1 Assessment / Topics based on weeks / MarksDiagnostic Test / Geographical investigation on Tourism / 10m
WS 1D / Data Response on indicators of changing food preferences / 10m
Class Test 1 / Level marking on / 10m
Common Test 1 / Food Consumption / 30m
March Holiday Homework / (part of )Section B / 10m
Class Test 2 / Data Response on Plate Tect / 10m
TOTAL / 80m
CA2 Assessment / Topics based on weeks / Marks
June Holiday Homework / Section A and Section B of past year paper / 25m
Mini Test #2 / Level marking on Food / 8m
Mini Test #5 / Data response on Plate Tectonics / 14m
Mini Test #7 / GI on Weather & Climate / 13m
Sept Holiday Homework / Section C of past year paper / 20m
TOTAL / 80m
*Please note that the dates indicated for the CA1 components are subject to changes. Pupils will be updated accordingly.
SA1 Components / Date / GuidelinesPaper [1 h 40m] / Term 3/ Week 1-2 /
- All topics covered in semester 1.
- For the paper, candidates are to write their answers on the writing paper provided.
- Total marks for the paper is50m.
Section / Details / Marks
A / Geographical investigation
-Global tourism
-Weather and Climate / 13
B / Data response + level marking
-Weather and Climate
-Global tourism / 12
C / Data response + level marking
-Plate Tectonics
-Food (until intensity of food production) / 25
Prelims Components / Date / Guidelines
Paper [1 h 40m] / Term 3/ Week 1-2 /
- All topics covered in semester 1.
- For the paper, candidates are to write their answers on the writing paper provided.
- Total marks for the paper is 50m.
Section / Details / Marks
A / Geographical investigation
-Global tourism
-Weather and Climate / 13
B / Data response + level marking
-Weather and Climate
-Global tourism / 12
C / Data response + level marking
-Plate Tectonics
-Food / 25
4Absence from tests
a)A medical certificate must be produced if your child/ ward is absent for the test.
b)Parent’s letter is strongly discouraged and its validity will be approved based on a case-by-case basis.
c)Absence from any test without a valid reason will result in zero mark for the test.
d)Do note that your child/ ward will have to do a make-up test on the day he/she returns to school.
My Target Setting 2018
Class Test / Common Test / Class Test 2 / Prelim 1 / Mini Test / Mini Test / Mini Test / Prelim 2Target / / / / /
Actual / / / / / /