Job Title: / Head of Strategic Performance
Department: / Corporate Governance & Administration
Salary: / c £47,000
Base: / Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice, Selly Park, Birmingham[1]
Hours: / 37.5
Reports to: / Chief Executive
Responsible for: / Clinical Administration Lead
Governance Administrator
Executive Assistant
Key colleagues: / Head of Support Services
Head of Financial Planning & Performance
Head of Service Improvement & Quality
Consultants in Palliative Medicine

Role overview

As an Associate Director[2], work with Trustees, Chief Executive, Executive Team and key colleagues to develop transformative, high quality business processes to achieve

·  Outstanding hospice care to individuals, families, carers and loved ones

·  Recognition of the Hospice as a system leader for end of life and palliative care

·  Improvement and assurance of corporate performance across the organisation

·  An effective programme management framework delivering its core modules:
service redesign; market position; being lean and agile

·  Strategic “Hospice Care for All” priorities (Our Hospice Strategy 2016-2020)

·  A new strategy to transform and achieve sustainable Hospice Care for All beyond 2020

·  Effective transformation leadership and stakeholder engagement

As a key expert in transformational leadership, programme management, governance, assurance, business sustainability and improvement methodologies the post-holder will be a key leader, facilitator, adviser, and co-ordinator of the hospice’s corporate transformation and performance processes and, working with key colleagues, lead the co-ordination and development of clear, comprehensive corporate performance reporting and action planning.

Job purpose
Operational excellence at all levels results in everyone’s time being used in a more satisfying and productive way; people feel happier and more confident; and team-working is more rewarding.
This position provides an opportunity for a high calibre individual to work with our Board, Executive Directors, colleagues and volunteers at all levels, to continually improve the performance, innovation, sustainability and operational excellence of Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice so that everyone is a big part of achieving our significant ambitions core to which is outstanding hospice care for all.
The post holder has responsibility for overseeing and co-ordinating the leadership and continual improvement of a Strategic Performance, Assurance and Governance framework as well as taking a proactive role in advising the Chairman, Trustees, Chief Executive, Executive Team and colleagues on the improvement of corporate performance development at Board and Executive level.

Main duties and responsibilities

Strategic Performance

Lead and oversee the process for strategic planning, corporate performance monitoring and major contract agreements including:

·  Lead and oversee planning and alignment of complex projects in the portfolio including review and updating of the suite of key performance indicators across projects

·  Implement a rolling strategic planning programme with environmental appraisal, data review and stakeholder engagement to continually appraise corporate direction and sustainability against internal and external factors

·  Develop the use and management of forecasting tools

·  Liaise with the Head of Financial Planning and Performance to develop and streamline the Budget and Planning Cycle process and develop sustainable business improvement plans

·  Improve and embed a continuous programme of strategic development and performance monitoring that includes well-coordinated, well-led planning and change management

·  Oversee the main NHS contract and commissioning review and reporting process that is aligned to the Hospice’s strategic direction

·  Oversee the implementation of a more systemised framework for contract monitoring and quality review in liaison with hospice leads and the providers/commissioners, with clear roles and responsibilities, and a process for initiating, approving and updating Service Agreements that reduces corporate exposure to risk

·  Support Executive Directors and Marketing colleagues in the improvement of impact reporting

·  Support Executive Directors, Governance Manager, Education leads and other managers to ensure effective systems are in place for identification, negotiation and management of non-contract activity such as out of area referrals, education and ad-hoc consultancy provision.

·  Provide guidance and expertise on improvement methodology and embed selected methods within transformation programmes

Deliver and organise the training and development of people so they are able to:

·  Deliver a high quality of strategic planning and performance including scenario planning, strategic options forming, strategic decision making, performance monitoring, and reporting

·  Share a unified understanding of operational excellence and strategic performance

·  Produce consistently high quality business cases and proposals that are timely, succinct, and contain information required for competent decision-making at the right level

·  Produce high quality strategic reports such as funding proposals to NHS and other external organisations

·  Reinforce the brand through correct use of brand in a consistent format and tone of voice

·  Improve quality of meeting notes that achieve an intended purpose

·  Implement time efficient and digital methods of recording and storing information

·  Engage and deliver effective programme management

·  Use and understand change and improvement methodologies

·  Establish a one-team approach for administrative excellence and multi-skilled working

·  Streamline and digitalise administrative and communication processes

·  Establish a programme of education and development for self and key colleagues in up to date practice and innovation in governance, improvement and transformation

Set the direction: good to outstanding governance

·  Work with Executive Directors and Registered Manager to improve the Assurance and Governance Framework using Governance Summits and subsequent implementation plans integrated within the planning process
·  Liaise with the Governance Manager to ensure ongoing implementation of the Board Effectiveness Review 2016 and documented cycle of Board and Trustee performance reviews and Board development programme
·  Support and advise the Governance Manager in continual improvement of board resources and implementation of an engagement plan for Board and Association members.
·  Liaise with key colleagues and Executive Directors to improve the quality of Board and Committee agendas and documentation to ensure the right balance alignment to strategic objectives and options forming
·  Liaise with key colleagues to support an ongoing cycle of Board and Association recruitment, induction and development
·  Support key colleagues to systemise and embed the corporate scheme of delegation to ensure authority levels are at the right level, provide freedom to act, and support achievement of corporate objectives
·  Liaise with key colleagues to systemise assurances and activities on timetabled corporate requirements (such as insurance, submissions to Companies House, production of Quality Account etc)
·  Promote, with Marketing colleagues, the quality and impact of outstanding governance internally and externally
·  Oversee the development of the Administration Review and Governance Summit recommendations supporting the Clinical Administration Lead with establishing plans and timeframes
Financial management
Work with Finance colleagues to embed financial management capabilities across all managers and develop in-house learning and development in order to:
·  Ensure all business planning takes account of future sustainability
·  Budgets are owned and understood by the business owner and translate into effective plans
·  Establish an in-year budget for strategic performance that supports sustainability planning
Digital integration
Work with the Head of IT and Business Development Team colleagues implement digital communication, administration and business processes as part of “think digital” programme:
·  Digital communication and administration processes such as use of Communication Apps, on-line learning, intranet and portal access
With specific responsibility
·  Digital timetables and rotas that interconnect with diary planners
·  Digitalised incident reporting that alerts the right people at the right time
·  Systemised monitoring and assurance processes
·  Digital templates that automate sectional updates throughout key suites of documents such as policies, procedures and protocols
·  Streamlining and implementation of digital administrative practice
·  Lead on the communication of identified change strategies to internal and external stakeholders with risk stratification and scenario planning for sensitive and complex change
·  Establish the supporting integrated stakeholder communication plans, with key colleagues, particularly on sensitive and complex changes
·  Work with clinical leads to strengthen the voice and influence of individuals, families, carers, loved ones and representatives of diverse communities within the planning process
·  With Marketing colleagues establish an influence map and plan to support stakeholder engagement, planning and implementation prospects

General Duties

·  All employees are required to uphold the confidentiality of all information records in whatever format, encountered in the course of employment and after it.
·  All employees are bound by the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 when, in the course of their employment, they deal with information records relating to individuals
Equality and Diversity
·  The Hospice is committed to promoting an environment that values diversity. All staff are responsible for ensuring that they treat individuals equally and fairly and do not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The Hospice expects all staff to behave in a way which recognises and respects diversity in line with the appropriate standards.
Health and Safety
·  All employees have a responsibility under the terms of the Health and Safety at Work Act1974 to protect and promote their own health and that of others in the workplace
·  All employees must comply with all Hospice Health and Safety Procedures
Infection Control
·  The prevention and control of infection is the responsibility of everyone who is employed by the Hospice. Employees must be aware of infection control policies, procedures and the importance of protecting themselves and their clients in maintaining a clean and healthy environment.
Information Governance
·  All employees are responsible for ensuring they undertake any training relating to information governance, read the Hospice’s policies, procedures and guidance documents relating to information governance, and that they understand how this affects them in their role.
Professional Development
·  All employees must participate in an annual appraisal and develop apersonal development plan with their Line Manager
Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
·  The Hospice is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. All employees and volunteers are therefore expected to behave in such a way that supports this commitment.

The job description is not exhaustive and may be amended following appropriate consultation in the light of business needs


DATE: 14 April 2017



Job Title: / Head of Strategic Performance
Department: / Corporate Governance & Performance
Requirements / Essential / Desirable / How identified
Education and qualifications / Masters degree level qualification in organisational change (or equivalent) / ·  / A I C
Accreditation or equivalent in corporate governance, assurance, improvement and whole system change methodologies / ·  / A I C
Evidence of learning and implementation of digital business systems / ·  / A I T
Maintained up to date CPD in financial management and business sustainability or equivalent / ·  / A I T
Qualification or equivalent CPD in training and developing others in improvement methodologies, governance, etc / ·  / A I
Knowledge and Experience / Evidence of implementation of whole system change and leadership of complex programmes / A I
Evidence of acting as advisor on the above at Board level / A I
Evidence of dealing with contentious change and acting as a spokesperson for highly sensitive and complex issues / A I T P
Evidence of implementing successful strategic planning and performance processes / A I T/P
Evidence of leading development of senior multi-professional colleagues in business processes / A I
Personal skills and attributes / High level of emotional intelligence / ·  / A I
Able to manage and work with stakeholders with significantly different perspectives and levels and bring together into a shared vision / ·  / A I
Able to embed change and bring people alongside / ·  / A I
Approachable / ·  / A I
Credible leadership qualities / ·  / A I
Highly proficient in public speaking and presenting / · 

A= Application form I=Interview T=Test C=Certificate P=Presentation


DATE: 14 April 2017

[1] The development of hospice satellite clinics may mean flexibility of work base

[2] Introduced role of key expert and advisor to the Board, CEO and Executive Team on corporate development will participate and lead aspects of Board and Committee decision making and communication