Laboratory Information System
Blood Bank Application Exercises

Exercise # 1- BBK

Goal: To follow a unit from receiving it from your source to transfusing it to a patient.


o Enter Units

o Unit Inquiry

o Edit Wristband

o Issue Unit

o E/E Requisition

o Enter Results

o E/E Transfusion Data

o Billing Inquiry

The Situation:

You just received a shipment of blood from the American Red Cross. Five minutes later, a nurse calls from surgery stating that they are going to need 2 units of Packed Cells for the patient with wristband number XXXX(For practice, just type in the account number of the patient without the leading zeros). She will be sending you the sample to do your testing in the tube system. You need to enter the unit of Packed Cells into inventory and also order a unit of Packed Cells on the patient.

Step 1:

Enter two units into your inventory and result the unit retypes in the quickest manner possible.

Step 2:

You are a newer tech to this hospital and are not sure if the units are available for crossmatching now that the retype has finished. Where would you look to be certain that the Packed Cells were entered into the system's inventory and are currently at an AVA status?

Step 3:

Now that you have the specimen container in hand, go to E/E Requisition and order two units of Packed Cells on the patient. Make sure that you receive the sample in this routine as well. Notice two crossmatches have been ordered along with a Type and Screen. Upon filing, you will be prompted to enter in the wristband number.

Step 4:

Now that the specimen is ready for processing, you are ready to enter your results, but you realized you typed in the wrong wristband number. (I am sure you entered in the Acct# as described above, but we are going to change it anyway for the exercise.) Go to the Edit Wristband routine and adjust the wristband to a different number.

Step 5:

Go to Result Entry and result your patient. Once the Type and Screen is complete, search for an available unit of packed cells and perform the crossmatch. Did you remember to File and Verify the patient's blood type?

*Note the unit status will change again. Is the unit at XM compatible or ready? Why?

Step 6:

If the units remain at a Crossmatch compatible status, you must go to the Change to Ready Status routine.

Step 7:

Once the unit is at a Ready status, issue the units to the patient. After issuing the units, do not enter the transfusion data. Again, go to the Unit Inquiry and confirm the unit is at a Issued Status.

Step 8:

Now transfuse the unit and enter the transfusion data. View the Unit Inquiry one last time to confirm the status update.

Step 9:

Go to the Billing Inquiry and confirm that the appropriate charges have been indexed. (T&S, 2 PC’s, Issue Charges if applicable, and any others.)