General Meeting
Sept 22, 2011
Sept 22 2011
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM
This regular meeting was held at Still Creek Centre pursuant to due notice.
Merrilyn Cook, President of the Board of Directors, chaired the meeting.
Quorum was present – 51 voting members
- Welcome and Introductions
- Adoption of the Agenda. Move to adopt the Agenda. M/S/C
- Adoption of the September 16, 2010 AGM Minutes. No corrections. Move to accept the Sept 16, 2010AGM Minutes as circulated. M/S/C
- Adoption of the June 16, 2011 General Meeting Minutes. No corrections. Move to accept the Minutes as distributed. M/S/C.
- Any business arising. Gerry Juzenas will say a few words during the ED Report regarding Woodlands.
- Guest Speaker – Paul Gauthier.
-Richard Faucher introduced Paul, Paralympian and co-founder of the Inclusive Technologies Coop.
-Very inspired by Paul and happy to have him here.
-Paul is President and CEO of the Cooperative Technology Network, and Paralympian of Boccia – not to be confused with BACI.
-Grew up hearing that he didn`t need to work, wouldn`t get married, and had great opportunities at an institution. That it wasn`t possible to live on his own.
-Was getting 24 hour care in the group home, and was only offered 6 hours a day of care living independently.
-Met an amazing person at the group home who supported him to fight for the hours he needed for support and to be able to hire the people he wanted to support him.
-Was interested in all sports – hockey, baseball, dodgeball, swimming, and power soccer.
-Kept trying different sports until he found one that he loved – boccia ball.
-In 2000 in Sydney, Australia, he won a double gold in pairs for Canada in the Paralympics.
-In Athens in 2004, won an individual gold and a bronze in pairs.
-Sport and focusing on a dream can change the way you live your life.
-In 2004, became a foster parent for an 11 year-old boy with a social disorder, who couldn`t communicate with anyone.
-Started a consulting company doing one-on-one advocacy, specializing in home support.
-Wanted to get into systemic advocacy that would impact hundreds of people.
-Hired by BC Paraplegic Association to focus on housing, home support, equipment and devices.
-Won Gold for Canada in 2007 at the World Cup.
-In 2008, married Sarah, his new sport assistant.
-His foster son was now talking through an assistive device and whispering verbally.
-Came up with interesting solutions with Sarah, who is also a speech pathology assistant.
-Had a son, and worked with Tetra to get assistive devices that allowed him to carry his son.
-Personal supports have been so important to his life – electric wheelchair, computer with voice recognition (Dragon Naturally Speaking), special door openers, van conversion, roll-in shower, etc.
-We need to look at this as an investment, not a hand-out. Now he`s giving back to society.
-Need to continue to fight for investing in people with disabilities.
-Pleased that BACI is continuing to do that.
-Over 80 government programs that provide supports.
-A coalition of 34 organizations are looking at assistive devices to provide supports.
-In 2006, they entered into partnership with government -- EATI, to offer personal supports in the participation model – looking at assets.
-Look at functional limitations and what people need to participate in society.
-Help people with an employment goal – even if they feel they`re not ready right away.
-Assistive Technology promotes greater independence for people with disabilities, including many things that are not medical equipment (i.e. ipads and iphones, reading devices, door openers.) Anything that helps overcome a functional barrier.
-You can work with an EATI Super Navigator to try to address your technology needs and employment goals.
-Worked with BACI to develop the Inclusive Technologies Coop. In 10 weeks, a group developed a feasibility study. The Coop was formally established on June 1, 2011.
-The goal is to sign up 30,000 members. At $20 per member, that would generate $60,000.
-Coop Directors include Lisa Trick from BACI – volunteer CIO. Thanks to BACI for lending her to the Coop.
-Also thanks to BACI for giving the Coop space to operate in.
-We encourage people to join the Coop.
-Must continue to be innovative and believe in people’s dreams.
-Read the poem – “Risk-Taking is Free.”
-The greatest hazard is to risk nothing. One doesn’t learn, change, love, live. Only a person who risks is free.
-BACI purchased 40 memberships for BACI members, so for the first 40 people who want to be involved, it’s free.
- Presentation of the Financial Report
-Peter Kerr, Senior Manager of Finance and Technology, presented the Report.
-Introduced Rick Kohn, the new Partner from Deloitte and Touche.
-The Auditors Report is on p. 34 of the Annual Report.
-Appreciate the Deloitte staff who are very supportive of our work.
-Reviewed the Financial Statements, as presented in the Annual Report.
-Question about the distinction between donations given to the Sharing Our Future Foundation and those given to BACI.
-Motion to adopt the Financial Report as presented. M/S/C
-Appointment of the Auditors – enjoy relationship with Deloitte and Touche, suggest they continue for the coming year.
-Motion to accept Deloitte and Touche as our Auditors for the coming year. M/S/C
- President`s Report – Merrilyn Cook
-BACI is the only organization that Merrilyn volunteers with. Appreciates BACIs ability to soar and the possibilities it fosters.
-Want to congratulate the Senior Managers and management team and staff for their extraordinary CARF results.
-The report was received with no objections. M/S/C
- ED Report – Richard Faucher
-Richard’s report is in the Annual Report.
-Accreditation was a lot of work, but a worthwhile experience.
-Quality of Life Project told us that we still needed to get better in helping people connect to the community.
-Gerry Juzenas spoke about Woodlands and how some survivors received a settlement and others didn’t.
-Gerry belongs to People First, and was concerned that some of the survivors didn’t get money, so wrote to Premiere Christy Clark, then the Attorney General and then his Assistant.
-No response, so talked with Adrian Dix, leader of the NDP.
-Dix agreed that all people should get a settlement. May use this as a platform in his election campaign.
-Regarding CLBC funding cuts, Richard stated that we will continue to make sure that we can conserve all that we can, and collaborate whenever we can.
-Most of our contracts have been renewed for 2 years, and we have received no notification that things will change in the future, but it is a tough time.
-If it looks like CLBC is starting to do things that we don’t agree with, we will call on families to meet with us and strategize to address any issues.
-This is a family-driven organization and we are not about to sell anyone with disabilities short.
-The report was received with no objections. M/S/C
- Presentations
- Lifetime Member – Rachel Goddyn
- Volunteer of the Year – Shannon LeClair
- Marvin Germaine Award – Tyrone Henesey
- Presentation of the Nominations Report
-The nominations are open for the 2011 – 2012 BACI Board.
-Are there any nominations from the floor?
-Are there any nominations from the floor?
-Are there any nominations from the floor?
-No nominations from the floor.
-Hearing none, the Chair declares the nominations closed.
- Election of the Board of Directors
-Merrilyn Cook – President for 2nd term
-Susan Anthony – Vice President
-Troy Nikolai – Vice President
-Nailin Esmail – Treasurer
-Jake Anthony – Director for 2 year term
-Margaret Manifold – Director for 2 year term
-Lois Woolley – Director for 2 year term
- Presentation of the Resolutions Report
-There were no Resolutions put forward prior to the AGM.
-Are there any Resolutions put forward at this point?
- Installment of the new Board of Directors
-The Directors for 2011 – 2012 took the Oath of Office, led by Lois Woolley.
- Before adjourning, flowers were given to outgoing Board Director, Lorraine Chomechko.
- Adjournment
-Motion to Adjourn BACIs 55th AGM. M/S/C
-Meeting adjourned at 8:29pm.
Door prizes were drawn, and special gifts – tulip bulbs – were handed out to all guests.