
The second Annual Report of Baunton Parish Council is being circulated to all houses in the Parish. As stated in the last Report, the main functions of the Council can be summarised as:

a)  To provide a means of identifying views of the Parish over a wide range of issues, eg planning.

b)  To interact with the Cotswold District Council (CDC) and Gloucestershire County Council (GCC), particularly on planning and highway matters respectively.

c)  To represent the Parish at a wide range of meetings with outside bodies, eg the Police and Housing Authorities.

The Council comprises seven members and an unpaid clerk and members of the Council are listed on the back of this Report, together with dates of future Council Meetings.

Freedom of Information Act

Under the Government's Freedom of Information Act 2000, Baunton Parish Council is required to make sure that information produced by the Council is easily accessible. Baunton Parish Council provides this through the Annual Report, and information can also be obtained from the Clerk, from the 3 notice boards where relevant information is displayed, and on the new web site at

Local Plan 2001/2011 Revised Deposit

This plan has yet to be implemented, but there is nothing to adversely affect the Parish and councillors will continue to monitor any further revisions.


Every planning application within the Parish, irrespective of size, is sent to the Parish Council for comment, as are some major applications in neighbouring parishes. In the last year, 11 applications and two appeals were handled within the Parish and full planning permission has now been granted for a new development off Baunton Lane, bordering the Parish. Many applications received are for minor extensions and alterations.

Recently six councillors met with Mr Tony Jones, Chief Planning Officer at CDC Planning Department, who clarified the planning procedure, planning policy etc. and stressed the importance of local opinion.


Baunton PC continues to put pressure on the Highways Agency regarding re-surfacing of the by-pass and in reply to a written enquiry, the Agency gave their projected programme for this work. The overall timescale envisaged by them is 2004/2007, subject to funding being available. They anticipate design work for the re-surfacing should commence in 2005/06.



Subsequently, Baunton PC has sent a circular to all other councils affected by the road, passing on this information and suggesting a joint approach in dealing with the matter. Replies to date have been encouraging.

New speed limits along Cheltenham Road have now been implemented. The changes involve a 30mph restriction through Stratton and then a 40mph limit, replacing the old de-restriction, to beyond Baunton Lane. 40mph also applies from Cheltenham Road to the top of Baunton Lane, where it meets the 30mph sign.

Dry Stone Walling

The Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty currently award limited grants towards repairs and replacement of Dry Stone Walling in certain areas (not at present including the Parish of Baunton). However, as these grants are not being taken up, mainly due to overall cost, the AONB

is considering extending the areas eligible.

The Cotswold AONB is asking to be advised of whether there would be any interest in the scheme within Baunton Parish, and of the approximate number and length of stone walls involved. The cost of replacing or repairing a stone wall varies from approximately £50 to £100 per sq metre, depending on the condition of the wall, and up to a 50% grant could be available.

If you have a dry stone wall and you may be interested in making use of the scheme, please e-mail , giving the full length of the wall and the location. The Cotswold AONB will only consider extending this scheme to the Parish of Baunton if enough interest is expressed.


Each year the Council sets a precept, which is incorporated within the annual Council Tax. For Financial Year 2004/05 the precept is again £750. One councillor takes responsibility for finance, as the Council's responsible Financial Officer, and annually publishes details of accounts on the notice boards and web site. The Council sets a yearly budget, incorporating amounts for insurance, audit, training, regular donations to the Parish Magazine, the Church and the CAB, and a membership fee for GAPTC, plus sundry expenses.

Parish Councillors

The Parish Council continues with the same councillors as last year, with Council Meetings four times a year, plus extra meetings if deemed necessary. All councillors have signed a Code of Conduct and registered any interests with the CDC.

A Code of Practice for Handling Complaints is now in place and any dissatisfaction with the conduct of councillors should be referred to the Standards Board. Matters regarding procedure or administration should initially be sent to the Clerk.

We are indebted to Mr Bryan Reid who has acted as Tree Warden for the Parish over several years. However, Bryan would now like to pass on the responsibility, and so if anyone in the Parish would be interested in taking over as Warden, please ring 01285 644129 for details. Thanks also go to Mr Rod Edmondson who continues as Snow Warden.

Other Matters

Councillors continued to attend meetings and courses during the year, including:

§  Seminar on Highway Maintenance in the Cotswolds

§  CDC Reception for Councillors and Volunteers

§  Training for Councillors

§  Planning Training Day

§  Development Control/Focus Group

§  Meeting with Chief Planning Officer



Other items discussed and decided at Council Meetings included:

§  The possibility of producing a Parish Plan and perhaps moving towards Quality Parish Council Status

§  The adoption of Standing Orders

§  The production of a Hazard Assessment for items on the Village Green (an Asset Register was produced by the previous council).

§  The creation of the Parish Website -

Two items have recently been raised at Council Meetings, on which councillors would like the views of parishioners:

§  It was suggested that it would be advantageous to have one or two Dog Litter Bins installed in Baunton Village (Baunton Lane already have two). However, before proceeding, councillors would like to ascertain the prevailing views of parishioners, and so if you feel strongly about this matter, one way or the other, please contact a member of the council.

§  You may have noticed that new bus shelters have appeared along the Cheltenham - Cirencester Road. These have to be partially paid for by Parish Councils, grants being available for only half the total cost of £3000 - £4000 (plus the cost of searches/legal fees of about £500). Being a small council it may be difficult to afford or to justify the expense of shelters at the two stops serving Baunton Village and Baunton Lane, and before considering such a project, councillors would like to have the views of parishioners regarding usage, desirability etc. Once again, please contact a member of the PC if you wish to comment.

The Parish did not organise a social event for 2003, but planning is well underway for an evening event on 26 June 2004, which is to be held on land belonging to River House, with the kind permission of owners, Mr and Mrs Amin.

The fund for the conservation of the painting of St Christopher inside Baunton Church has now reached the full amount of £11,000. The response from the Parish was tremendous and Mr Andrew Hall extended grateful thanks on behalf of the PCC.

The Parish Council would once more ask all parishioners to make sure they observe "The Country Code" by keeping strictly to public footpaths across farmland, and also to report any acts of vandalism of gates or stiles which they may witness.

Bogus Callers - Cotswold District Council have asked the Parish Council to draw residents' attention to this problem. There is often an increase in "casual traders" during the summer months, with items to sell, asking for building or gardening jobs, or offering to clear away rubbish. Some of these may be bogus callers, suggesting unnecessary work or attempting a distraction burglary. Even if work is done, waste may by disposed of illegally by dumping or fly-tipping. If you have any problems please contact Dr Amelia Craighill, Waste and Sustainability Manager, on 01285 623618, or Les Haines, Community Safety Officer, on 01285 623569.


The Council continued to receive valuable support from CDC Councillor Sue Herdman and GCC Councillor Shaun Parsons. We are fortunate to have good representation from members of the public who attend council meetings, and would encourage all parishioners to join us.

Finally, and most importantly, sincere thanks go to Mr Andrew Hall for continuing to mow the village green, which once again has looked beautiful this spring.

If you wish to discuss any matters referred to in the Report, please contact Elaine Drayton, the Chairman, or the Clerk, Ann Atkinson.

Signed………………………………………………….…Clerk June 2004


May 2004

Sue Alexander Brook Hay Cottage, Baunton,

Cirencester, Glos GL7 7BB

Peter Atkinson Little Coppins, Baunton Lane,

Cirencester, Glos GL7 2LN

Elaine Drayton Chairman Feltwell, Baunton,

Cirencester, Glos GL7 7BB

Tel: 01285 654346

Peter Moran 1 Meadow View, Baunton,

Cirencester, Glos GL7 7DJ

Adrian Potter Westwinds, Baunton,

Glos GL7 7BB

Pat Pryor Les Lauzes, Baunton,

Cirencester, Glos GL7 7BB

Alan Rees Windrush House, Baunton


Clerk - Ann Atkinson

Little Coppins, Baunton Lane,

Cirencester, Glos GL7 2LN

Tel: 01285 653708





MONDAY, 16 MAY 2005 (AGM)