
Research Participant Information and Consent Form

Intervention Target Study

You are invited to participate in a research study about prejudice in university settings. You have been asked to participate because you are a student on UW-Madison campus who belongs to an underrepresented minority group.

The purpose of the research is to examine the different forms of prejudice that occur on UW-Madison campus. This study will include minority students from UW-Madison. All participants will take part in the survey.

If you decide to participate in this research,you will be asked questions about inclusiveness on campus. Your identity will remain confidential at all times.Your participation will last approximately 5 minutes.

We do not anticipate any serious risks to you from participation in this study.However, because this survey asks questions about discrimination or prejudice, you may experience feelings of discomfort. If you feel discomfort at any point in the study, you may withdraw from the study or contact the experimenters at the information provided below.Although there are no direct benefits, this study may benefit educational and business institutions as well as policy makers with a greater understanding of how to build positive relations among individuals.

While the result of this study may lead to a publication, all identifying information about you will be removed. Only group characteristics will be published.You may ask any questions you have about the research at any time. You may also contact the Principal Investigator Markus Brauer at or 608.890.3313 or the lab manager, Michael Ro at you are not satisfied with responses of research team, have more questions, or want to talk with someone about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the Education and Social/Behavioral Science IRB Officeat 608-263-2320.

Your participation is completely voluntary. You may decide to not participate and withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.If there are questions that bother you or make you feel uncomfortable, you may choose to skip them. By signing below you are agreeing to the following statement: “I hereby consent that I have read this consent form and I have had an opportunity to ask any questions about participation in this research and I voluntarily consent to participate.” In addition, by signing below, you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.

Signature ______Date ______