Currituck County Schools' PD Plan 2013-14
VISION for Professional Development:
All staff will be highly trained in methods and tools essential for student success.
To provide relevant and essential professional development opportunities to all staff so that Currituck County Schools will increase student achievement and prepare students to be career and college ready as measured by student performance.
2013-14 FOCUS:
All teachers will use the essential components of HomeBase (PowerSchool/PowerTeacher) for daily procedures with teachers in grades 3-12 utilizing the grade book feature in preparation for parent access by November 15, 2013. Measures include session attendance and usage of grade book features.
All teachers will explore the teaching and assessment resource components of HomeBase (SchoolNet) to plan daily lessons and create assessments aligned with the district’s pacing guides in preparation for district benchmarking in 2014-15. Measures include session(s) attendance and use of the SchoolNet assessment tool.
All 6-12 teachers will incorporate digital tools and technology into lessons utilizing the ChromeBook or other devices.
Common Instructional Practices
Maximize Student Learning and Engagement Through:
• Scaffolding/Differentiation
• Collaborative Group Work
• PBL (Project Based/Problem Based Learning)
• Literacy Integration (Reading, Writing, Speaking)
• Critical Thinking (Questioning) and Problem Solving
• Technology Integration and Use by Students
Expectations and Outcomes:
● ALL staff will participate in district sponsored professional development based on training provided by DPI associated with the RttT initiative (outlined above with *)
● Home Base/PowerSchool training will be provided to cohort lead teachers from each school and shared out with staff during Workdays and PLC times throughout the school year. Revised curriculum pacing guides and frameworks will be shared on our website and gradually uploaded into Home Base.
● Assessments will be aligned with our curriculum guides and administered according to the classroom or school needs using Home Base’s assessment tool.
● Students will be prepared for College and/or Careers!
2013-14 Focus Activities
1. (Inputs) Activities / 2. Resources / 3. Initial Outcomes / 4. Intermediate Outcomes / 5. Measures / 6. Intended OutcomesFull day workshop for lead teacher trainers from each school on PowerSchool/ Power Teacher.
Lead teachers to provide school based training on the use of PowerSchool/
Power Teacher on ER/PD days in September and October and other days/times as determined by school needs / District Home Base Power School Lead Trainer
Guide materials
District grading policy guidelines / School Leads will assist teachers in navigating the Power School/Power Teacher site building knowledge on how to access information and take attendance. / Teachers will use Power Teacher to take attendance and set up grade books utilizing district and PLC guidelines.
Grading practices will be consistent across school grade levels and courses.
Increased communication with teachers and parents. / All teachers will update grades at least every two weeks.
___ % Parents will sign up for and access grade books by the end of the first semester. / Increased consistency with grading practices.
Increased parent communication and involvement in promoting student achievement.
1. (Inputs) Activities / 2. Resources / 3. Initial Outcomes / 4. Intermediate Outcomes / 5. Measures / 6. Intended Outcomes
HomeBase, grade specific, overview sessions for all teachers during
Convocation Conference.
School based leads to attend in depth training on HomeBase IIS tools (SchoolNet) and provide assistance to teachers at their school during PLC and school level trainings on ER/PD days and throughout the school year. / District Home Base SchoolNet Lead Trainers
PLC Lab/Convocation Logistics Plan
Guide materials / Teachers will explore the resources available for lesson planning and incorporate them into their teaching.
Teachers will explore the assessment tool and use it for common assessments. / Common assessments will be administered, at least once per unit, at the school level.
PLCs will analyze data from assessments to design lessons and/or provide interventions. / Sign-ins/attendance
User reports and data / Increased problem solving utilizing data.
Increased student achievement.
1. (Inputs) Activities / 2. Resources / 3. Initial Outcomes / 4. Intermediate Outcomes / 5. Measures / 6. Intended Outcomes
School lead teachers will attend Cary Academy’s Summer Institute and present their learning during Convocation Conference.
District Instructional Technologist will provide support for teachers on digital learning during PLC meetings or upon request at schools.
Friday Institute’s Lead Technology Facilitator will provide school based training on Digital Teaching and Learning in a 1-1 environment. / Funding for Travel/Expenses related to training
Instructional Technologist
Survey of needs
Friday Institute staff / Teachers will utilize 2-3 web tools or apps on the Chromebooks and integrate their use into lessons. / Teachers will utilize Open Class as a flexible environment for collaboration, content delivery, feedback and collection of student work.
Teachers will engage students in PBL activities utilizing the online tools and apps provided through the Chromebooks. / Participation/Sign-in
Survey of use/needs
Walk through observations and data collection / Increased student engagement and collaboration.
Reduction of use of worksheets and/or workbook exercises.
Increased student achievement.