Basic Guidelines: JSTC, WSC and GAMS Meetings


Meetings of JSTC and related task forces, WSC and GAMS have been highly successful. Hosting organizations have learned from several years of planning and carrying out the meetings that there are a number of elements regarding physical arrangements and logistics that contribute to success.

Location: The JSTC and WSC meetings are business forums and the time available to all participating executives for these meetings is limited by their schedules. Ideally travel time and expense should be minimized, and should be made efficient relative to meeting time for participants. Meetings should be held at business-capable hotels in pleasant locations. If possible, hotels and their locations should meet the following four criteria:

·  Direct flights from as many of the participants’ business centers as possible, including, for example, Tokyo; Taipei; Seoul; and gateway cities in the EU; and gateway cities in the US ; Beijing or Shanghai;

·  High reputation/capabilities as a business hotel (including internet access);









·  Major airport not more than 90 minutes from meeting location, and

·  Experience in hosting international conferences (particularly important for WSC meetings).

With one year advance approval by the JSTC, a meeting site can be chosen that may not meet these criteria.

Attendees: The JSTC and the WSC meetings are intended to be business forums, and delegations should be comprised primarily of company executives, supported by association staff.

·  Meeting space is reserved specifically to accommodate the number of delegates who are expected to attend a meeting.

·  Associations should notify the host of all attendees that plan to attend a meeting by the deadline provided by the host organization.

·  Adding additional delegates at the last minute should be avoided whenever possible. It may not be possible to add additional attendees for space-limited events such as meals. Additional delegates, added after the original deadline, may not be seated at the official meeting table if space does not permit, and additional delegates may not receive meeting materials if time does not permit. The hosting association, however, should try to accommodate late additions if possible. In case of the WSC meeting, such late accommodation will have to be made when necessary, in view of the importance of the meeting.

·  Government/authority officials may not attend the JSTC or the WSC meetings without the prior approval of all JSTC or WSC delegations, and media may not attend any session or events of any meetings (except designated media events) without the approval of either the JSTC or the WSC, as the case may be.

Meeting Room Requirements: Experience has shown that physical arrangements that meet the following requirements are needed to run a successful meeting:

·  Meeting rooms for the WSC, JSTC, GAMS and the ESH Task Force meetings should be closed rooms that are large enough to accommodate a U-shaped table that is at least big enough for all formal delegates to be seated at the table (the WSC Charter designates the appropriate number of delegates for each delegation) and observer seating not at the table as well as interpreter booths (if requested by certain delegations).

·  Consistent with long established practice, the host association ensures there is sufficient space at the WSC official meeting table to seat, for each association, the WSC delegation (3-6 CEOs per the WSC charter) as specified in the attendees list, along with the JSTC chair and industry association head. Hosting counsel should be seated at the official table as antitrust counsel, and if counsel for any other association is seated at the WSC official meeting table, then counsel for all other associations also should be seated there.

·  Consistent with long established practice, the host association ensures there is sufficient space at the JSTC official meeting table to seat, for each association, the JSTC delegation (3-6 industry experts per the WSC charter) as specified in the attendees list, the industry association head, and key association staff. Hosting counsel should be seated at the official table as antitrust counsel, and if counsel for any other association is seated at the JSTC official meeting table, counsel for all other associations also should be seated there.

·  Task force meeting rooms (for other task forces than the ESH Task Force) should be big enough to provide seating for all the attending task force members;

·  In addition, the host association should make arrangements to provide:

·  PC Data projectors for the WSC, JSTC, GAMS and the ESH Task Force meetings;

·  PC data projectors for task force meetings (of other task forces than the ESH Task Force) if requested before the deadline set by the host association; and

·  Overhead projectors used to show transparencies if requested before the deadline set by the host association.

·  Additional reasonable support may be requested of the host association.

Meeting Materials: All delegations should strive to submit presentation materials in advance of meetings whenever possible. For that reason:

·  All participants should seek to submit meeting materials to the host association in electronic format by the deadline set by the host association;

·  The host association should make all submitted meeting materials available in an organized fashion at the outset of the meeting wherever feasible and if possible in electronic format arranged directly following the order of the meeting agenda; and

·  If new information becomes available after the host association’s submission deadline, the association presenting the material will be expected to arrange to make copies for all meeting attendees in time for that particular discussion agenda. The same material should also be given in electronic format to all other associations.

·  It is the responsibility of each presenter at the meeting to work with the host to ensure that the draft Joint Statement, GAMS Recommendations or other document to be approved by the WSC or JSTC contains the most up to date consensus language on the topic they presented.

·  The chairs of prior meetings or their designates shall present a short summary of key points from the prior meeting. These summaries shall be limited to one or two slides, where possible.

Language: English is the official language of the meetings and documents of JSTC and related task forces, and WSC and GAMS. Not all delegates may be fluent in English, and fluency in English is not a pre-condition for participation. To accommodate those attendees with other mother tongues than English language:

·  Delegations requiring interpreters will be responsible for providing the interpreter and bearing related costs;

·  Host associations will arrange to have interpreter booths and other necessary electronic equipment available at the meeting but the associations requesting this equipment will bear the full cost for the equipment;

·  Interpretation will be simultaneous so as not to disrupt or prolong the meeting; and

·  English is the official language of the WSC, and all official documents of the WSC will be in English and will use the terminology as stated in the AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE WORLD SEMICONDUCTOR COUNCIL as it is in force at the point the documents are utilized. If a WSC member translates any document into a language other than English, they may not provide this translation to anyone other than the GAMS member listed as their representative above.

Dissemination of Information: The papers and other documents provided at the various meetings under the WSC are intended for use within those forums only. This is important to foster the free exchange of information in furtherance of the objectives of the WSC Charter. The following rules governing dissemination of information should be strictly adhered to:

·  Where information is prepared for presentation at the WSC/JSTC/GAMS meetings, the association that presented it may make that information available beyond the presenting association's membership and its government/authorities only with the prior approval of the JSTC or WSC (for example, each association may share its own PFC emission data with its government/authority but may not share the PFC emission data submitted from other associations, nor is publication of data in its own presentation appropriate without prior notice to the other JSTC or WSC member associations).

·  No information prepared for the JSTC/WSC meetings will be given to the media without prior approval of either the JSTC or the WSC; and

·  No video or audio recordings of meetings are allowed without prior written approval by each delegation’s chairman and written notice to all attendees (please note that in some JSTC/WSC member countries/regions, including the United States, the law prohibits audio recordings of conversations without prior notification and consent).

·  To assure the security of meeting materials, the host association will secure the meeting room at breaks.

·  At the conclusion of the meeting and each day’s session, each delegate should take with him all meeting documents and personal items.

Participant Costs: Each delegation is completely responsible for its own transportation and hotel costs, and for meals and incidental costs that are not formally included as part of the meeting costs borne by the host association.

Administrative Issues: The rules and guidelines set forth in the WSC Charter are binding and will govern the activities and conduct of all industry meetings under the WSC.

Antitrust Guidelines: For all official JSTC and WSC meetings, antitrust counsel will be present and antitrust guidelines will be given. In all cases, the advice of the antitrust counsel will be considered final with respect to setting limitations on any activities. There will be– absolutely no exceptions to this rule under any circumstances. Delegations may, of course, take the advice of their own counsel in limiting their own participation in any discussion or activity. Other meetings and activities under the WSC, such as those of task forces, are also required to adhere to the same antitrust guidelines.

Communications: The host association should audit a meeting venue prior to selection as the candidate to ensure that reasonable quality internet connection from guest rooms is available and to identify the need for unique telephone or electrical adapters. Arrangements should be made with the hotel to provide such unique adapters.


Task Force Meetings: Several task force and other meetings* take place at the time of the JSTC meeting. Following are the guidelines that cover task force meetings:

·  The host association may set a deadline for each task force to decide whether or not it will have a meeting, and the task force must notify the host by the deadline whether and when a meeting room will be required, the number of people attending and what equipment is needed (for example, overhead projectors);

·  The host association will arrange and pay for a meeting room and needed equipment;

·  The chairman of all other task forces except ESH Task Force will arrange with other members of the task force so that all meeting materials will be made available – the host association may volunteer to provide copies but they are not obligated to do so;

·  For the ESH Task Force, the host association will pay for meals directly associated with its meeting, and the ESH Task Force will determine who is responsible for preparing meeting materials; and

·  For all task force meetings other than ESH Task Force meeting, the host association will provide beverages but is not obligated to provide meals.

*Other meetings include those officially sanctioned by the JSTC. For example, working

groups and study teams authorized by the JSTC. Bilateral meetings and side meetings on

non-JSTC related matters are to be arranged and paid for by the interested parties.

Meeting Costs: In general, the host association will bear costs associated with the actual meetings but not other costs, utilizing the following guidelines:

·  The host association will pay for all required meeting rooms and electronic/office equipment other than interpretation equipment needed to run the JSTC meeting and task force meetings, including the ESH Task Force meeting;

·  The host association will provide the following meals: the Chairman’s breakfast meeting before the JSTC (for the JSTC Chairmen, counsel and 1-2 association staff); and lunch during the full-day JSTC meeting; and

·  The host association will not cover travel expenses, non-meeting related meals or other expenses incurred by participants.

JSTC Minutes: An official summary is prepared at the conclusion of each JSTC meeting to reflect the discussion and the decisions made. The minutes should include clearly delineated action items. These minutes will be considered final once agreed to at the meeting, and they cannot be altered after they have been finalized without the approval of the JSTC.

Presentations to the WSC: WSC presentations are made on behalf of JSTC, not on behalf of task forces. All JSTC presentations to the WSC, including the ESH presentation, shall include specific recommendations to the WSC, where WSC approval will be needed. To the extent feasible, the first slide of each presentation to the WSC should be a CEO executive summary briefly stating: i) background; ii) issue; iii) importance for CEOs/WSC; iv) action needed.


Association Offices: Each association should be given the option of having a closed office at the WSC meeting in order to hold private meetings, using the following guidelines:

·  The host association will help each association reserve an office upon request and requesting association will pay any room rental fee for reserving the room;

·  The room should be made available by early afternoon on the day prior to the WSC meeting and during the day of the WSC meeting;

·  The office should be able to seat all official delegates of the requesting association to the WSC meeting (including WSC members, JSTC members and association secretariats, as set out in the WSC Charter); and

·  The host association will not be responsible for the costs of office equipment, meals or refreshments, use of a phone line or any other costs incurred by the association using that room.

·  It will be the responsibility of each member association to secure their own office when it is unattended and to protect PCs, other equipment, documents and other items in their office room.