World History & Geography I

China Unit

Geography Lesson: China

1)  Identify the following features on the map:

  1. Altai Mountains
  2. Borneo
  3. East China Sea
  4. Gobi Desert
  5. Himalayan Mountains
  6. Hainan
  7. Hokkaido
  8. Honshu
  9. Huang He
  10. Japan
  11. Java
  12. Korea
  13. Kyushu
  14. Malay Peninsula
  15. Manchurian Plain
  16. Mekong River
  17. New Guinea
  18. Philippines
  19. Plateau of Tibet
  20. Salween River
  21. Sea of Japan
  22. South China Sea
  23. Strait of Malacca
  24. Sumatra
  25. Taklimakan Desert
  26. Taiwan
  27. Tien Shan Mountains
  28. Yangtze
  29. Yellow Sea

2)  Discussion Questions:

  1. Where was Chinese civilization centered? Why?
  1. From what direction do you think China was most susceptible to invaders? Why?
  1. Why did China develop independently of other early civilizations?