In Kahoot!
Motion calculation Questions

Use the WWW and a Google Doc or Slides to create 6 motion calculations questions (with cool pictures) to be used in a future Kahoot!

1.  Speed or velocity of an object in motion

2.  Distance traveled

3.  Time in motion

4.  Acceleration or Deceleration

5.  Momentum

6.  Displacement

7.  Frame of Reference or Reference Point

Helpful Hints:

·  Type in different colors. Put your name at the top in the color you typed with.

·  Include a picture or visual aspect to enhance the question (a car, plane, train, etc).

·  Include the URL for the image (use the app from the Chrome Web Store)

·  Make sure you give the 1 correct answer and 3 non-correct answers.

·  Use notebook for formulas if you are not sure

·  Search online for m/s2. Copy and paste into your questions.
