Contribution from the University of ______
(Team members)
1. Institutional strategic priorities and the main policy goals
2. Brief historical overview of the University development
3. Geographical position of the University
4. Basic facts and figures about the University
4.1. Data on the University and University Units
4.2. Educational-scientific and/or educational-artistic fields in which the study programs are carried out
4.3. Number of accredited study programs
4.4. Number of staff
4.5. Number of students
4.6. Research Projects on the University
4.7. Other relevant data on the University
5. Organization and Management of the University
5.1. University governance/organizational chart with an outline of the main governing
5.2. An organisational chart of the management’s faculties
5.3. An organisational chart of the University central administration and support services
5.4. Decision making flow on the University level
5.5. The overall framework of funding model and financial monitoring and control mechanisms
5.6. Internal Quality assurance system/bodies and decision making flow
5.7. Structure and role of the Student Parliament and student involvement in the governance/decision making process
5.8. Alumni of the University and their scope of activities
5.9. Involvement of external stakeholders in institutional governance
5.10. University information system
6. Analysis of the governance and management structure and practice
6.1. University governance (institutional level)
6.2. Degree of university integration concerning the key university functions
6.3. HE system governance
7. Concluding remarks
1. Institutional strategic priorities and the main policy goals
(A concise presentation based on the institutional strategic and policy papers)
2. Brief historical overview of the University development
3. Geographical position of the University
(e.g., in a capital city, major regional centre, concentrated on one campus, dispersed across a city and/or cities)
4. Basic facts and figures about the University
4.1. Dataonthe University and University Units (Faculties, Departments, Research Institutes, Interdisciplinary Center, Library etc, or any other relevant units of teaching/researchdepending on the University structure) their location and legal status
University and University Units / Date of foundation / Location / Legal status / Public/PrivateUNIVERSITY
4.2. Educational-scientific and/or educational-artistic fields in which the study programs are carried out(referring to the fields defined by the Law of Higher Education, article 27)
4.3. Number of accredited study programs
Faculty* / NUMBER OF STUDY PROGRAMSAcademic Studies / Professional studies
B Sc / M Sc / Integr.* * / Specialist / Ph D / BSc / Specialist
* Faculty, Department, Interdisciplinary Center any other relevant units of
teaching/researchdepending on the University structure
** If integrated studies (BSc+MSc) are organized
4.4. Number of staff
Faculty* / ACADEMIC STAFF / NON-ACADEMIC STAFF / Visiting ProfessorsFull Professors / Associate Professors / Assistant Professors / Assistants
4.5. Number of students (2009/2010 academic year)
Faculty* / NUMBER OF STUDENTSAcademic Studies / Professional studies
BSc / MSc / Integr.** / Specialist / PhD / Bch / Specialist
TOTAL on each level
Number of foreign students
* Faculty, Department, Interdisciplinary Center or other unitdepending on the
University structure
** If integrated studies (BSc+MSc) are organized
Number of students enrolled on the first year of studies (BSc) in last five years (the diagram given as an example)
4.6. Research Projects on the University
Research Project / NUMBER OF CURRENT PROJECTSNational / Fundamental research / Applied research
International / FP 7 / Others
4.7. Other relevant data on the University
(library, university editions/journals/monographs/textbooks, IT capacities, research canters etc.)
5. Organization and Management of the University
(Overview of the state-of-the-art of governance and management on the institutional level)
5.1.University governance/organizational chart with an outline of the main governing bodies, their structure and scope of decision making
5.2. An organisational chart of the management’s faculties(or any other relevant units of teaching/research)
5.3. An organisational chart of the University central administration and supportservices(rector’s office, student services, international office, libraries etc.)
5.4. Decision making flow on the University levelin respect to:
- Academic activities and policies (teaching and learning, research)
- Selection and promotion of academic and administrative staff
- Recruitment of new academic staff
- The selection of students
- Approval process for new/changes study programs
- Approval of PhD Thesis
- Reward system for academic staff
5.5. The overall framework of funding model and financial monitoring and control mechanisms(funding, investments, property/assets)
5.6. Internal Quality assurance system/bodies and decision making flowconcerning:
- Teaching activities
- Research activities
- Administrative processes
5.7. Structure and role of the Student Parliament and student involvement in thegovernance/decision making process
5.8. Alumni of the University and their scope of activities
5.9. Involvement of external stakeholders in institutional governance
5.10.University information system(internal information system - intranet, other information tools – printed bulletin, internal TV etc)
6. Analysis of the governance and management structure and practice
6.1.University governance (institutional level)
- Concise analysis of the main developments and changes in University governance and management which contributed to the overall efficiency andwhat are the expected developments and recommendations; what are the advantages, possible obstacles and expected developments for more efficient governance on institutional level.
- Analysis ofstrengths and weaknesses, identification of opportunities and threats that management faces and proposal of specific actions to address them (SWOT analysis)
6.2. Degree of university integration concerning the key university functions
Concise analysis of the degree of integration of the University and what the management identify as the advantages of integrated university governance based on:
- Analysis of the realization of University integrative functions as defined by the Law on Higher education;
- Analysis of governance and management practice: what are the respective roles of central/university-level and faculties-levels concerning key university functions.
6.3. HE system governance
Concise analysis ofHE System governancestructurewithin the existing legal framework (Law on Higher Education), what are the advantages, possible obstacles and expected developments for more efficient governance on the HE system level.
7. Concluding remarks
Outline of the main conclusions on the present state of art of university governance and management and the main recommendations concerning the possible developments on the HE System and institutional level.