Travel Basketball is offered for Grades 4-8
Register Today for the 2017/2018 Season
Travel Basketball Tryout Schedule
(All Tryouts are at the Coakley Middle School)
4th Grade – Sept 28th 5:30-6:30pm and Oct 2nd 5:30-6:30pm
5th & 6th Grade – Sept 28th 6:30-7:30pm and Oct 3rd6:30-7:30pm
7th& 8th Grade – Sept 28th 7:30-8:30pm and Oct 3rd7:30-8:30pm
4thGrade – Sept 29th 5:30-6:30pm and Oct 2nd6:30-7:30pm
5th Grade –Sept 27th5:30-6:30pm and Sept 29th6:30-7:30pm
6th Grade –Sept 29th7:30-8:30pm and Oct 4th 6:15-7:30pm
7th Grade – Sept 27th 6:30-7:30pm and Oct 2nd7:30-8:45pm
8th Grade – Sept 27th 7:30-8:30pm and Oct 4th 7:30-8:45pm
Travel basketball is a program run by the NBA, which includes teams for girls and boys, selected through a tryout process. These teams are entered in the highly-competitive Metrowest Basketball League and are placed in divisions by skill level. These teams compete against teams from other towns on a weekly basis with playoffs held at the end of the year.
What is the time commitment? The season runs from late October to mid March. Teams will have 1 hour & 15 minute practices 2 times per week, 1 game on Saturday evening or Sunday, and additional tournaments.
How many players make a team and how many teams are there per grade? Ten to 12 players make a team and this depends on the number of players who tryout and the talent level. It is the goal of NBA to have one team in 4th grade, and two teams for every other grade for both boys and girls.
The NBA encourages all other players to participate in the In-Town Program, where they will have the opportunity to further develop their skills.
What is the cost of Travel Basketball?
1st Player: $200; 2nd Player $160; 3rdPlayer $110; Family Maximum: $450
Player costs, include gym time, tournaments, Metrowest games.A full uniform will be issued at the beginning of the season, for the player to use future seasons.
In-Town Basketball
In-Town Basketball will be offered to Grades K-8
Register Today for the 2017/2018 Season
REGISTRATION Deadline November 1st
The purpose of the NBA In-Town program is to create an enjoyable youth basketball program that is open to every Norwood child,in grades K-8,regardless of skill level.
It is the intent of the NBA to conduct this program as both a recreational and an instructional basketball league.
All players are expected to play in games and participate in practice in an equal manner.
In-Town Basketball includes weekly games and practices/clinics.
The In-Town Program begins the 1st week of December, and concludes at the end of February.
What is the cost of Town Basketball?
1st Player: $70; 2nd Player $50; 3rd Player $30; Family Maximum: $150
Saturday ScheduleTENTATIVE
Kindergarten 8am-9am or 9am-10am
1st & **2ndGrade Girls 10am-11:15am
1st Grade Boys11:15am-12:30pm
**2nd Grade Boys 12:30pm-1:45pm
3rd & 4th Girls 8:30-9:30am
5th, 6th, Girls 9:30-10:30am
3rd 4th Boys10:30-11:30am or 11:30-12:30pm
5th 6thBoys 11:30-12:30pm or 12:30-1:30pm
NEW 3 on 3 Basketball League
7th & 8th Boys2-3pm or 3-4pm
7th & 8th Girls2-3pm or 3-4pm
Monday or Tuesday ScheduleTENTATIVE
2nd Grade Clinics 5:30-6:30pm or 6:30-7:30pm
3rd & 4th Girls & Boys 5:30-6:30pm or 6:30-7:30pm
5th, 6thGirls & Boys5:30-6:30pm or 6:30-7:30pm