Yolo County Homeless and Poverty Action Coalition (HPAC)
Davis/Woodland/Yolo County Continuum of Care (CA-521)
I. Hmis privacy statement overview
- Thisnotice describesthe Homeless ManagementInformationSystem(HMIS)privacy policy and practices of Yolo Community Care Continuum. Ourmain office islocated at 285 W. Court Street, Suite 207 Woodland, CA 95695.
- Thepolicyand practicesin thisnotice coversthe collection, use, and maintenance of protected personal information for persons served by Yolo Community Care Continuum, as an organization affiliated with the Homeless and Poverty Action Coalition (HPAC).Ifthisagency isa covered entityunderHIPAA,youmayhave additionalrightsregarding yourprotected health information andtheserightswill be describedto you in theagency’sPolicyofPrivacy PracticesunderHIPAA.
- Personally identifiable information or protected personalinformation(PPI)isany information we maintain aboutaclientthat:
- Allowsidentificationofan individual directlyorindirectly;
- Can bemanipulated byareasonablyforeseeablemethodto identifyaspecificindividual;or
- Can be linked with otheravailable information to identifya specificclient.
- Weadoptedthispolicybecausethe U.S. DepartmentofHousingand Urban Development (HUD) issued standardsforHMIS systems.Weintendour policyand practicestobe consistentwiththose standards.See 69FederalRegister45888 (July30,2004).
- Thisnoticeinformsourclients,ourstaff,and othershowwe processpersonalinformation.We followthe policyand practicesdescribed inthisnotice.
- Wemayamendthisnotice and ourpolicyorpractices atanytime.Amendments mayaffectpersonalinformationthatwe obtainedbeforetheeffective dateofthe amendment.
- Amendmentstothisprivacystatementwill be approvedbythe HMISSystem Administrator and HMIS Lead Agency.
- Wegive awrittencopyofthisprivacystatementto any individual who asks.
II. HowandWhyWe CollectPersonalInformation
- WecollectPPI onlywhen appropriateto provide services orforanother specificpurpose ofour agency orwhen required by law.Wemaycollectinformation to:
- Provide orcoordinateservices toclients;
- Produce aggregate-level reports regarding use of services;
- Track individual project-level outcomes;
- Identify unfilled service needs and plan for the provision of new services;
- Conduct research for consulting and/or educational purposes; and
- Accomplish any and all other purposes deemed appropriate by HPAC.
- Weonlyuse lawfulandfairmeansto collectpersonalinformation.
- Wenormallycollectpersonalinformation with theknowledge orconsentofourclients.If you seekourassistanceand provide us with personalinformation,we assumethatyou consenttothecollectionofinformation asdescribed in thisnotice.
- Weshare this data withthree agencies to manage all personal information we record about our clients:
- Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF), HPAC’s System Administrator;
- Yolo Community Care Continuum (YCCC);HPAC’sHMIS Lead Agency; and
- Yolo County, HPAC’sHMIS Day-to-Day Operator.
- WepostaConsumer Noticeatourintakedeskorotherlocation explainingthereasons we askfor personalinformation.The Consumer Notice reads:
This Agency receives funding from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide services for homeless and near homeless individuals and their families. A requirement of this funding is that the Agency participates in HPAC’sHomeless Management Information System (HMIS), which collects basic information about consumers receiving services from this Agency. This requirement was enacted in order to get a more accurate count of individuals and families who are homeless, and to identify the need for different services.
We only collect information that we consider to be appropriate. The collection and use of all personal information is guided by strict standards of confidentiality. A copy of our Privacy Notice describing our privacy practice is available to all consumers upon request. Agencies participating in HMIS share information with local agencies partnered in HMIS unless they serve a protected population, in compliance with applicable federal and state law. The list of HMIS Partner Agencies is available to consumers at intake upon request. Sharing information among agencies allows those agencies to work in a cooperative manner to provide you with better services.
You have the right to refuse certain data answers to be entered into the HMIS database. As such, we request every consumer whom we serve to sign a “Consumer Informed Consent & Release of Information Authorization.” Although you will receive services if you refuse to provide data answers, your eligibility to receive some specialized services may be impacted by not participating in HMIS.
You do have the ability to share your personal information with other area agencies that participate in the network by completing a “Consumer Informed Consent & Release of Information Authorization” form. This will allow those agencies to work in a cooperative manner to provide you with efficient and effective services.
III. HowWe Use and Disclose PersonalInformation
- Weuseordisclose personalinformationforactivities described inthispartofthestatement.We mayormaynotmake anyofthese usesordisclosureswith yourinformation.Weassume thatyou consenttotheuse ordisclosureofyourpersonalinformationforthe purposes described below andforotherusesanddisclosuresthatwe determineto becompatible with these usesordisclosures:
1.Toprovide orcoordinate servicesto individuals;datamaybeshared with otherHMISparticipatingagencies(acopyofparticipatingagencies is available upon request);
3.Tocarryoutadministrative functionssuchas legal,audits,personnel,oversight,and managementfunctions;
4.Tocreate de-identified (anonymous)informationthatcanbe usedforresearchand statisticalpurposeswithoutidentifying clients
5.Whenrequiredbylawto theextentthatuseordisclosure complies with and is limitedto therequirementsofthe law;
a.We believe thatthe useordisclosure isnecessarytopreventorlessenaseriousimminentthreattothehealth orsafetyofan individualorthe public;and
b.The useordisclosure ismadeto apersonreasonablyable to preventorlessen the threat,including thetargetofthethreat.
7.Toreport aboutanindividualwereasonablybelieve tobe avictimofabuse, neglectordomesticviolenceto agovernmentalauthority(includingasocialservice orprotective services agency)authorized by lawto receive reportsofabuse,neglector domesticviolence in any of the following three (3) circumstances:
- Where the disclosureis requiredby lawand thedisclosure complies with and is limited totherequirementsofthe law;
- Ifthe individualagreestothedisclosure;or
- Totheextentthatthedisclosureisexpresslyauthorizedbystatuteorregulation,and either of the following are applicable:
- We believe the disclosure is necessarytopreventseriousharmtothe individualorotherpotentialvictims;or
- Ifthe individualisunabletoagreebecauseofincapacity,a lawenforcement orotherpublicofficialauthorized to receive thereportrepresentsthatthe personal informationforwhich disclosure issoughtisnotintended tobe usedagainstthe individual andthatan immediateenforcementactivitythatdependsupon the disclosurewould bemateriallyand adversely affected bywaitinguntil the individualisable to agree tothedisclosure.
Whenwe make apermitted disclosure abouta victimofabuse,neglect,ordomestic violence,we will promptly informthe individual who isthevictimthata disclosure has been, orwill be, madeexceptif:
- We,in the exercise ofprofessionaljudgment,believe informing the individual would place the individualatriskofseriousharm;or
- Wewould be informingapersonalrepresentative (such asafamilymemberor friend),andwe reasonablybelieve the personalrepresentative is responsiblefor the abuse,neglectorotherinjury,andthatinforming thepersonalrepresentative would notbe in thebestinterestsofthe individual as we determine inthe exercise ofprofessionaljudgment.
8.To a lawenforcementofficialforalawenforcementpurpose (ifconsistentwith applicable lawand standardsofethicalconduct)underanyofthese circumstances:
a.In responsetoa lawful courtorder,court-orderedwarrant,subpoenaorsummons issued bya judicialofficer,oragrandjurysubpoena;
b.Ifthe lawenforcementofficialmakesawrittenrequest forpersonal informationthat:
- Issignedbya supervisoryofficialofthe lawenforcementagencyseeking the personal information;
- Statesthatthe information isrelevantandmaterialto a legitimate law enforcementinvestigation;
- Identifiesthepersonal informationsought;
- Isspecificand limited inscope tothe extentreasonablypracticable in lightofthe purposeforwhich the information issought;and
- Statesthatde-identified informationcould notbeused toaccomplish thepurpose ofthe disclosure.
c.Ifwe believe in goodfaith thatthe personal informationconstitutesevidence ofcriminalconductthatoccurred on ourpremises
d.In responsetoan oralrequestforthepurpose ofidentifying orlocatingasuspect, fugitive,materialwitness ormissingperson and thepersonal information disclosedconsistsonly ofname,address,dateofbirth,place ofbirth, Social Security Number,and distinguishing physicalcharacteristics;or
e. If the official is an authorized federal official seeking personal information for the provision of protective services to the President or other persons authorized by 18 U.S.C. 3056, or to foreign heads of state or other persons authorized by 22 U.S.C. 2709(a)(3), or for the conduct of investigations authorized by 18 U.S.C. 871 and 879 (threats against the President and others) and the information requested is specific and limited in scope to the extent reasonably practicable in light of the purpose for which the information is sought.
9.To complywithgovernmentreporting obligations forHMISandforoversightofcompliance with the HMISrequirements.
IV. HowtoInspectandCorrectPersonalInformation
- You may inspectand have acopyofyourpersonalinformationthatwe maintain.Wewill offertoexplain any informationthatyou maynotunderstand.
- Wewill considerarequestfromyouforcorrection ofinaccurate orincompletepersonal informationthatwe maintain aboutyou.Ifwe agree thatthe information is inaccurate or incomplete, we maydelete itorwe maychoosetomarkitas inaccurate orincompleteand to supplementitwith additionalinformation.
- Wemaydenyyourrequestforinspectionorcopyingofpersonalinformation if:
- The information was compiled in reasonable anticipation oflitigation orcomparable proceedings;
- The information isaboutanotherindividual (otherthan healthcareor homeless providers);
- The information was obtained undera promiseorconfidentiality(otherthana promise fromahealthcareproviderorhomeless provider)and ifthe disclosure would reveal the source ofthe information;or
- Disclosure ofthe information would be reasonably likelyto endangerthe life orphysical safetyofany individual.
- Ifwe denya requestforaccessorcorrection,we will explain the reasonforthe denial.We will also include,as partofthe personalinformation thatwe maintain,documentation ofthe requestandthereasonforthe denial
- Wemayrejectrepeatedorharassing requestsforaccessto orcorrection of personal information.
V. DataRetention
- Wecollectonlypersonal informationthatisrelevanttothe purposesforwhich we plan to use it.Tothe extentnecessaryforthose purposes,we seektomaintainonlypersonal informationthatisaccurate, complete,andtimely.
- Wewilldispose ofpersonalinformation notin currentuseseven (7)yearsafterthe information was created orlastchanged.Asan alternative todisposal,we maychoosetoremove identifiersfromthe information.
- Wemaykeep informationfora longerperiod ifrequiredtodo so by an applicablestatute,regulation, contract,orotherrequirement.
VI. Complaints and Accountability
- Weacceptandconsiderquestionsorcomplaintsaboutourprivacyand securitypolicies and practices.
- Anyquestionsorcomplaintsregardingourprivacyandsecuritypolicies and practicesshould beaddressed tothefollowing:
HMISSite Administrator,
Yolo Community Care Continuum
285 W. Court Street, Suite 207 Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 758-2160
TheHMISSite Administratorwill respond in writing within30 daystothe question orcomplaint.
- IftheresponsefromtheHMISSite Administratorisunsatisfactory,your originalquestionsand/orcomplaints,along with the responsefromthe HMISSite Administrator,should beforwardedto the HMISSystem Administrator,1331 Garden Highway, Suite 100, Sacramento CA 95833.The HMISSystemAdministratorwill respond in writingwithin30 daystothequestion orcomplaint.
- All membersofourstaff(includingemployees,volunteers,affiliates, contractorsand associates)arerequiredto complywith thisprivacyPolicy.Each staffmembermustreceivea copyofthisprivacystatement.
HMIS Privacy Statement │ Page 1 of 5 │Revised 6-15-16