October 10, 2004
Minutes from the Colorado Chapter House Meeting;
Boulder, Colorado
Attendance: Excused— John Asher
Unexcused— Matt Bresan
President Jerry Siote called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 pm.
Secretary Travis Thompson took roll call.
The meeting started by reciting the Evans Scholar Creed.
WGA-Jeff Harrison
Ø Nice to be back in Boulder
Ø Hoping the weather is perfect tomorrow like it was to day, for the golf tournament
o The single biggest day is tomorrow for the Evans Scholar Foundation
o Thank you for volunteering your time because we couldn’t be here today if it was not for Par Club
o I am looking forward to participating
Ø The fall visit is to hand out academic rewards, talk about the school year, and this years program
Ø The tour was great and the hospitality was great, likewise the house looks great.
Ø Driving into Boulder today, this house sticks out because of how good the outside looks so thanks
Ø The summer outing was good and the golf team played a tough course—everyone there had a great time.
Ø Last semester thirteen of the fourteen houses were above a 3.00 including Boulder so good job. Although last years freshmen class was not above a 3.00 Chris would like to be on stage next year for the new scholars achieving this goal.
Ø This years awards:
Ø David Dobek had a 4.00 with 14 credit hours, so outstanding job, and he receives one hundred dollars for new scholar of the year
Ø The leadership award winner is Chris Rosen
Ø The Carlton Blunt award goes to Doug Lardes, Andrew Rice, and Kelly Winn, everyone give them around of applause for receiving above a 3.5
Ø For the juniors and seniors who received over a 3.0, Aspin Offerson, Eric Krier, Chris Rosen, Jerry Siote, Kellen Marlow and Ryan Rhodes. They all receive a tie bar, which is something everyone should strive for.
Ø This house ranked 8th with a 3.15 so keep on increasing your personal GPA, hopefully our house will keep moving up in the rankings.
Ø Jerry is going to Italy for Study Abroad, if anyone else is let me know
Ø The Western Open is extremely important for the Evans Scholar Program. $2 million of our income comes from this open
o Unfortunately our fund raising has not keep pace with the raising of tuition, we are now in a deficit, so do well in everything you do to keep this program going
Ø Thank Rick Polmear tomorrow for all the work he has done on the house
Ø After walking around the house, I noticed a lot of cooking appliances; we are not in the cooking business.
o Only use a microwave, but no other heating elements allowed (toaster ovens, George Forman etc.) We are not insured for cooking so please take care of that quickly.
Ø Selection meeting date is set for early March, and there has been many applications over six hundred from all over the country.
Ø Only three people on academic probation, and our goal is to have that number down to 0 after this semester. Everyone needs to work hard to achieve this goal
Ø It is great to have John Krueger as a faculty advisor and everyone owes a thanks to John for his great work
Ø This program is about leadership and it takes complete support from everyone, and the e-board has done excellent work. I am looking forward to working with them for the next 5 months
Ø Unfortunately we only have four women so no basketball team this year, but the winter outing will be a great time.
Ø Josh Prok will be making the presidential speech for Jerry at the Winter Outing
Ø In two days a wrong full suit goes to trial for 7 million dollars against the Program
o We also have a potential lawsuit here from 2002, and at Michigan State there is another issue, so as a scholarship we have some problems
Ø Having the police called to this house is a terrible way to start the school year, and a terrible way to thank the program, but we are moving forward well and we will all learn and move past this.
Ø We do need to understand that by caddying we earned our scholarship, but then it is what we do everyday to continue renewing scholarships every semester
Ø Everyone understands our status and we will continue to deal with it because the scholarship is too great and affects more than just the people in the room right now.
o The scholarship will be around for a long time and it is every ones responsibility to continue this great program.
Ø If anyone has anything further to talk about I will be around to answer questions after the meeting
Ø This is a scholarship that we will cherish for life
Ø For this year’s freshmen a 3.4 would be a nice goal
Ø Please be great ambassadors
Ø I appreciate your hospitality and I look forward to a great year
President—Jerry Siote
Ø Composites are October 17 from 8:00-9:30 p.m. everyone needs to show up it is mandatory and there will be a fine if you miss.
o but see Jerry if you cant come to talk about a reschedule
Ø Back lot will have work done on it on the 18th and the 19th
o Please move all cars out of that lot before the 18th
Ø Tomorrow will be Par Club
o Bus leaves at 8:00 be there early
o 5 dollars for breakfast--McDonalds
o Lunch will be served there
o 12:00 shotgun
o Dinner will be bought as well
o At the end of the meeting I will pass out hats and shirts
Ø Community service project
o We will be working a neighborhood to pick up can food, and everyone has to participate.
§ Put up flyers for a week before the 29th
§ Friday afternoon the 29th and get as much canned food as possible to donate to the local food bank
§ Spend an hour or two in groups to gather canned food
· Try to register to do this area around us
Ø Working with John Krueger to bring in speaker for next house meeting-(Alcohol/Drug Abuse)—Bob Most
o He has spoken at a house meeting before and everyone enjoyed so it will be an effective mandatory meeting.
Executive Vice President—David Bennett
Ø Parents’ weekend October 30th vs. Texas—have it at the game and tailgate before with families.
o Know on Tuesday for the ticket prices
New Scholar Educator—Chris Rosen
Ø The new scholar events will be started on the 19th
Ø Be on the board next week, first thing is pumpkin carving then a possible BBQ
Ø The new scholars will be meeting with there teachers this week and getting signatures to be completed by the 22nd
Administrative Vice President—Ryan Reid
Ø Write down electrical problem on the board for next week
Ø Missed house jobs last week
o Dave Miller-Laundry room 10 dollars
o Sean Kulzar- Second hall
o Stuart Schaefer- 3rd head 10 dollars
o Caleb Schnarr- Attic 2 days 15 dollars
Treasurer—Chris Sorenson
Ø Nothing
Secretary—Travis Thompson
Ø Nothing
GRA—Josh Prok
Ø Nothing
Social Director—Mark Monroe
Ø Working on house activity for this Friday
Old/New Business
Kellen Marlow—will have more quarters soon
David Dobek—New intramural sign up on board soon
Doug Lardes—trying to get every scholarship house to donate 5 dollars to cancer foundation
Joe Greenwalt—the network will be down for couple hours starting a midnight
Scholar – David Dobek- for a 4.00 last semester
Goul – Geno Tavella- The shocking weekend
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10 pm
The next house meeting will be October 24th @ 9:00 p.m. and possible mandatory if we
get the speaker so check the board.
These minutes are provided by:
Travis Thompson
Colorado Evans Scholars—Boulder, Colorado