OUR VISION ISNA is the recognized leader for nurses and professional nursing practice in Indiana.
OUR VALUES Advocacy, collaboration, education, facilitation, information, and leadership
OUR MISSION ISNA works through its members to promote and influence quality nursing and health care.
August 2, 2013
Present:Diana Sullivan, Vice President, Michael Fights, Treasurer; Cindy Stone, Director;Gingy Harshey-Meade, Chief Executive Officer; Blayne Miley, Director Policy and Advocacy; and Marla Holbrook, Office Manager.
On the Phone:Jennifer Embree, President;Mary Cisco, Secretary; Vicki Johnson, Director; Heather Savage-Maierle, Graduate Director
Absent:Monica Weissling, Director
CALL TO ORDER:President Embree called the meeting to order at 9:35 am
A quorum was established and the consent agendawas approved.
We received the check from the State of Indiana for $122,000 and change which paid us the back pay for three months and we are to receive the next month on 8/7/2013. We received interest as well. We received interest because that is the law in Indiana.
Mike approved a bunch of checks yesterday and we are now up-to-date on our bills.
ACTIONS ITEMS:A.Treasurer’s Report – Michael Fights
June 30 financial report shows excess receipts over disbursements of $8,033.63 by the end of June. For the year so far, we have excess receipts over disbursements of $15,967.22. Keep in mind that this is even with the addition of Blayne going to full-time and his insurance that goes along with that. Other than the slow payment from the State of Indiana, our books look pretty good. Our income and expenses are right in line with what we budgeted for the year so far.
B.Membership Report – Gingy Harshey-Meade
Last month as of June, we increased our membership by 8 members and it looks
like we increased our membership in July by 9. Thank you for all the help. Keep
the work up. Let us know if you need more brochures. We will give you the list
of those who did not renew as we have done in the past. Did they let us know who recruited them. No, ANA gets their application.
C.Nominating Committee – Gingy Harshey-Meade
The ballot is being created and will be going live Monday. We only have two people on the Nominating Committee we need 5. If you could recruit members for write-ins candidates for this committee, this would help.
We are getting the notice out about the voting by emails, ISNAbler and it went
out in the Bulletin. This is the same way the voting was done the last time we
voted. We did not have a large number two years ago vote this way so we will need to look at again if the amount this year is not good. We will need to address this after the meeting. You have to be a member to vote. I am not sure if you need your member number yet. Your number is easy to get from the ANA website. It will be as easy as the last time, however, it was set up last time it will be set up this time the same way. I just created the ballot. To vote, you will need your last name and email address which we have on file. For a paper ballot, you will need to request from the office and we will mail out. All voting is done on line.
Gingy had a question about the Awards Committee. We have had an Awards Committee in the past. They normally meet right before the meeting so we are not late. Gingy was looking at the script for 2011 but could not find it so she was using the script from 2009. The board already decided on the Honorary Award and the President’s Award, Jeni handles, so the only other award is the Nyland Legislative Award. We have heard there is a nominee coming forward but have not received the name of the person as yet. The Awards Committee would review the nominated person so we do need an awards committee. Should we use the committee from 2011? We probably should use someone from the PAC committee since this award is related to their area. We probably need three members. Look at someone from the past and not the person we feel is coming forward.
D.Meeting of the Members Update
1.Voting will go live on Monday and will be open for a month.
2.The ISNA Bulletin was proofread this week and sent to the printer. I am
sure there are a few typos we missed but we really went over really carefully. This will replace the Indiana Nurse so we will save some money on not producing this publication. This Bulletin willhave the By-Laws and information for meeting included. It states for them to bring
with them to the meeting but we will have extras on hand for those who forget.
3.CE approval has been submitted and waiting for approval pending review.
4.We now have 11 past presidents instead of 10. If I can get a hold of
Brenda Lyon and Louise Hart, so they know what to need to present.
5.We are working on getting exhibitors. We have space for 15. We
currently have 2 signed up.
20 minutes
D.Legislative Update – Blayne Miley
1. Interim Study Committees
Glenna was unable to attend. Here is a primer from her on interim study committees:
Legislative leadership establish topical interim study committees, or some like Health Finance Commission and the Commission on Mental Health are statutorily created.Leadership names the members, unless the statute does. Health Finance is the members of both House and Senate Health Committees.Chairmanship rotates each year from a Senator to a Representative.Each committee can hold 3-4 meetings during the summer (depending upon the budget.). Even though Leadership has assigned topics, to hear or not to hear is left to the Chair.Likewise a Chair can decide to hear a topic not assigned by leadership.Just like any legislative committee, ISNA and members can talk to committee members/chair about concerns about a particular issue and testify at the meetings. Committees may develop and adopt a draft bill on a particular issue or may not. The committee issues a report by Nov. 1.It summarizes the meetings and includes any draft legislation adopted by the committee. A member of the committee or the chair will take responsibility for introducing those committee-supported bills. When introduced, the bill will contain the line..."introduced version of the bill was adopted by the xxxx Study Committee." It carries a little weight....indicating that hearings on it have been held and some consideration given to the issue.
2. RFP has been submitted. We received a few questions which Gingy and
Blayne have already responded. We will be hearing on how many entities havesent in bids soon. There have been some questions on line
with responses from several corporations.
3.Refer to his DPA Report in consent agenda items. We are partnering with Indiana State to create a webcast on health policy.
4.Affordable Care Act presentation will be a CE approved course.
We will be discussing the importance of this act to nurses and how it
affects Indiana. It will be different than the general public policy presentation we offer. The cost to book the ACA CE program will be travel reimbursement.
CE4Nurses could have this webinar available online. CE4Nurses is by Ohio Nurses Association. Ohio Nurses Association will give ISNA 50% for anyone from ISNA using this portal.
The ISNAbler is still being sent out every week because there is enough information if later in the summer there is less we will go to every other week. The ISNAbler is being sent out by a MS Publisher document instead of a word document and the design is evolving. Let Blayne know what you think.
Diana asked a question regarding the CRNA and Anesthesiologist Assistant’s bill that was vetoed. Blayne answered the CRNA’s expect to be back next session. Anesthesiologists from IU were upset about the CRNA bill. The difference between CRNA’s and Anesthesiologist Assistants was discussed.
Military Health History Pocket Card for Clinicians – Tara Kunkel, BSN
Tara introduced herself. She is attending Yale for a Masters’ degree.
The veteran’s administration uses a guide card created in 1998 to help treat veterans. This tool is updated every year. The VA maintains this card on their website. Tara has created a resolution to get passed at the Meeting of the Members and would like this to get added to ISNA policy platform.
Bylaw amendment has been created and ready for meeting of the members.
Possibly it should be placed with the required new patient information
questionnaire. It possibly should be pulled out if they answer the question “are
you aveteran?” Put some examples in the bylaw amendments as how this would
beused. The resolution was amended to include a more specific setting. Unique health risks should be available at the September meeting, too. Tara will look in to having a card for each participant of the member meeting for them to review.
Motion: To send forward the Military Health History Pocket Card for Clinicians to
The Meeting of the Members in September as revised.
Indiana Center for Nursing-
Their directors have grown to 50. Cindy Balkstra is using the White Papers for a book.
Scope of Practice Task Force will have an outside facilitator.
Commission on Higher Education Scholarship error sent out in IHA publication and was addressed in ISNAbler. Blayne is going to have lunch with Brian Tabor of IHA about items.Indiana Action Coalition meeting notes were distributed for all to review.
Trauma Update – Meredith Addison
Indiana Trauma and Brain Fund:
The Rural Health Conference will be August 4, 2013 at the end of this conference there will be a four person panel and Meredith Addison will be the only nurse on this board.
REPORTS:A.President’s Report - President Embree
1.Will be attached to minutes
ISNA PRESIDENT'S REPORT JUNE 7th , 2013Jennifer Embree ISNA President
5/2/2013 / ISNA BOARD CALL
5/13/2013 / ISNA BOARD CALL