Castle Donington parish council

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Thursday 1 October 2015 at 7.30 pm at the Parish Rooms, Hillside, Castle Donington

present : Cllrs S Ambrose-Jones in the chair, M Barker-Lane, C Burton, G Dalby, C Hills, R Nickless, G Roberts, A Saffell, R Sizer, G Stewart, and D Wintle. PCSO K Bradley. Cllr R Canny, NWLDC. 2 members of public.

apologies: Cllrs N Daykin (personal), R Else (work) and A Sowter (holiday).


Cllr C Burton declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of item 7c) Royal British Legion – to support expenses for Remembrance Day.

Cllr C Hills declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of item 7d) Castle Donington Museum – Annual Grant.

Cllr G Roberts declared a pecuniary interest in respect of item 6 for a cheque payable to his company Sign-it.


a)  PCSO K Bradley presented the crime figures and information for September 2015.


Following consultations with local residents, Community Speed Watch groups and partner agencies the NN43 Valley beat team have recently carried out the second part of its Traffic Operation dealing with the highlighted issues.

The second week in September saw beat team members PC Underwood and PCSO Bradley out and about on ‘Valley’ and during an early start on Ashby Road, Kegworth - a 30mph main road through the village which has had electronic speed advisory signs recently erected – five vehicles where stopped and advised for minor breaches and three drivers were reported for excessive speed, all within an hour.

It has to be noted that local residents who were walking their children to the local school were grateful that a pro-active approach was being taken to the community led issues.

Moving onto Belton and Rempston Road (next to the phone box) a 40mph limit, around 50 vehicles were checked and it was pleasing to report, all were compliant.

However, moving around the corner at the cross roads of Long Street and Gracedieu Road, a vehicle was pulled over for recording a speed in excess of 50mph and duly reported.

An afternoon check in Peggs Green (30mph) two drivers were reported for speed in excess of 40mph and a number of others advised for minor breaches.

Attention was then paid to Hilltop in Castle Donington. With a 30mph limit in place, four drivers were reported for excessive speeds, of which two of these were also reported for not wearing seat belts.

The beat team plan to carry out further Traffic Operations in the future in conjunction with resident led SPEEDWATCH GROUPS, partner agencies and local communities, making the beat a safer place.


On 17th September members of the Beat Team assisted colleagues from EMA and partner agencies checking all taxi’s (vehicles and their operators) entering the airport complex.

133 Taxis where checked, x7 had prohibition defects, x1 had no MOT, x3 had no road tax and one driver had his taxi licence revoked.


A number of local schools are having input from the beat team whether as part of the ongoing assembly presentations (STRANGER DANGER, HALLOWEEN – BONFIRE, CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION) the PROTECT WORKSHOP and CHELSEA’SCHOICE

PROTECT – ‘Police Reducing Our Threat and Education Children Together’ is a bespoke workshop delivered to students by officers and staff from Leicestershire Police. The workshop is delivered in a fun and interactive way and students will be taught key messages to keep them safe and to help them make positive decisions. The workshop is based on ‘actions have consequences’, and learn that it is through poor decision making that we could find ourselves in a risky situation or in trouble with the law. All of the topics of the workshop are linked to Ofsted curriculum.


As part of an ongoing community based initiative to advocate safe internet usage to local young people there is planned a presentation by the AlterEgo Creative Solutions Applied Theatre Group of ‘CHELSEA’S CHOICE’ on the 28th October at Castle Donington College following a successful visit earlier in the year. This will be screened to year 9 and is open for all parents and residents in the evening.

‘CHELSEA’S CHOICE’ is an innovative 35 minute long Applied Theatre play followed by a 25 minute long plenary session proven to be highly effective in, Raising awareness of Healthy Relationships, Promoting Safe Internet Use, Identifying Risky Situations, Raising awareness of the Grooming Process, Raising awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and for adult audiences it also Raises Awareness of ‘The Warning Signs of CSE’ and of the journey that young people may have been on that has resulted in them being exploited.


01/09 Theft from Motor Vehicle Filed

03/09 Burglary Dwelling Filed

06/09 Theft from Motor Vehicle (attempt) Filed

06/09 Theft of Cycle Filed

06/09 Malicious Communications Under Investigation

07/09 Burglary other than dwelling (BOTD) Filed

08/09 BOTD (Cavendish Bridge) Filed

12/09 Theft of Cycle (Donington Circuit) Filed

14/09 Theft of Cycle Filed

14/09 Burglary Dwelling (Donington Circuit) Filed

15/09 Burglary Dwelling Under Investigation

17/09 BOTD Filed

16/09 Theft from Motor Vehicle Filed

18/09 Distraction Burglary (Cavendish Bridge) Under Investigation

18/09 BOTD Filed

20/09 Malicious Communications Under Investigations

22/09 Theft from Shop Filed

25/09 BOTD Filed

25/09 Burglary Dwelling Filed

25/09 Drugs Street Caution

27/09 Fraud – non payment of Hotel Bill Under Investigation


RESOLVED: To receive and approve the minutes with the following amendments:

a)  Full Council – 30 July 2015

i.  Item 3594/15 add relations “improved relations on”

ii.  Item 3595/15 change where to were “53 vehicles were”

b)  Amenities Committee – 10 September 2015

i.  Item 624/15 change to “sunken graves and kerb sets need attention”

c)  Recreation Committee – 10 September 2015

d)  Planning Committee – 10 September 2015


a)  Star Council Awards – The Chairman updated the Parish Council on the 3 categories which the Council had been entered in and advised that the Clerk had been successful in being chosen as one of the 3 finalists for Clerk of the Year with the final event on 27 October. Cllr A Saffell congratulated the Clerk and wished her good luck for the final. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

b)  The Chairman had delivered flowers to Mr & Mrs Young for their Golden Wedding Anniversary. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

c)  The Chairman advised that the Clerk had delivered flowers to Mr & Mrs Testa in celebration of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

d)  The Chairman updated the Parish Council that Cllr S Ambrose-Jones and the Clerk had recently met with DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) from London who was meeting with Star Parish Council’s in connection with LRALC. Cllr S Ambrose-Jones and The Clerk had produced a document detailing information about what the Parish Council does. DCLG commented that it was “the best document they had seen” and Castle Donington Parish Council was a model Parish Council. RESOLVED: To receive the information.


a)  Comments register. RESOLVED:

Complaint / Report received of an overhanging branch on Spital Hill steps.
Resolved / Groundsman removed branch.
Complaint / Resident advised they had received what they thought to be a scam letter from Postcode Lottery advising they were a winner request to pay an admin fee in order to claim their prize.
Resolved / Resident advised to call Police, Trading Standards and/or Citizens Advice.
Complaint / 2 complaints received regarding parking issues for Stonehill and Carrs Close.
Resolved / E-mail sent to NWLDC and Police to investigate.
Complaint / Complaint received regarding hedges bordering entrance/exit to Clapgun Street car park as restricting visibility for drivers exiting the car park causing near miss accidents.
Resolved / E-mail sent to NWLDC Customer Services. Confirmation received under reference #9101832.
Complaint / Section of repair work on Little Hill Steps reported to have sunk creating a trip hazard.
Resolved / Reported to LCC Customer Services, Highways Inspector coned area off and instructed repairs to be carried out. Now complete.
Complaint / Graffiti reported on a dog poo bin.
Resolved / Groundsman removed graffiti.
Complaint / Streetlight #8 on Fox Road reported to be not working.
Resolved / E-mail sent to LCC Customer Services, acknowledgement received under reference 9101490.
Complaint / An unpleasant odour reported on Hillside/The Hollow from drains/sewer, initially reported to Severn Trent who advised that main sewer was clear however 3 caps were missing for top holes therefore passed to LCC for repair.
Resolved / LCC confirmation received under reference 9106508.
Complaint / Street lights #16 and #22 on Arundel Way not working.
Resolved / Reported to LCC Customer Services, acknowledgement received under reference 7191317059.
Complaint / Report of itinerants received at Sawley Crossroads.
Resolved / Confirmation received from Police that matter being dealt with in conjunction with LCC Traveller Liaison Team.
Complaint / Overgrown hedges reported on corner/junction of Bosworth Road/Park Lane.
Resolved / E-mail sent to LCC Customer Services, acknowledgement received under reference 71903811406.
Complaint / Overgrown vegetation reported on Bondgate.
Resolved / E-mail sent to LCC Customer Services to contact land owners, acknowledgement received under reference 9127702.
Complaint / Two sensory pavement slabs reported to be broken on Borough Street causing a potential trip hazard.
Resolved / E-mail sent to LCC Customer Services, acknowledgement received under reference 72040332976.
Complaint / Flytipping reported on Short Lane.
Resolved / E-mail sent to NWLDC who advised that the section of road where flytipping occurred is on private land, Clowes Development contacted to remove.
Complaint / Water pipe cover reported missing on Hillside.
Resolved / E-mail sent to LCC Customer Services, acknowledgement received under reference 72519614046.
Complaint / Resident from The Green reported continual dog fouling outside his house.
Resolved / Resident given NWLDC letter regarding Dog Control Orders and how to report any incidents.
Complaint / Report received of trees/hedges being heavily cut back/down on Clapgun Street. Also raised concerns of overhanging branches from trees from within the church grounds.
Resolved / Resident advised that trees in the churchyard is part of an ongoing programme of works. Other trees are on private land and need to contact the land owner.
2 July / Update / Advised by LCC on 27 July that overgrown hedges on Towles Pastures have been cut back.

b)  Patient Participation Group (CD Surgery) – Regular meetings are happening and various matters are being progressed including disabled access to the facilities and on-street parking issues. The Group is sending information for inclusion on the Parish Council Facebook and Rural Trader. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

c)  Event noise issues from Donington Hall – NWLDC has concluded their investigation, this involved reviewing the noise recording from the event as well as reviewing the details of the complaints they had received. They have concluded that the event did cause significant disturbance to local residents and are therefore satisfied that there is a likelihood of statutory nuisance occurring associated with events held at Donington Hall in the future. NWLDC acted on 17 September 2015, and served a likelihood notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The notice requires the Company to take appropriate steps when holding future event step present a nuisance being caused by the music. A number of residents have raised questions in terms of acceptable decibel levels. Statutory nuisance legislation is based on the frequency, severity and nature of noise and does not have a defined acceptable decibel level that cannot be breached. Considering the decibel level is just one aspect when determining statutory nuisance that is influenced by a number of factors including background level and other noise sources. The decision as to whether the issue is a statutory nuisance is based on Officer Opinion. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

d)  Farmers Market – Move to new site going well. Planning permission for change of use of the facility progressing. First Market at Delven Lane is 12 October 2015. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

e)  NWLDC – £20,000 for Seven project grant scheme is being launched again! The Clerk requested the Parish Council to think of an innovative project to apply for!! Potentially the One Stop Shop/Library hub. RESOLVED: All Councillors to consider options.

f)  NWLDC Parish Liaison meeting – The Clerk advised that the meeting had been informative including discussion around the Local Plan programme of consultation, Community Policing presentation and a new dog fouling initiative that is currently being trialled in various locations around the District. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

g)  NWLDC – Litter issues on Short Lane – The Clerk advised that it is an on-going issue, which is being dealt with by NWLDC enforcement, street cleansing and the Developer. There is some dispute as to whose land the rubbish is dumped on, but NWLDC is following this up. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

h)  LCC – White lines around the village – The Clerk updated the Parish Council that they had been re-painted at the end of Trent Lane and Arundel Way (entrance to East Midlands Distribution Centre) and at the Delven Lane/Park Lane junction. The LCC has also confirmed that the lining/hatching/signing work to reduce the road from the A50 down to the first island to one lane will be implemented this financial year. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

i)  NWLDC – Local Plan – Consultation meetings – Consultation events are being held on 5, 7 and 15 October at various locations around the District. Further information is available from the Clerk. RESOLVED: The Clerk is to circulate dates to all Councillors.

j)  Chairman’s Charity – The Clerk advised that the Parish Council receives a number of requests from charities asking for support and asked if it would be an idea for the Chairman, each year, to choose a charity to support? RESOLVED: Defer for future agenda item.

k)  CDFC – The Clerk had attended the Academy official opening event that took place recently with Mike Whitlow from Leicester city professional launching Grassroots Academy. Very successful evening. The event was well attended and was good to see the community working together. RESOLVED: To receive the information.