Job Description
Development Officer (Museums and Collections) – Maternity Leave Cover
Grade/Salary: Staff Officer £28,500 - £31,135
Reporting Officer: Director
Location: NIMC 153 Bangor Road, Holywood, Co Down BT18 0EU
This position is being offered on a contract of up to one year in order to provide staff cover during a maternity leave. NIMC is open to proposals to fill the position through secondment.
Closing Date for submission of applications: 12.00pm (noon) Monday 4th July 2016.
You must submit your completed application to:
Recruitment, Northern Ireland Museums Council, 153 Bangor Road, Holywood, Co Down BT18 0EU
Applications must be submitted in hard copy form only.
Northern Ireland Museums Council
The Northern Ireland Museums Council (NIMC) was established in 1993 to support the local museums of Northern Ireland in maintaining and improving their standards of collections care and public service. As a Non-Departmental Public Body, NIMC is primarily funded by the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure.
In 2011 the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure launched the Northern Ireland Museums Policy, which is now a key component in the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Programme for Government 2011-15. This policy aims to develop the museum sector across four areas – Developing Audiences, Education and Learning, Collections, and Infrastructure and Resources. NIMC’s Business Plans are structured around these four strategic areas.
The Council aims to:
· Support local museums in maintaining and developing high standards
· Champion the development of museums and their collections in Northern Ireland
· Work with the sector to enhance access to museums as places of learning, enjoyment and personal development
· Strengthen the skills and knowledge of the people working in the sector
· Demonstrate the benefits and impact of museums on the social, cultural and economic life of Northern Ireland
· Run the Council in an effective and efficient manner
To these ends, the Council provides:
· Advice and information
· Training
· Grant-aid
· Support for collections care and public services
· Advocacy for museums and co-ordination of development
Overall Purpose of the Job
The overall purpose of this job is:
· to assist the Northern Ireland Museums Council meet its commitment to advance the goals of the Northern Ireland Museums Policy and other policy priorities;
· to improve standards in collections care, management, interpretation and access at local museums;
· and, to administer the Museum Accreditation Scheme for local museums.
Main Duties
- Contribute to the development of policies and strategies in relation to the NIMC’s ongoing work and the development of the museum sector.
- Promote and administer the Museum Accreditation Scheme in Northern Ireland.
- Plan and deliver specific projects that will develop the standards of collections care, management and use across the museum sector.
- Identify and develop funding opportunities for NIMC and local museums
5. Provide support and guidance to local museums, especially to the voluntary and independent museums, on matters concerning collections care, management and use and the operation of museums generally, including the establishment of new museums.
- Maintain an up-to-date information resource on all aspects of collections care and management, and disseminate such information as is required.
- Maintain an up-to-date information resource on interpretation, access and audience development concerning museums, and disseminate such information as is required.
- Liaise with other professional bodies and organisations by way of advocating museum and collections development.
- Maintain, develop and promote the NIMC websites, social media, newsletters and library.
- Provide support and input in the research and preparation of written reports for the Board, and for other publications.
- To contribute to the effective and efficient operation of NIMC and its other programmes, including representing NIMC at meetings, as required.
- Any other appropriate duties relevant to the grade.
The postholder must be prepared to travel around Northern Ireland, and where necessary further afield, in order to fulfil the duties associated with the post.
Personal Specification and Selection Procedures
Development Officer (Museums and Collections) – Maternity Leave Cover
Grade/Salary: Staff Officer £28,500 - £31,135
Qualifications and Experience
It is essential that applicants have as a minimum, by the closing date:
· An honours degree, or equivalent, in a relevant subject.
· At least two years working experience in museums and/or collections related work gained within the last 5 years
· Access to transport and a willingness to travel to meet the needs of the post.
It is desirable that candidates have:
· At least three years working experience in museums and/or collections related work gained within the last 5 years.
· A postgraduate qualification in a discipline related to museum or heritage studies.
Personal Qualities and Skills
NIMC is seeking an enthusiastic, creative, knowledgeable and confident individual for the position. Applicants must provide evidence on the application form that they possess the following skills and qualities.
· Have a good understanding of current museum policy matters, professional practice and standards, together with the associated issues.
· Have excellent organisational skills, the ability to work on their own initiative and to have a pro-active approach to achieving goals.
· Be information technology literate.
· Possess strong written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills
Selection Procedures
Applicants should note that canvassing is not permitted and will result in the application being disqualified.
It is the responsibility of all applicants to ensure that sufficient information is given on the application form concerning their qualifications, experience, qualities and skills.
Applicants should note that for shortlisting purposes NIMC will apply the essential criteria set out above, may apply the desirable criteria in the order listed, and will take account of the answers candidates give to the questions related to the personal qualities and skills set out above. The candidates who appear from the information provided to satisfy the requirements may be invited for interview.
NIMC is committed to equality of opportunity in employment and selection will be on the basis of merit. Applications are welcome from all suitable qualified applicants irrespective of their religious beliefs, gender, disability, race, political opinion, age, marital status, sexual orientation or whether or not they have dependants.
Applicants should note that any information supplied could be released under the process of discovery to form part of the evidence in a Fair Employment or Industrial Tribunal hearing.
Start date of Contract
It is anticipated that the start date of the successful applicant will be during August 2016 and it is likely that the associated fixed term contract will run until the end of July 2017.
Development Officer (Museums and Collections) – Maternity Leave Cover
General Conditions of Employment
This position is being offered on a contract of up to one year in order to provide staff cover during a maternity leave. NIMC is open to proposals to fill the position through secondment.
Should the post be filled, the following terms and conditions will apply.
Terms and Conditions of Employment
The person appointed will be subject to the main Terms and Conditions of Service as summarised below and detailed within the Northern Ireland Civil Service Conditions of Service as they are applied by NIMC. The NICS Conditions of Service Codes and the NIMC Staff Handbook (which gives details of other conditions of service currently in operation) are available for consultation at the NIMC offices.
The position of Development Officer (Museums and Collections) is full-time. In view of this additional work outside the Council may not be undertaken without the prior permission, although such permission will not be unreasonably withheld. In a similar vein, NIMC is committed to ensuring a good ‘work-life balance’ for its employees, and is therefore willing consider a reduced hours contract to allow the post-holder to meet his/her caring responsibilities.
Your Employer
Your employer will be the Board of the Northern Ireland Museums Council. You will be directly accountable to the Director of the Council.
The salary for the post is directly linked to the Staff Officer Grade scale. You will be paid monthly in arrears by direct debit to your bank account through the BACS system.
Hours and attendance
You will be expected to work a 37-hour week, excluding the lunch break. NIMC operates a flexi-time agreement, which allows you, with the agreement of the Director, to determine your own starting and finishing times within defined limits.
You will serve a probationary period of 1 month and confirmation of the appointment will be dependent on satisfactory completion of this period of service.
Annual Leave
In addition to public holidays (currently 12 per year), the annual leave entitlement will be 25 days. The ‘leave year’ runs from 1st February to 31st January. In any incomplete year of service, annual leave entitlement will be in proportion to the length of service in the year. Up to five days of your annual leave entitlement may be carried forward into the next leave year. This may be increased under special circumstances.
Sick Leave
There is provision for granting sick leave with pay. Details are set out in the Northern Ireland Civil Service Conditions of Service Codes.
Your appointment may be pensionable from the outset and you may choose to join the Principle Civil Service Pension Scheme (NI) upon appointment. If you are not already in a Principal Service Pension Scheme, you will receive details of your options in this regard upon appointment.
You will be entitled to receive and required to give one month’s notice to terminate your employment with NIMC, except under circumstances when the Council is entitled to dismiss you summarily. Such circumstances are detailed in the NIMC Staff Handbook, and are covered under the Council’s disciplinary procedures.
Work Location, Travel and Expenses
The post is based at the Council’s headquarters at 153, Bangor Road, Holywood, Co Down BT18 0EU. You will be expected to travel throughout Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom and possible elsewhere on official business.
You will be paid a mileage allowance in accordance with the Northern Ireland Civil Service rates in respect of motor travel undertaken in the course of your duties. All other out of pocket expenses relating to NIMC work may only be incurred with the prior approval of the Director.
Variation to the Terms
NIMC reserves the right to vary the terms of this arrangement subject to prior notification being given and after appropriate consultation has taken place.