November 18, 2013
Meeting number 720of the Farmington Senior Citizens was called to order at 12:05 PM on Monday, November 18, 2013, by our VicePresident, Gary Weidenborner. 33members and four guestswere present.
Barb Years and Jean Laitenberger from Farmington Victor Kiwanis thanked members for their donations to the Children’s Christmas Party.
We then enjoyed our turkey and dish to pass luncheon. Wades provided the turkeys and the Legacy provided pumpkin pies.
Speaker David Bruni, a Zounds Hearing Consultant, encouraged people to have their hearing tested. He also announced a discount for anyone who scheduled an appointment. Amy Burgess from the Legacy at the Fairways shared information on events planned at the legacy – one on November 21 on Native American Traditions and in December on Victorian Yuletide sponsored by the GeneseeCountryMuseum.
The regular meeting resumed at 1:15 PM.
The minutes from theOctober 21st meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer Carol Kansco reported that our balance as of October 8 was $609.59. She collected $16 for the 50/50 Raffles and $140 for the Christmas Party. The balance as of October 22 was $729.60. Everyone planning to attend the Christmas Party has paid.
We sang Happy Birthday to Lynn Kujawski and Millie Schneckenberger. There were no anniversaries.
Sunshine Report: Betty Powell reported she sent a sympathy card to Donna and Bob Zink.
Trip Report: The Christmas Trip is scheduled for December 4th. There is a tour of the George Eastman House and lunch at the Big Tree Inn in Geneseo. The bus leaves the Presbyterian Church in Victor at 9:30. Members should contact Esther no later than tomorrow if they wish to go. The cost is $40 for Farmington Residents. She also reminded members of the SALT meeting tomorrow at Eastview Mall.
Kathy Schreiner shared information on the December 13th Kids Christmas Party planned at the lodge. Santa arrives on the fire truck. The Office of Aging is at the FarmingtonTown Hall from 1 to 3 PM on certain days. No appointment is necessary to discuss their services. She also mentioned that at the January 20th meeting, we will have a presentation on therapy dogs.
Old Business: Kathy Wagner mentioned that members can arrive at the Schooners after 11:30 for the Christmas Party.
New Business: The meeting schedule for the first six months of 2014 was distributed.
Kathy Schreiner and Marion Ferris won $8 in the 50/50 raffles. Ruth Weidenborner won the $50 gift card from Wegmans provided by David Bruni.
Jerry shared some funny stories.
Garyclosed the meetingat 1:40 PM with the singing of God Bless America.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Wagner
Farmington Senior Citizens Meeting Minutes 11-18-13.doc- 1 -