Please include your APSE Membership Number here: ______Ifyou do not know your membership number, please give your name: ______.
After reading the nominees’ narrativeson the following pages, please cast your vote for up to 9 (all) of the nominees by marking an X on the line next to the individuals nominated to serve on the PA APSE board. Thank you for submitting your vote(s) in the nominees for the new PA APSE Board of Directors! Please cast your vote by December 17, 2011.
Julia Barol / _____
Elizabeth Coles / _____
Randy Dicks / _____
Susan Grant / _____
Leonard Kravitz / _____
Verna Morris
Joe Murphy / _____
Dana Olsen / _____
Corey Smith / _____
Fax this ballot to (Attention: Randy) 412-456-2145 or email to by December 17, 2011.
Pennsylvania 2011 APSE Board of Directors Nominees
Narrative Information
Nominee Name: Julia Barol
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities:
Julia Barol has been with Networks for Training and Development, Inc. since 2007 as a Director of Special Projects. In this role, she is involved with several projects related to transition-aged youth in Philadelphia including co-chairing the TIPS workgroup (Transition in Planning Supports) within the Vision for Employment 2010 initiative and coordinating the Transition Planning Project. Julia recently helped develop an employer-based video for Philadelphia, “OneCity, One Vision”, which focuses on promoting increased employer awareness of the benefits of hiring people with disabilities. She conducts trainings to small groups and agencies on Social Security and work incentives as well as an over view of the Americans with Disabilities Act. More specifically, Julia is a Certified Benefits Specialist through VirginiaCommonwealthUniversity and has worked with Social Security beneficiaries since 2001. She is also a graduate of the Communication Mentors’ Course and is certified to provide accessibility support to businesses under Title 3 of the ADA through the Mid Atlantic DBTAC. She has chaired the Philadelphia Committee for the Employment of People with Disabilities from 1995 to 2008 and has also been involved in the Accessibility Advisory Board for PA CareerLinks since 2004. Julia has been working with and supporting individuals with disabilities since 1991; is pursuing additional certification as a Transition and Education Specialist; enjoys gardening, her family, travel, and baking bread.
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board:
Julia is a current PA APSE Board member who brings energy and passion to the group. Her dedication to employment first is unsurpassed.
Nominee Name: Elizabeth Coles
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: Elizabeth has a long history of working with people with disabilities. She has a person centered approach that lends itself well to the customized employment process. She manages the day to day operations of a program that focuses solely on customized and integrated employment. She strives to move her colleagues forward by challenging those who believe that facility based employment/training programs give meaning to an individual’s life. She has proven experience in leading a team to success. Additionally, she serves as President of GPSEA (Greater Pittsburgh Supported Employment Association). Elizabeth is the current Co-President of PA APSE.
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board: Drive and determination are two of Elizabeth’s strengths. She will provide momentum to assist in moving Pennsylvania’s employment initiatives forward. She is also professional and well spoken. As a member of the National APSE Communications Committee, she has proven to be dedicated and professional. Bringing this level of performance to her home chapter of APSE will prove to be of great value to the state.
Nominee Name: Randy Dicks
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: Randy first began his work in employment supports in 1993, assisting homeless individuals in transitioning back into the workforce. When Randy began his tenure with SharpVisions in 1999, he started in a combined position, working as direct support staff and program assistant in both the employment and habilitation programs. Randy has spent much of his time with SharpVisions focusing on what works for the people we support. He has risen to a leadership role within the agency and has worked as a program supervisor, program coordinator, staff supervisor, and program manager. Randy has been instrumental in the reorganization of the employment program to ensure its pathway to success by working closely with representatives from Marc Gold and Associates to ensure cutting edge processes are implemented and utilized daily in the actions of job facilitators. Additionally, Randy has presented concepts and lessons learned from SharpVisions’ employment program in Pennsylvania at the PAR (Pennsylvania Association of Resources) conference and at the APSE conference.
Randy has been an active member of APSE for several years, serving on the conference and training committee, as well as pitching in as needed during the annual conference. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Human Services from Trinity University. Randy is the current Co-President of PA APSE.
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board: Randy is a problem solver; he is adept at facilitating successful communication between individuals with differing viewpoints, making each party feel they have been heard and understood. His communication skills include the ability to write and speak effectively, using humor when possible to engage and move his audience. He has grant writing skills and in particular, he is comfortable with and has an easy understanding of budgeting and fiscally anticipatory projects. He is also a roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-it done kind of individual, readily putting in long hours when necessary to achieve goals.
Randy believes that all individuals have a right to lead a rich, full life, which includes the opportunity to work. He wants to be active in PA APSE to further continue his efforts to create a climate of work here, in the Pittsburgh area, and across the state of Pennsylvania
Nominee Name: Susan Grant
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities:
Vocational Food Service instructor 10 years
Autistic Support teacher of students 16-21 - 6 years
Transition Coordinator County Wide -3 years
Supervisor Career Development Program – 6 years
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board:
- Support Work First through county work
- Support Work First as member of Community of Practice State Leadership Team
- Support employment development across county and state
Nominee Name: Leonard Kravitz
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities:
I have been involved in the promotion and advancement of employment for individuals with an intellectual disability as an employee of Philadelphia IDS since 1991.
Member of PA ODP QI Committee on Employment and PA Alliance for Full Participation Committee; attend meetings in Harrisburg
Member of DBH/IDS Employment Transformation Committee
Continue to facilitate monthly Employment Forum discussing all topics related to employment of individuals with an intellectual disability
Member of committee developing the Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) position for individuals with an intellectual disability
Member of committee promoting the participation of individuals with an intellectual disability in the volunteer project, National Service To Employment Project (NextSTEP)
Chair Data Work Group of the Employment 1st Philadelphia 2015 initiative
Continue as member of the Employment 1st Philadelphia Steering Committee
Continue as a Mentor in the Philadelphia Transition Planning Project
Continue as member of the Advisory Board of the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Program, which is part of the Disability Rights Network (DRN)
Presented at CIE 101 course taught through Networks for Training and Development
Member of Philadelphia IDS QM Committee with specific focus on the development of the Employment section of the “Quality: It’s Everyone’s Business” document for the Philadelphia provider QM Plans submitted annually to IDS
Member of Philadelphia IDS QM Committee with specific focus on the development of the list of goals and objectives for the Employment section of the Philadelphia IDS AE QM Plan submitted annually to PA ODP
Developed web-based employment data collection system with Networks for Training and Development staff and Philadelphia employment providers
Work with Networks for Training and Development staff to acclimate Philadelphia employment providers to the web-based employment data collection system
Attended and presented at the August 2010 Reinventing Quality conference in Baltimore on our newly developed and implemented web-based employment data collection system
Attended and presented at the June 2011 APSE conference in Seattle on our newly developed and implemented web-based employment data collection system
Attended November 2011 AFP Summit in National Harbor, MD
Was a volunteer at the May 2011 Employment Support Symposium
Member of committee that reviewed and rated Employer Award nominations for Employer Award luncheon at the May 2011 Employment Support Symposium
Continue as member of committee that developed Employment Mini Grants RFP and reviewed and rated proposals
Continue to attend workshops and seminars and to review literature to stay abreast of employment best practices and trends in the field
Continue to be available to promote, discuss, and help implement employment for individuals with an intellectual disability whenever the opportunity arises
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board:
- Will work with others in Philadelphia and across PA to promote and advance employment for individuals with an intellectual disability, including those individuals currently in workshops who would like to attain a job or career and those in school (transition age youth)
- Work to close workshops and other traditional, segregated programs
- Work to bring business community on board with the hiring of individuals with an intellectual disability
- Work to ensure employment providers are cognizant of and are implementing contemporary best practices in the employment of individuals with an intellectual disability
- Work with others to develop an employment data collection system, possibly based on the one currently in use in Philadelphia
- Work with others to revise PA policy and Service Definitions to be more flexible in the delivery of employment services to individuals with an intellectual disability
- Will attend meetings in person and via conference call
Nominee Name: Verna Morris
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: 20 years at Threshold, Reading, PA – Director of Employment. Participated in local and state initiatives. Last two years – Executive Director of Quest, Inc. in Lebanon, PA. Continue to participate and move our agency towards employment for all!
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board: I have served as the treasurer for the past five years for the PA APSE Chapter. I was a key player in the conference we held in Pittsburgh and will continue to be an active member and do what is needed with the organization.
Nominee Name: Joseph Murphy
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities:
I have been directly involved with supported employment since 1998 when I began working for Careernet a small demonstration project run through Networks for Training and Development. While there we developed meaningful lives for individuals in their communities with an emphasis on work. These individuals were all at the time not traditional candidates for supported employment. It was there I developed my true belief that ALL people can should work. With the proper support this can happen. From Careernet I continued onto Special People in the Northeast (SPIN) where I continued this work. In 2004 I returned to Networks and began exploring other ways to bring about change in our system. I have been directly involved with many of our small transition projects working directly with individuals and their teams to look at other ways a school day could look like as youth begin to transition from high school. In the past few years I have been the co-facilitator of our CIE 101 training in the city of Philadelphia. I have presented both locally and nationally on the topic of support and Assistive technology.
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board: My main contribution is my passion. My knowledge around supports and technology could also be of assistance.
Nominee Name: Dana Olsen
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: Human Service professional, 36 years; PA Office of Developmental Programs, 34 years; Consultant, 20 years; Direct Support Professional, 3 years; Advocate, 15 years.
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board: Understanding of system development challenge; state and federal (national) constructs; ideas and commitment to employment. Dana is the current Secretary for PA APSE.
Nominee Name: Corey Smith
History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: Twenty six years of involvement in supported employment, past Michigan APSE board member and president, PA APSE former board member and president. Career committed to improving employment outcomes and positive systems change. Corey is the current Legislative Liaison.
Anticipated contribution to the Pennsylvania APSE Board: Continue to push for positive change locally, statewide, and nationally.
Instructions: FAX your BALLOT showing your vote to (Attention: Randy)412-456-2145 or email to by December 17th. Thank you for casting your vote for your PA APSE Board of Directors!