North Carolina Conference


The United Methodist Church

700 Waterfield Ridge Pl., Garner, NC 27529

800-849-4433 Fax: 919-773-2308

email: or

2018 Mission Seed Funds Application – Over $1000

Application Due – October 9, 2017)

Organization Information
Organization Name
District / Fed. I.D. #
Physical Street Address
City / State / Zip Code / County
Mailing Address
(if different than street address)
City / State / Zip Code / County
Phone Number / Fax Number
Web Address
Fiscal Year End Date / Are You Duke Endowment Eligible?


Salutation / First Name / MI / Last Name
Title / E-mail
Phone Number / Ext.
Preferred Mailing Address
City / State / Zip Code / County


Salutation / First Name / MI / Last Name
Title / E-mail
Phone Number / Ext.
Mailing Address
City / State / Zip Code / County

Ministry Information

Ministry Title
Purpose of Mission Seed Fund (one sentence)
Total Fund Request Amount / $ / Total Ministry Cost / $
Projected Start Date / Projected End Date
Ministry Focus
(The Four Foci): / __ / Make Disciples of Jesus Christ / __ / Strengthen, develop, and renew Christian congregations and communities / __ / Alleviate human suffering, engaged in ministry with the poor
__ / Seek Justice, Freedom, and Peace
Describe the level of direct participation by United Methodists lay persons

Opportunity or Issue

1. What is the opportunity or issue that the ministry is engaging?
What need is being addressed? What will you be doing?
2. What is the geographic service area? Where will the ministry take place? What area will you serve?
3. How many individuals within the service area could benefit from the ministry? What is their circumstance? What are the demographics? Of the group named above, who are the individuals the ministry will serve?


4. What is the proposed ministry? Overview of the ministry, giving the big picture. What, when, where, how?
5. Describe your plan and the critical steps to accomplish your goals and objectives. Give specific sequential activities and actions needed to complete the ministry. (The “road map” from beginning to end.) What were the intentional activities to assure spiritual formation in this ministry process?


6. Identify those results the church or organization is committed to achieving. What specific things do you expect to happen to/for those served by this ministry? What will change? Who will be affected? How many will be affected?
7. How will you measure your results? What instruments will you use to do the measuring? Who will be responsible for the measuring? How often will you measure? What predictive factors will indicate that the ministry is on course? Examples – pre and post test, surveys, observations based on empirical evidence and previous goals and expectations.

Tracking Success

8. How will share the success of your ministry? To whom will you tell the story? What methods will you use to tell your story? What do you expect to accomplish by telling your story?
9. What are the key factors that will make the program sustainable over time? What needs to happen to keep the program going over the “long run?” (Funding sources, leadership, volunteer support, continual staffing, congregational support, etc. beyond the initial funding.)

Key People and Groups

10. Who will lead the ministry and be responsible for achieving results? If the leader is the pastor, who will assume leadership if the pastor moves? How is future leadership encouraged and developed?
11. Who are the key people delivering the ministry? How will this ministry transform those United Methodists entering into the ministry?
12. How will the congregation/
organization support the leader, volunteers, and ministry? Have they specifically committed to provide financial support, salary support, staff time, office and meeting space, material, equipment, supplies, transportation, etc. (This should be reflected on your budget form – actual dollars and in-kind support, i.e., value of non-cash support.) How has the congregation named their commitment to the ministry?
13. Are there any partners critical for ministry success? If so, please list them, indicate what specific role they must play to achieve success and include the evidence that they are committed to that role, i.e., letters of commitment or support, financial support, staffing, material, space, etc.

The District Superintendent for the region in which this ministry resides has been notified about this request and ministry on: Date:

NC Conference Ministry Seed Funds

Instructions for Submitting Seed Fund Application,

Budget and Supporting Materials

** Please submit all documents electronically. (Application, Budget, & Cover-letter)

To submit electronically:

1)  Save the completed application and budget to your hard drive and attach with the document listed below.

·  Brief Cover Letter with Pastor's/Director’s Signature - Acknowledges that the information included in the application is complete and accurate.

2)  E-mail to Kathy Duncan – . Include your congregation/organization’s name in the subject line along with Mission Seed Fund Application.

All submissions must be made electronically at email:

** Please note: Applications that are incomplete cannot be received and processed. Please ensure you have positive feedback that we have received your complete application package.