Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Form for Transmission projects
- General Information
a)Name of the project:
b)Proposal for new project/expansion of existing project :
c)Name of the project proponent with following details
i)Name of the applicant:
d)Length (in kilometers)
e)Starting place From To
f)Type and nature of the project
g)Cost of the project
h)Source(s) and destination(s) of power
Dzongkhag / Geog / Village / Distance (Km)Total Distance (Km)
- Geographical details
a) Latitude
b) Longitude
c) Elevation above Mean Sea Level
- Land requirement and land use
a)Describe the nature of terrain along the length of the transmission line
b)Alternative route and alignment considered, if yes, then, state the reason for selecting the alignment/route
c)Does the proposed alignment/route conform to the approved land use? If applicable (To be certified by the concerned Department)
If not, clearly indicate which of the stretches are not as per approved land use.
d)Does it conform to the Five Year Development Plan?
Yes No
e)Areas of land use along transmission line RoW
Facility / Chushing / Kamshing / Tseri / Tsamdo / Sokshing / Broadleaf / Conifer forest / Scrub land / Total (km2 )Transmission line RoW
Actual corridor clearing required
f)Areas of land use required for sub stations (m2)
Facility / Chushing / Kamshing / Tseri / Tsamdo / Sokshing / Broadleaf / Conifer forest / Scrub land / Total (km2 )Substation 1
Substation 1
Total area requiring clearance (m2)
g)Protected area details for transmission line
Name of protected area / Length of transmission line in different zones within the protected area (km) / Total Length (km)Enclave zone / Buffer zone / Core zone / Seasonal grazing zone / Administrative zone / Multiple use zone
h)Protected area details for sub-stations
Name of protected area / Area occupied by Sub-stations in different zones within the protected area (km) / Total Length (km)Enclave zone / Buffer zone / Core zone / Seasonal grazing zone / Administrative zone / Multiple use zone
i)Cultural and heritage site details
Name of cultural heritage / LocationEasting / Coordinates
Northing / Describe the significance of site. Is the site listed with Department of Culture
j)Land Ownership and affected household details
Facility / Chu-shing / Kam-shing / Tseri / Tsamdo / Sok-shing / Forest / Scrub land / Wetland[1] / TotalOwnership / Households (HH) / O / HH / O / HH / O / HH / O / HH / O / HH
Sub-Station 1
Sub-Station 2
Transmission Line
Total affected households (no.)
k)Losses of houses and other infrastructure
Facility / Houses (no.) / Other infrastructure, describeSub-station 1
Sub-station 2
Sub-station 3
Transmission Line
Total (no)
- Describe the surface and sub-surface water bodies including an inventory of number of rivers, streams, springs, water crossings falling along the RoW of the transmission line.
- On a Map or Google map describe and earmark the potential landslide areas along the transmission line route/alignment
- Site Preparation
a)Is the proposed route/alignment located in low-lying area?
Yes No
b)Does it involve earth cutting?
Yes No
If yes, please furnish the following details:
i.Size of the area to be cut.
ii. Depth of cut
iii. Location
iv. Soil type
v. Volume and quantity of earth and other material to be removed
vi. Location of dump site.
c)Does the site preparation require cutting of trees?
Yes No
If yes, please furnish the following details:
i)How many trees are proposed to be cut?
ii)Species of the above trees
iii)Are there any protected/endangered species?
Yes No.
If yes, provide details:
d)Describe soil profile, composition, average thickness and estimate approximate total quantity of top soil (m3) to be generated along the proposed route/alignment.
e)Detailed information on any access roads to be constructed.
i)If roads are being constructed mention whether they are ‘Temporary’ or ‘Permanent.’
ii)If temporary, whether alternative means of transportation such as ‘cableway’ were considered or not.
- Presence of any of the following along the RoW of the transmission and distribution line
a)Historical site
b)Important installation
c)Presence of religious or archaeological site
d)National park/sanctuary/protected areas
e)Any other
- Design and engineering features of transmission lines, such as:
a)Voltage level………………………….KV
b)Length of line……………………… Km
c)Right of Way (RoW) width…………..m
d)Tower type, number and composition of towers (number of towers on private land), manholes (if any)[2]
e)Tower height
f)Number of substations
g)Area required for each sub-station
h)Conductors: Number of lines and circuits, composition and diameter, minimum height over ground level for overhead lines, depth and trench and fill specifications for buried lines
i)Number and designs of substations to be constructed or modified or operated in conjunction with the transmission lines
- Does the proposed RoW of the transmission line has potential to affect the avi-fauna (Yes/No) If yes, give an account of the species and the season .
- Solid Waste
a)Expected quantity of solid waste likely to be generated during transmission line construction (tonnes/day)
c)Others (Please specify)
d)Describe the method of disposal of solid waste
- Construction Phase
a)Estimated duration of construction and setting up of transmission lines
b)Number of persons to be employed
- Peak
- Average
c)Proposal for employment of local people.
- List of documents to be attached with the IEE form for transmission and distribution projects:
1 / A map specifying the proposed route and alignment considered
2 / Summary of the project proposal
3 / No objection certificate from various departments and others relevant stakeholders (applicable if EA is not required)
4 / Environment Management Plan (applicable if EA is not required)
- Declaration certificate stating with name & signature of project proponent
Seal: Signature of the project proponent
[1] Wetland is not paddy field but flat marshland areas which are normally rich habitats for terrestrial and aquatic life
[2] EIA Technical Review Guidelines: Energy Generation and Transmission, 2011