Background Information about Flowers for Algernon
- Please complete the answers to the following questions. Answer the questions with a complete sentence; use a subject, verb and object.
- After you finish typing your answers, please save your document. Go to the Office Button and click SAVE AS. For your file name use the following file name and format:
ffa_backgroundinformation_your first name
Example: ffa_backgroundinformation_maria - After you have finished and saved your file, log on to Angel. Find the folder in Class/Week1 with the name: FFA Background Submit Answers
- Copy and Paste the name of the exercise into the Subject/Title space.
- Go to the bottom and click the button Attachment.
- Click the Browse button to find the file that you have just saved on your flash drive
- Click on the name of your file and then click the Open button.
- Click the Upload button.
- Then click finished.
- You must see the name of your file in blue under the word Attachments. This will show you that you have successfully attached the file.
- Then click the Submit button. This will send your exercise to Dan and he will correct the exercise.
- Please check your email to the correction of your exercise. If you don’t see the corrections to your exercises after two or three days, be sure to let Dan know!
*Remember to use a line break when you need to add more space or insert information. Hold the Shift key + Enter Key (If you press only the Enter key, you will keep getting a new number and you don’t want to do that.
Go to the following web page:
- When and where was Daniel Keyes born?
- Where does Daniel Keyes live now and how old is he?
- What degrees did he earn from college? (What subject areas?)
- What was his job when (just before) he retired?
- When was Flowers for Algernon first published?
- How many fiction books has he published?
- How many non-fiction books has he published?
- Click on the link Locus Magazine, June 1997 interview.
How many countries has Flowers for Algernon been published in? - Is there a film of Flowers for Algernon?
- What did publishers want Daniel Keyes to change about his book when he first presented the book to them for publication?
- What happened to Daniel Keyes that made him feel like a rock star?
What is intelligence? Return to the Flowers for Algernon background web link.
- What do the letters “I” and “Q” mean in IQ?
- Click on the link for Take an IQ test. Click on the sample questions. What are the different kinds of intelligence that the test measures?
- Go back to the Flowers for Algernon background web link. Click on the Multiple Intelligences link. What is intelligence according to the information you find?
What are some other mental tests?
- Who is Herman Rorschach?
- What is the purpose of an inkblot test?
- What do each of the images look like or represent to you? (Don’t ask other students until you have finished!)
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5