Background Check Information
The following information will help you conduct a background check on your final candidate(s). If you have questions regarding background checks and the procedures, please call our staff for more information. All final candidates must have a background check completed before an offer is extended.
The following are areas which can be checked, depending on the nature of the position and its specific duties:
Criminal: A criminal check is required for EVERY position, including volunteers and special community members.
Credit and Motor Vehicle Report: These must be requested based on requirements of the position. If requesting a credit check, please contact Human Resources prior to submitting the background check request form to ensure applicability.
Past Employment and/or Education: These two checks are optional but encouraged. It is strongly advised that these checks be completed either by the department or by Human Resources.
Key information to ensure a smooth process
- Background check request form must be submitted by the hiring manager in order to initiate a new background check.
- All department information, hiring manager name, and DU ID, if applicable, need to be complete. Not having this information will delay the processing of the check. Please make sure to have correct spelling of name and e‐mail address in order to ensure that the proper individual receives the background check invitation.
- Please inform individuals they will be receiving an email from HireRight, not directly from a University of Denver email, and to please check spam folders. This email from HireRight will include a login link and temporary password. After completing a simple online form with personal information, an electronic consent form required underthe Fair Credit Reporting and Disclosure Act must be completed before the process begins. It is also important to let the individual know that they may receive a call from HireRight in order to get additional information.
- Results of the background check will be sent electronically to Human Resources within 2‐5 business days. Background checks may be required in several states depending on how long the person has been in the state of Colorado. Additional checks can result in delayed processing time.
- Once favorable results are received by Human Resources, the hiring manager will receive an e‐mail with the candidates DU ID along with other valuable links to complete the hiring process. For background checks completed on volunteers, favorable results will be sent directly to the requester.
*A friendly reminder: for individuals who were previously employed at the University and had a background check conducted, a new background check is not required if the rehire takes place within 90 days of seperation date. Work award students, whose work award status hasnot changed from the previous academic year, will not be required to have a new background check if rehired within 120 days of previous separation date. Please contact Human Resources if you have questions regarding rehire status of employees.
The HR Office Assistant at 303-871-7420 and theHR Coordinator at 303-871-3502are available to answer questions or provide assistance.