ADVANCED Architectural Project (Roof Framing and detail drawings & models)

This project is designed to provide the students with the fundamentals of architecture floor framing and foundations. This will include the principles and techniques of architectural drawing/design with computer–aided design.


The student will be provided time to complete a set of working drawings as well complete a detailed to scale model of all drawings.(all parts on model must be labeled)

Time Frame

15days (one hour each day) some days students will only have one hour that day due to other assignments Construction of the models are to be done in class and at home as well as the drawings.For students to finish this project it will take lots of hours at home as do the drawings and preparing the model

Points Possible 200 pts Total

Detailed drawings 100 pts each

Detailed models 100 pts each

Final Due Date

On or before December 21st 2005 (No exceptions, No excuses)


-Students are to do research regarding their individual project (Pictures, measurements, reading books about your project, library visits, Internet searches, road trips that involve viewing a example of their project, letters to professionals regarding their project, and any other additional research that may be needed)


-Students are to complete a set of working drawings

-There grade will depend on the quality of each drawing as well as how many drawings are finished.

-The following drawings and models are to be done

Riley- Scissors Truss, Dual Pitch Truss, Flat Truss, Howe Truss, King Post Truss, Fink Truss PAGE 587

NOTE: All Trusses should be built to span a 128 foot section (outside of wall to outside of wall) A 4 /12 pitch should be used on all roofs except for the flat truss and the dual pitch truss for the dual pitch truss one pitch should be 4/12 the other pitch should be 8/12

-Things that will need to be include in the set of drawings are as followed:

Cover Page

Detailed Title blocks

The scale of each drawing in proportion to its model 1/16 scale will be used in all drawings and all models as well

Additional things to know

-A drawing that is not complete or not adequate quality will not count.

-Student is to work on there drawings independently.

-All information needed is in your textbook

-All drawings must relate to there model or they will not count

-All drawings if possible be done on the same scale keep scale 1/16 inch equals a foot

-Perfection and detail counts

-Students are to read the following chapters on there own regarding each drawing when one has questions.

CH 30 Roof Framing Drawings


Students will need to make a detailed 3D scale model of their design. The following is what the student will be held responsible for.

*Scale, everything must be to scale

*Detail, the model must have as much detail as the actual structure itself.

*Depending on if it applies detail should be interior as well as exterior

*Shapes, and materials used will all be judged and graded.

*Complexity counts

*Truss models will need to placed on a piece of card board stock truss will need to be labeled accordingly

*Some materials will be supplied but most will have to be your own creativity and brought to class yourself.

-Resources will be available from the teacher. Students must use and refer to model making resources that will be supplied by the teacher in order for them to be successful in model making of such detailed parts.

Over all Project Procedures

-Students will need to stay focused and stay busy there should not be any off time during this project students are to stay on task

-A progress grade will be taken at teacher discretion

When finished the student is to turn in the following:

Two detailed drawings

Two detailed 3D scale model of each detailed drawing

Beeeeee Creative/ Try your Best/ Apply yourself/ Most important HAVE FUN