Agent Management System

Java RSC 1 - Core Java-JDBC, ANSI SQL-Oracle, Hibernate, Spring Core and Spring MVC

Integrated Assessment


Table of Contents

1.0 Important Instructions 3

2.0 Business Requirement - Overview 3

3.0 Technical Specifications 3

3.1 Software Requirements 3

3.2 System Requirements 4

3.2.1 System Environment 4 Agent Addition Module 4

3.3 Design Constraints: 4

3.4 UI Design - Wireframes 5

3.5 Design Specification 6

3.6 Pre-requisite Steps 6

4.0 Assessment Deliverables 7

4.1 Deliverables - expectations from an associate 7

4.2 Associate Checklist 7

Agent Management System

1.0  Important Instructions

1.  All the required software are placed in Javaca folder. If using Toolwire, you can find Javaca folder at location: C:\Users\student\Desktop else if using cognizant VM, you can find it in D: drive.

2.  Open the Eclipse IDE available in Javaca -> SDE_7_SSH -> bin.

3.  Refer to the manual provided in this document for environment setup. You can also refer to http://caportal/javaca/index.html for a few more user manuals and API documentations (Navigate to the appropriate skill, in which you are attempting the assessment).

4.  Adhere to the design specifications mentioned in the case study.

5.  Do not change or delete the class/method names or return types which are provided to you as a part of base code skeleton.

6.  Please make sure that your code does not have any compilation errors while submitting your case study solution.

7.  Please use Maven for building and packaging your solution as WAR.

8.  The final solution should NOT be a WAR file, it should be a zipped code having solution, WAR file and Java code files for Unit test cases. WAR file will be used to Test/Validate the Application. Solution code will be used to perform Static code evaluation.

9.  Please reach out to proctors if you have any query.

2.0  Business Requirement - Overview

The client would like to develop an independent application Agent Management System (IAMS) website, which is used for insurance agent maintenance for an insurance consultant.

3.0  Technical Specifications

3.1  Software Requirements

Tools/APIs / JDK 1.6, Eclipse IDE
Spring Core and MVC 3.x
Hibernate 4.x
Oracle 11g/mysql
Spring Test 3.x
DB Units 2.x
JUnits 4.x
Maven 3.x
Server / Tomcat 6 / Tomcat installation directory is available under Javaca folder.

3.2  System Requirements

Implement the requirement given in the System Requirement Document as attached below and kindly refer to the table below for quick references of the document:

Sl. No. / Description / Section in the System Requirement Document
1 / Skills to be used to implement this requirement /

3.2.1 System Environment

2. / System Requirements include:
·  Functional Requirements
·  Business Rules & Validations / Agent Addition Module

3.3  Design Constraints:

1)  Implement the code using best design standards.

2)  Use Internationalization for all the labels and messages.

3)  Spring Validator should be used for all the Validations.

4)  Do not use System out statements for logging. Use appropriate logging methods for logging statements/variable/return values.

5)  Use Maven to build the project and create WAR file. Skeleton provided is having basic jars included in pom.xml. You are free to use any jar files by modifying pom.xml, but make sure that the jar files are specific to the versions provided in software requirements. Ex. For Spring framework, you should use 3.X jars.

6)  Use Spring Testing to perform testing of Spring Application. Test suite need to be executed using Maven.

3.4  UI Design - Wireframes

UI wireframes with the required layouts are as below.

Note: You will not be evaluated based on UI design (layout, color, formatting etc). You are free to have basic UI with all the required UI components (input fields, buttons and labels). Use Sample.html given in skeleton code (placed inside WebContent folder) to design your jsp page.

Agent Addition:

3.5  Design Specification

Design specifications document is attached below.

3.6  Pre-requisite Steps

1.  Please open Eclipse available inside Javaca -> SDE_7_SSH -> bin folder.

2.  Please use the following base code skeleton for development. Skeleton code needed for development is packaged in this base code skeleton. Download this and save under Javaca folder. Use File -> Import option in SDE and start your coding.

  1. Import Maven project using manual given below. Unzip the given below and use it for Maven configuration:
  1. Add Tomcat server in IDE and use it to run the application. Or use the manual given below to deploy your application manually in Tomcat server.
  1. Please use the following script file to create DB tables:
  1. Use the manual below to run your SQL script:

4.0  Assessment Deliverables

4.1  Deliverables - expectations from an associate

1.  Packaged code files (Source code and WAR).

2.  Automated Test scripts – The automated code files (Spring Test) should be a part of your solution package.

3.  Create manual unit cases for all the possible scenarios. Use the template attached.

Zip the entire project along with Automated Test scripts and Manual Test cases using Winzip and upload the entire solution to Moodle.

4.2  Associate Checklist

Checklist to be used before submitting the case study solution

  1. Code does not have any compilation error.
  2. The code, submitted, is meeting all the requirements.
  3. Unit test cases are created and uploaded along with the solution.
  4. WAR file is generated with the latest code and is present in target folder, which is part of the final zip.