Back to School Night - VV 5&6
Good Evening and thank you for attending the General meeting. I am Sophia Goldstein and proud to be your PTO president this school year. I would like to welcome back our returning families and extend a big WELCOME to all the new families in our community.
The PTO board and I invite you to get ready for an exciting and successful school year. The PTO is proud to be an active and integral part of the Watchung School district supporting the faculty, staff, parents and most importantly our students. We have been busy exploring programs, events and opportunities aimed at enhancing the educational environment for our students this year.
First, I ask you to Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our website It has gotten a slight face-lift this summer. There you can show your support by renewing or purchasing your annual membership and creating a free account.
EVERYTHING you need to know is on the website, It is updated daily with informational content.
Thru the PTO’s fundraising efforts, and your help, we have been able to provide additional chrome books, technology, STEM labs, Author Visits, monetary grants to all departments and of course this year, Narratives of Courage. PTO Fundraising dollars for the past 4 years has been $50,000 in end of year gifts.
Fundraising: Out front you may have walked by some tables with Kid Stuff Coupon books, Watchung Wear and Box Tops Fundraisers. You can show your support by purchasing Kid stuff Coupon books, Watchung Wear or participating in the Fall Food Fundraiser. Box Tops are a great way to fundraise without spending extra money, last year we accumulated $700 worth of box tops. Also on the website are script gift cards as well as going through the PTO website to make purchases at such businesses as Amazon, Macy’s and more.
Watchung is a community based on vibrant parent involvement. We rely on your support for the many events and programs we are planning this year. No level of participation is too little. Your contribution, whether it is your time, talent, knowledge or resources will be greatly appreciated. New this year is the PTO President’s 1 Hour Challenge. I encourage everyone to participate by volunteering 1 hour from now until the end of the school year. Easy, Right? Please fell free to contact myself or anyone on the board to find opportunities to volunteer.
A Few Announcements:
- Our first event of the school was the Ice Cream Social on Friday September 8thwhere we served close to 400 bowls of Ice Cream! I wanted to thank Eunice Aridi for chairing the event as well as the many parent ice cream scoopers. Special Thank you to the Irving Family for donating the ice cream, syrups and toppings.
- Food Sales will start this Monday September 25th
To stay up to date on events, check out the PTO website and attend the meetings usually held on the 2ndTuesday of every month. The first PTO meeting is tomorrow at 10am (9:30 for class parents) held at Bayberry in the apr room. This year, starting in October we will be having PTO recap meetings in the evenings for those of you who cannot make the morning meetings. They will be held on Tuesday the evening of the regular PTO meeting here at Valley View in the apr room, 8pm. We look forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting new ones!
Lastly, I would like to send a special shout out to all the parent volunteers who generously give their time year after year. The PTO thanks you and look forward to your continued support.
Enjoy the rest of your evening!